Tree of Savior Forum

I am extremely disappointed. Hear me out

First things first: for how tremendously buggy ToS was in CBT and still is now, I still loved it, taking the flaws as being charming rather than annoying.

But this is no longer a test. IMC, you have people currently paying you real money to play your game. These are mostly people who have already played the game before and wish to contribute their financial support just so they can play sooner. And what frustrates me is that the issues the game had back in CBT are worse now.

There’s hardly enough server space to support people who paid for exclusive access. Mind you, I’m typing all of this as I have been waiting in queue to even play for roughly half an hour. Probably still at least another 20 mins at the minimum before I can even do anything. This would be understandable on an F2P server, I guess. But it’s not even F2P yet and the game is so tremendously overloaded that not even the early access folks can even play the game. This is unacceptable.

And even when you get in, maps are often overcrowded, and the game often crashes with “CommanderLoadFail” when you try to change servers. And the lag spikes are unbearable. And what’s worse is that it’s not even an FPS issue with my computer-- I can play Final Fantasy XIV at the highest possible quality and still be at over 60 FPS in crowded areas. Easily. No, this lag is certainly serverside, where you can’t even talk to NPCs for quests-- you click them and nothing happens-- or you try to complete a quest dialogue and you cannot because they won’t even respond.

Now. Consider both of these issues, and think about how much worse it will be once ToS goes F2P in a month. What is already unacceptably poor right now will become outright unplayable. It’s already bad enough that the servers are a couple days old now and already overloaded, but they’re already being botted as well? It’s obscene.

Forgive my bitterness, but I don’t really expect improvement and I feel like I’m out $50, but I would very deeply hope that you guys can turn this around so I can continue enjoying this as I did back in CBT.

These flaws are not charming anymore. Please, IMC. Step it up. Please do something.

EDIT: Finally got in, and got a CommanderLoadFail right as I tried to leave Klaipeda. Wonderful!


What you describe only happens on certain server at certain times, as ex. I played the last few hours on Orsha nearly without any lags and theres no queue since yestetday.
Yeah, there are some annoying bugs, but I think the overall experience is much more smoother when the lags are gone.
But just like you, what I really fear is the f2p start , IMC has to put at least 2-4 servers online, when they want to avoid that this desaster happens again.

What I don’t understand, is why people gets angry right after launch. I exprienced already similar launched, like Blade and Souls where the players stuck in qeue for 12 hours and more. It’s really just somethinh that happens to must of thr hyped MMOs.

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But it shouldn’t, which is my point of irritation. People are paying for a product and the supply is not meeting the demand. I’m angry because it’s showing a lack of preparation on IMC’s part to accommodate all of the customers who paid for a service. And this isn’t some case of being “entitled” or demanding too much-- I just want the damned game to work, you know?

And honestly, I’m a little uneasy that you say that waiting 12 hours is normal. It should not be. Nobody has time for that! And if it’s only going to get worse once F2P starts, I honestly feel like I’ve been completely ripped off.

I am also noticing that monster respawn rates are lower, too. Sort of like in Tenet Chapel, which used to be flooded with monsters ripe for the grinding? Barely so anymore. Not that it matters, every channel seems to have more people in their waiting for the mob to regenerate that they practically outnumber them!

I just think this is all pretty ridiculous that these issues were not solved or at least anticipated so they could at least look into trying to mitigate them. I was really excited to get back into this, but I honestly feel like the game is really hard to enjoy as it is-- and they shouldn’t have bothered getting it up and running when it clearly was not ready. If this game is so hyped, there should have been space to meet the demand, and that includes opening the international servers BEFORE people get started up, because now Klaipeda and Orsha are so clogged with players that not even changing channels fixes anything. (If you even can at all. I mean, gotta love getting a window that says “The server is too full” or “CommanderLoadFail” and crashing the game.)


You know whets funny the point you said its worst then the CBT hmmm every game I’ve played the bugs in CBT that are normally fixed often reappear when the game goes live or they worsen… never have I played a game gone live has it never had a few bugs that was fixed in CBT…

What is annoying is people pointing out faults with a game on the level of MMORPG check the forum for example there are people demanding server transfer like it can be done easy and instantly without error or people demanding something to be fixed without even giving any details to what the problem is normally in this format.

“(quest name) broken please fix !!!”

Just give it some time let the dev team work stop hounding at there legs remember there not slaves in a sweatshop if there’s a bug or error in the game report it on the correct forum with details to what the problem is and how it occurred and a timestamp or some pictures and leave it to the Dev team to try and fix it.

People do not understand how hard it is to program things let alone program a MMOrpg.

The thing is that you mention about people buying a product but did anyone do there research before buying a product because ignorance in my eyes is not a excuse I do grow tired that people will blame a company on a video game such as a MMO where it is mentioned there could be bugs/errors but because its not 100% perfect they start to pull the hole hostage mentality with “omg I want a refund now if this is not done”

by the way this is not directed at you 100% so don’t take it to heart just me venting lol

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I couldn’t agree more with Framboise.
Coming home after a long Day just to wait half an hour or even more to start playing a 50$ game, just to get Commander Load Fail after a few minutes of playing, sending you right back into waiting. This is really not acceptable in any way. Also i dont see that it will get any better for the next month until the Server transfer comes around.

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I won’t take it to heart because what you were referring to was not at all what I meant anyway, and I do agree with you. :v

I can understand and certainly dislike that hostage mentality you mention, but I’m neither demanding a refund nor expecting minor bugs to be changed right away, or at all. IMC can have their money for what I already paid, but how they respond to the glaring problems this has and how much they listen to their playerbase will determine if I spend any more in the future.

What I am more concerned and frustrated about is that it was seen as fit to release something that clearly was not ready to meet the demand. I would have not at all minded waiting a while longer for them to prepare. But the state the game is in now is ominous, because it’s hardly playable as it is sometimes-- and I don’t want to imagine how it will be after this month once the floodgates open. A big selling point of the early exclusive access was to be able to play on servers without heavy traffic, but now it’s so heavy you have to wait an hour to even be allowed to play? I don’t even remember CBT doing that.

So it’s not the bugs I’m concerned about as I am that the whole state of affairs was poorly managed. I understand that it takes time to fix things, but what I want is some transparency as to why the subpar service this is turning out to be is something I should have to be satisfied with. This is a place to give feedback, after all, so I want to at least be heard.

Yeah, I totally agree with Framboise and csf-derfast… We are paying for this game and you can’t even play it, these lag spikes are really frustrating and the shout spam breaks the experience entirely. It’s the first couple days of game and these problems (at least the shout spammers) should be solved quickly. I really hope IMC will fix these problems asap and before the game opens to F2P

I just shut shouts off so I don’t have to see them. The vast majority of the time, they’re just ad spam and Portuguese overflow anyway.

In other topic people are saying that just deactivating the shout system still affects the game performance, because when the player send the shout message for the server, that message is still being sended for everyone playing the game, even if you deactivated it so… :confused: We are still being affected by the gold spammers

I guess people should have thought about it more when they complained about the original 3 months plan and just let IMC do their thing.


Wait for the transfers to happen, lag will be gone. It’s not their fault that no one is switching to extra servers that they opened, people simply don’t want to restart their characters, so they are waiting for the transfers and still playing on Klaipeda/Orsha, which is why you’re lagging at peak hours.

They did what they could for that, but they can’t force people to start over.

Also, it is still a test. It’s an early access and once the early access is over, it will be an open beta, not a release. So yes, it is still a testing phase.

If you didn’t expect improvements, you shouldn’t have payed for the EA in the first place. :stuck_out_tongue:

The “CommanderLoadFail” thing didn’t happen to me once yet, nor any of my friends. In fact, I never crashed once yet.

Only problem that I’m having is lag at peak hours, which is normal, because everyone is jammed on Klaipeda/Orsha and until transfers happen, it’s going to be this way.

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CommanderLoadFail = change ch
waiting in queue = change ch

You are paying for Early Access, which was made obvious. EA, especially for an MMO that has been live for 3 days is going to be very volatile.

I would not expect the game to be fully playable for at least a couple weeks.

What I am saying is that I don’t honestly think the transfers are going to matter. Once EA ends and F2P begins, we’re going to have the exact same problem. And you misunderstand me. I don’t expect improvements from what I’ve been observing-- I did expect an improvement from what CBT had to offer, and that is why I paid for it.

Of course, I understand the notion of caveat emptor as well, and that’s why I’m not saying that there should be any refunds, but that also does not absolve them from crtiticism. And had I known, I probably would have waited after all. Hindsight is 20/20, and time machines don’t exist, so…

How are they not going to matter?

Go play on EU server, it’s flawless, lag-wise.

There’s too many people from US, so they have 2 US server, but both US servers are packed with EU/SEA/SA players, until the transfers happen.

SA players are getting their own server from Levelup, they won’t even be with us most likely (Unless IMC changes their mind based on rants from SA players)

As for f2p opening, that’s a thing for another day, wait for the transfers and enjoy the game in EA for now.

If the same things happens on f2p opening, they will obviously deal with it, they certainly can’t just leave it like that, it’s not good for anyone.

Also, I have no idea why you’re having so many problems. I didn’t crash once, I ran in some bugs that are still here from iCBT2, but nothing game breaking. I lag like everyone else on peak hours, but the server is fine (Klaipeda) in the morning and during the day.

No offense, seeing you installed FF XIV already give me a hint. I need either quitting FF XIV or invest new computer in order to make my computer smooth which I choose first option lol…

Mrgh, fair enough. I’m still annoyed with the way this has been done so far, but if you’re confident that things will improve after the transfers, what you say does make sense.

@rveins I have no idea what you are talking about. You lost me.

Hey, I see you’re really optimistic to changes when we get more servers, but they should have estimated this better before launching the game… When they sold the early access IMC could estimate how much people would be playing the game. Also, I can only play the game on peak hours, as a lot of players that can’t play during the morning and day, and this isn’t fair with all this people who just want to enjoy the game they`re paying for after a long day of work. So all of this is really frustrating and should be solved as soon as possible.

I’m pretty sure they ARE trying to solve it as soon as possible. They opened the servers, people refuse to switch over, because they made progress. Now they are working on transfers, so that’s all there is to it. They are pressured, so there’s no way that they’re not working on it as fast as they can.

Anyone who’s been here for a while knows that I don’t support majority of things that IMC does. I’m defending this now, because they actually deserve to be defended for this.

What I’m concerned about is how 50% of the community keeps on supporting all these p2w aspects and restrictions of basic mmorpg functions. I’m way more concerned about that and what it will do to the game in the long run.


That’s what I’m concerned about, what everyone should be concerned about. Things that can actually ruin the game (Not for IMC obviously, they get money, but for the players), and not some temporary lag at the beginning of the service.

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Are you sure these new servers were made so people could switch over? They are for European and Oceania players, aren’t they?

But ok, I see you’re concerned for the long run, and I’m too… I can only hope that IMC is trying to fix these problems asap.