Tree of Savior Forum

How to complete 100% Royal Mausoleum 4F

best comment ever.:clap:

so… you founded it???

Soooo… after all this 7 months of discution…any solution? any normal way (no psycho skill) to get that hidden area? maybe is an advanced quest?

He used the bot teleportation. Lets keep it a secret. XD

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Welp, only way to get through there is definitely the teleport skill. Other than that, have a Templar teleport to that member and the Templar can teleport you. That’s if, you’re in a guild :s

So, still no solution to this?

I just gave out the solution.

That’s more of a loop hole than a solution.

Didn’t the real solution have something to do with the hidden quest? Someone pointed it somewhere in the post, but i didn’t try so can’t be sure :x

As far as I can tell, the hidden quest just gives you +50 to your max hp.

Sadly then it really is an object like the spade one but that we don’t have most likely, or a really well hidden quest from somewhere else. Or an acces from the fake mausoleum. (The one with three maps)

I know :< but there isn’t any other way :\

How did you do that with only Level 4 Teleportation? :cold_sweat:

Just stand next to the wall and hit the skill key. Don’t try to hold any arrow keys (if you’re in keyboard mode), and just pray you get in. In this case, even Lv 1 Teleport is enough.

i know this thread is old but recently a way to get there has been found out.


So what are the specifics to thsi?

Now I know you can get there and I don’t know what you do there because the video doesn’t go the entire way through, haha. Dang, I need closure.

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so you just talked to the stone npc and it will teleport you or theres something that need to be done first?

i knew it all along! This dumb tombstone is truly a teleporter! Gonna take a third look in Royal Masouleum :3