Tree of Savior Forum

How to get rid of RMT

yea im back, Ill just add one thing. Im going to translate your ideas to make them easier to read.

  1. Increase silver gain so i can max my attributes easier.

  2. add dungeon currency so i dont waste my time with talt

  3. Make silver an account currency so i can max my attributes easier.

So selfish. Making these ideas for your benefit, not really caring about RMT. Please put a little more thought if you want to hide your selfish motives.

This is what I mean by cancerous responses, and no strong counter point.

Thanks for your useful contributions.

Youre welcome. Just trying to help people understand what youre getting at. Thank you for your strong points showing thats not really what you want.

Iā€™m sure, what would people do without your translations? I guess you believe it would be too hard for people to understand what their reading, or form their own opinions. Definitely not translating things to support your own opinions. But I thank you for your translating work. Cancerous as ā– ā– ā– ā– .

Just ignore him or hell keep coming back with the same nothing. Trust me i intentionally crash many threads.

Also how about using talt as the dungeon currency? Could also create its own market as lazy players would buy them to get things faster and give it a another purpose outside of guild uses.

Talt as a dungeon currency is a little sketchy. Talt can be traded, meaning players can buy up talt and get dungeon gear, and that would somewhat defeat a purpose of dungeon currency. It should still be somewhat difficult, and players should have a reason to do each dungeon without being able to just buy out the currency for the gear.

Also talt is used for guild levels, and itā€™s hard to split between guild levels, making 5k+ from NPC/AH, and then also trying to buy out dungeon gear.

Wakfu uses the #2 for its dungeon system.
There you can drop a item and if you dont get what you want, you can just stack dungeon coins and later trade for what you really want on a ā€œmachineā€ near its entrace.

When this system come up, it hit hard the market forcing prices of itens down. Took a good time to fix and balance it back.

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Really? How did the fix it? I honestly borrowed that idea from Wakfu, and I played it later, and items were highly priced, but I probably played it after the fix.

The market found its balace by itself. New itens come to get the High priced label, and those which everyone desired was still there, with a reasonable price bcz ppl realized something simple:
ā€œToday, players are lazy, so if they dont want to spent time farming dungeon coins, they can buy it from me with a good price :relaxed:ā€

But, on our case, you are suggesting untradable itens. So, i dont know what will happenā€¦ maybe the price will flow through material for recipes.

IMO, in the first month it was a bit depressing bcz rare itens lost its rarity.

Oh, I thought that it was untradeable items you got from the token system (atleast dungeon ones)? Regardless, I think untradeable versions would have little impact on the economy.

Yea because opinions are fine unless they dont align with your ideas. If they dont they are cancerous and you will have 0 tolerance.

If you ask me its your attitude that is cancerous. In your original post, your first 3 paragraphs was fine. They explained more on what i disagreed with. Then you had to add the last paragraph with the attitude. Now look where this lead. Your thread filled with a bunch of bs from the person you offended. good job. Will this end? who knows.

from the token system you get untradable itens, but from normal drop you still can have the same item but tradable.

As you can see, disagreement is fine with me, cancerous responses are not.


Ah, that sounds like what I suggested, was that what messed up the wakfu market?

yes, for a few months market prices went crazy till ppl saw opportunity to sell other things and farm tradable itens to keep it up.

one thing that helped a little was the meta-shift, new itens got in to replace untradable ones

I see, so perhaps a good time to implement something like suggestion 2 is when new items are introduced/level cap upgrade/etc, letting older items be more accessible to newer players/alts. If they do that, then they can also let new dungeons not have this system, and let it be a system that just helps newer players catch up too.

My suggestion is going to receive a lot of hate (I would have hated on it too a couple months ago, but my perspective has changed after putting in >800 hours).

I think the best way to remove RMT is to make the game more casual-friendly.

Letā€™s face it: ToSā€™s primary audience is ex-RO players, in their 20s, with jobs. As much as they loved RO, they do not have the same amount of free time as they had in their RO days.

RO was filled with bots because it had low-exp and low-drops, and ToS seems like it has even lower exp/drops. If drop rates and exp rates are raised to a more casual-friendly level, players can actually feel like they are progressing and getting stronger rather than having to resort to RMT to get stronger. ToS should still be grindyā€¦ just not RO levels of grindy if they want to attract older ex-RO players. The ex-RO players have money now and are going to spend that to progress if it is the only way they can - currently that means giving it to RMTers.

I disagree a little. I think exp isnā€™t a huge deal because of questing, and with the addition of new quests (up to Maven), it should be possible to quest your way to the current cap in the future, and thatā€™s pretty casual friendly imo.

Ofcourse we donā€™t have any of that stuff now.

I think a game like ToS should cater to a casual audience, but not too the point of making it to easy for the rest of their audience.

Iā€™m not sure how I feel about changing drop rates though. Maybe make older items have a higher drop rate as newer content arrives?

You shouldnt be bother with it as long as youre playing legit.

You mean RMT? Yeah you shouldnā€™t, but people do.

IMC restrictions youre afraid off