Tree of Savior Forum

How to stop RMT through the Auction House

This is where you’re ignorant, this does a lot of stuff besides stop RMT, it also allows players to see the common price for items(stops them from getting scammed) and it allows players to “challenge” other sellers, it also slows down a lot of items from fluctuating in prices. It stops scams and keep the economy happy and healthy.

Honestly i don’t think you read what i said because you followed with.

Once again IMC has pre determined values for things on the market so lets use a hypothetical example of a item called apple.

Apple can be sold on the ah for 200-500 silver because its a trash drop.

People can’t get scammed because no one is allowed to over price the item due to IMCs enforced limits.

You can’t challenge other sellers because once your at 200 that is where everyone is.

Understand now?

Is exactly the reason why your proposed system wont work. There are just way to many possible modifications for equipment that RMTers can easily find the one without any competition and use it.

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I agree

But i also think our current system is flawed and needs a re design to punish the right people and get the innocent out of the cross fire.

Progressive Tax depending on the price?
Minimum is 10% (30% without token) until 1m and then it raises by 1% every 100k, so 2m item will be taxed 20%, 1.5m 25% etc up to 50% for item priced 5m or more (70% without token).

Numbers are arbitrary.

Im a fan of this system i feel it punishes the bots and minimizes inconvenience for legit players.

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Wont really work with modern RMT systems that hire real players (suppliers) to complete buyer’s orders…

well IMC’s excuse for limiting the market and trade was bots soooo yea this address that.

That damaging effects of a supplier base played by actual human beings doesn’t even compare to what bots are capable of. It’s like taking tiny squirt gun to a man already soaked by a firehose.

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Also if its a player controlled character farming then they shouldn’t be damaging or ruining other players play experience like a bot would.

they could complete all the storyline and then bot, or bot in-between. RMT site owner doesnt care where their silvers come from. And going through storyline aint that hard and actually benefits (future)botters as well - higher level monsters yield higher silver income.

I completely agree with you, but with the proposed system someone needs to manually do all those story quests. They can’t just bot their way to level 500.

Doing all the story quests only to get banned for botting will hurt like hell.

You don’t seem to understand how botters operate or why botting is so profitable.

Bot accounts are and will be routinely banned even in ToS. The reason botters succeed anyway is because there is no consequence to losing a bot account - they just automatically register new accounts which automatically go right back to where they were doing. An operator can handle dozens of bot accounts simultaneously with very little effort.

If the bot operator had to play each bot individually just to make it work, they would never have enough time in the day to even keep up with the bans. At that point they might as well just be a normal player.

They expect it to happen eventually so it doesnt.

The only way to combat RMTers is to actively monitor and punish both sellers AND buyers.

Did you read the my thread on the subject, that august linked? I included instanced dungeons, too, as part of the method by which players earn their right to move large amounts of silver.

Can you really see bots doing this without being noticed by players? They’d be essentially passing dozens of turing tests, each. That’s science fiction. Automatically saying “hi” at the start of each dungeon and using their abilities correctly isn’t going to fool anyone who asks them what color their pants are, or what their breakfast was.

You can automate anything automated. Any automation can beat any other automation. But automation can’t pass human intelligence without being a legitimate AI.

100% agree. No system will work without active GMs to hand out bans.
But if a botter can just create a new bot in a couple minutes when 1 of their previous ones gets banned, it is no big deal. Hell, you can even have a bot that creates new bots when your previous bot gets banned. It will be almost impossible to stop the steady flow of new bots.

If a botter needs to put in a couple of weeks effort manually doing the story quests - honestly, they will probably pay someone to do it for them - but that is still way more annoying for them.

They surely can spend 1 hour to manually solo lvl 50-90 dungeons to meet the quota and then continue their business.

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Yes but if they do that every bot was then a lost investment of significant time rather then just making another one and setting it to grind up they have to put in work every time.

So it makes each bot lost a larger loss

First of all, these bot accounts, which can complete all of the game’s story quests autonomously, are building characters that can solo dungeons? That’d be quite impressive. Not impossible, but it’s less plausible than you’re pushing in this argument.

Let’s assume botters worked it out, for the sake of argument.

One thing I need to mention first is that having bots do the story quests will give them massive exposure to the player base, which will dramatically increase the number of reports generated. Their ban rate is going to be a lot higher than it used to be, because they can’t hide in the game’s corners on their automated march up to profitability.

Anyway, if I want to sell silver, and I have 30 bot farm, and they each get banned within 72 hours, and it takes me on average one hour to get all of my dungeons out of the way, then I would need to spend ten hours a day running my bots through instanced dungeons, if solo.

If you were clever, you’d say, well, what if I do them in groups of 4? So they’d need to multibox, too. And move each bot through its own set of proxies, so that GMs don’t catch the obvious by noticing that these clusters, who all have the same or similar IP ranges, all clear dungeons at the same time, on a predictable schedule. That’ll get them banned for sure.

Introducing a variety of proxies into the mix adds confusing latency issues, which suddenly make multiboxing a lot harder than you’d think, so now they’ve got to leave three bots at the door and only one of them bothers to clear the dungeon. That’s also really easy for automated detection to catch, so they’re going to get banned by the cluster before they reach profit, anyway.

Finally, I’d like to point out that, even if your system worked, and they had a 50% clear rate to profitability and the botter only had to spend, say, 4 hours a day manually playing each of his bots somehow, he’s only going to clear just enough dungeon content to be unlock useful RMT caps.

That’s going to present a clear and present pattern automated detection can flag accounts for. They just need to have a system that notifies GMs of players who play normally up to level 90 and then playing normally and only ever grind.

Humans don’t do that, but the bots will present these clear patterns.

but it doesnt prevent it. Even B2P games or P2P dont prevent botters as long as they have profit.

Too many variables and assumptions. Automatic systems CANT catch proper setup bot.


thats not what i said.
Also your system punishes legit market players that dont PvE much and just like to play around with numbers and items.
And you forgot about passive silver income from offline service vendors that are relatively easy to create and setup. You can even say that they are built-in bot system.