Tree of Savior Forum

How to enhance items to +16 with high probability

So you are suggesting machine learning algorithms are made by con artist?

Im saying the one who said this is the con man. Intellectual dishonesty at its finest.

Well, whatever, The point is, on the long run, if the 50% is valid, with record of each trials, you definitely can presume a pattern which is no where near absolute, that can help you to decide when to enhance, so called “rituals” from the above. This is also how machine learning algorithm obtain “knowledge”, or even human. Yes, i don’t deny it is random, but you must remember, everything has a behavior. remember how random is designed, based on system time. On the long run, people can make some theories like these “rituals” but in the end which is just the right timing. Neglecting the possibility of haxing of course.

I can say with absolute certainly that it was random. Now can you give your proof that say otherwise? I mean give your proof that it has a pattern. If none, then thats lying so obviously. Which is bad because many people will believe to something that doesnt exist.

Consequences of your statement:

Someone with Solmiki weapon will try your pattern without using diamond anvil. Because you SAID it has a pattern. Then blam no pot +6.

You can also do this in real life that if you tell people that they will eventually win. But what happened instead was the contrary then poor victim got duped.


I’m not talking about +14 on the item, I’m talking about numbers higher than 50 in that case.

Yeah, they don’t help and they won’t. You’re just observing the result. If your goal is to find a super rare case with insanely low probability (not really a pattern) of numerous long high roll streaks that will include the high rolls happening on any weapon enhanced on that time.

The weapon used won’t affect the generator nor the results nor the condition.

It’s not calm down. Read my post again, if the almost impossible Step 5 isn’t happening it’s not what I want and I’m not going to enhance the weapon I want to gamble for the rarest case of luck, even if it take days. Plus I don’t want to keep using 500, 700, 1000 anvils just to try to find it, takes too long, no thanks.

Funny enough, the next try could be the start of a sudden long streak of high numbers. You just don’t know at all - it’s all random.

Also, even if you try or think you found you can still fail miserably and make a +6 0 pot weapon. It’s just random. Even if what you found was actually a long high streak, there’s the possibility of you finding the end of it and just fail hard afterwards.

Actually I can’t. Every single time I tried you confused and that’s one of the reasons this argument is so long lol

Just like the individual enhancement chance condition being 50%, period - and you’re always insisting that the 50% should be forced upon as small sample based on the number of tries otherwise the code is changing how it works based on the number of players on screen.

No one said that anywhere and you came up with it and it became way harder to explain you otherwise once you got fixated on this and kept repeating it on almost every post lol

(If you bring it up again I’m just stopping again. It’s like talking to a wall when it happens.)

Same goes for the streak of high rolls example. Instantly you started assuming I was talking about +14 weapons / having it to happen on the same weapon ‘-’

Like seriously, is it due to my English being confuse or not that good? If yes you can just say and I’ll try to learn more. It will be a far more productive option if this is the case, I really can’t notice these details alone since it’s not my main language.

Yeah because it’s confusing to see someone contradict themselves so much.

If it’s a 50% per attempt just leave it at that.

That you have to mention reading patterns and gut feelings just adds clutter if you keep relating it to the 50% chance. The patterns have nothing to do with the next upgrade, that’s already pretty clear so stop tying that success rate to the patterns that RNG produces.

You set a 20 limit and want 16 good rolls. If you already had 14 rolls then 16 is easy. That entire simulation you made is exactly what goes on when someone considers potential while upgrading. It has nothing to do with RNG but it’s just what any normal person thinks about while in the middle of upgrading.

I’m not even complaining about RNG anymore but you still keep bringing it up because that’s what I made a mistake about so you want to squeeze it for all you have. Your entire post is just repeating what I said and trying to find faults as seen here:

Someone doing consecutive upgrades are more likely to succumb to gambler’s fallacy and forgetting about the overall success rate of reaching +16. That’s what I mean when reading the pattern will help people calm down. For some reason though you still tie it up with RNG patterns and looking for a possibility of a good streak.


All in all I have a problem with your logic:

Is it really 50%?

Therefore there is no set pattern and your next upgrade is always 50%:

There’s no way for a player to determine the pattern:
Yes. But…


We already both agree that each attempt is 50%
What we can’t agree on is if there’s a point to reading patterns. I am already trying to peel you away from the idea that reading patterns is a “ritual.” It’s not, it’s a way to cope with the overall success rate of reaching +16 because there are potential limitations and a failure penalty. There’s no point to reading patterns, you can just look at your current enhancement level and potential to get another assessment of your chances of reaching +16.

You’re the one understanding it wrong or trying to distort what I say. - or, maybe, my English skills are failing here.

Before this, can you explain what you think gambler’s fallacy is? I think the results I found on google and what you think it is are somewhat off.

I agree, there’s no point. There’s no actual patterns.

So you’re answering all this time to try to convince me? Sorry, not happening. No point in continuing. I don’t mind changing opinions at all - but there’s a need of having a good reason to do so.

Clear misunderstanding from third parties is totally out of the list.

And here again, just shows that you didn’t read my post. Oh yeah, I’m just done, good luck.

Just go rage enhance anvils, I don’t care anymore lol

If you’re not going to say anything about I’ll assume the problem isn’t with my English here, so that’s with you, either intentional or not - so, nothing I can do.

And plus, I’m not trying to convince you nor “win” or “loss” arguments. When you say something that doesn’t make sense I’m answering about it, but yeah, I’m done, lost cause. You just can’t agree to disagree. As well you can’t accept other’s definitions if they conflict with yours. Have fun. Find someone that agrees with you and talk with them.

How do you say these while also saying this:

Well, thank you for being consistent and not contradicting yourself.

A regular and intelligible form or sequence discernible in the way in which something happens or is done.

Things that are arranged following a rule or rules.

Thank you for skipping school. And please just stop trying to distort my words z.z

Bye o/

Mutes thread and your post notifications.

How does the definition of a pattern correct your contradiction?

Oh it doesn’t, you just wanted to send an insult. Please take the extra effort and never interact with me again, everyone would prefer that.

random numbers are not actually random in MMO games:

Most game developers are either too lazy to make their RNGs truly random or simply don’t have the time or resources to do so. While you may never utilize the pseudo nature of RNG systems in your favor, it’s worth keeping in mind because you never know when you might stumble across an easily manipulated system.

We’re just gonna go full circle here. Does ToS have “an easily manipulated RNG system?”

Insisting you can read patterns means it does.

We’re dealing with IMC here, I’d bet on it being an easily manipulated RNG system.

Agreed. I don’t like your pattern of answers and my pattern of answers doesn’t match with your pattern of thought that doesn’t match with the pattern of people that can read. Making it a pattern to not be worth to keep interacting with someone that falls into such pattern.

Also, were you just calling something that doesn’t follow any rules at all as a pattern and trying to push that definition on others’ words? Oh yeah, you we’re doing it :man_shrugging:

You eat your own words very fast I see.

Om Nom nom

Oh, 2 similar words, a pattern! Or all the 3 are part of the pattern? Maybe the spaces are patterns too.

I thought you weren’t going to interact with me again? Can’t help but contradict yourself?

I’m interacting with the thread. Don’t you dare assume a pattern of what I am answering to!

Now you’re going to conveniently interpret “interacting with me” differently to suit your own agenda. Thank you for exposing further what kind of twisted logic you have.