Tree of Savior Forum

How to trade silver?

I have a token.

Was gonna give my brother some silvers. tried to trade. but we do not have any idea how to trade it.

You dont tradeing silver is no allowed at all

WTF!!! GOD DAMN!!! This is bullshit.

like not even with token? this is funny.

i wonder how the hell the gold-sellers plan to do it, then :smiley:

The I guess they are just scamming.

put an item on MP

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They use the auction house to give silver, even with the penalty

Ohhh I see. Soo you put an item Overpriced and the other player purchases it?

DAMN THAT IS 1% registration fee and a 20%“with token” commission fee

so for 1,000,000 zeny.
Registration = 10,000
Commission Fee = 200,000
1,000,000 - 220,000


Continuing the discussion from [MAJOR COMPLAINT] Market now requires cash to use + trading removed:

i’ll just leave it at there . sick of telling people it’s P2W and they say it’s not.


Oh my God … Well that post was from December, for the Korean version. Do we know if they plan to do the same here? If you have to use TP to even use the auction house AT ALL, I’ll seeya later.

I refuse to be nickle and dimed by a damn game for terrible reasons.

i don’t have token so i’m only allowed to put one item at a time for a given amount of time . only way to increase this is to pay and buy tokens COUGH

and your point?

1; you do not REQUIRE the marketplace AT ALL to play. you CAN do it by yourself and just farm/craft your own items. hell, i remember when – wait, hang on while i get out my walker – BACK IN MAH DAY~!!

lol. but yea; way back when, there was no such thing as an auction house. (and then were no gold-sellers spamming endlessly, and trading was free and unlimited, and on and on. mixed bag.)

2; you DO have access to it. oh sure, premium has more slots and lower fees, and bla bla bla. isn’t that why they pay for premium? that doesn’t make it pay2win, it makes it pay-for-convenience.

if you wanna complain about cash, go out and farm it. i made about 100k yesterday in a couple of hours farming Shredded in the Crystal mines (damned scrap of cloth… never did get it.) about 1/3 cash, and the rest from just dumping trash gear/items to the merchants. save your auction slot for big-ticket items, instead of fiddly little scraps like common swords. Shredded piece of cloth - no listings, too rare a drop. Shredded spirit matter - about 200k, 2 listings only. Dio Rod - “only” 80k or so.
and that’s just from the Shredded on floor 2. most mobs in the game have similar high-rarity drops. and many of those high-rarity drops are required for the Collection for that map.

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Fking mainland chinas… I feel disgusted knowing we share the same root from like a centuries ago.