Tree of Savior Forum

How to build necro3?

Yes, confirmed. And the attribute % is actually % now.

Haven’t seen it confirmed for archers yet though.

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Will probably be. I mean. It’s pointless to have one on % and one with a flat amount, lol.

hi sorry for the necro, this is necro thread after all xD
im going to be necro for my new alt wiz, maybe necro3 at r8
but i really2 have no idea how necro skill work lol
currently this is my build

really dont know what to take at necro skill and some wiz3 skill
help is appreacited, thx!

So does quick cast affect skeletons and archer?

Necro is perfectly legal to afk so im making one

No. Only your int affects their damage.

If you want PvE necro, then there is no point going necro3 beside a bit better afk farming. Flesh Meteor is weak and uses too much corpses for PvE. It deals like 50-60k damage. Better take Sage or Linker3 or even Thauma1 to kill non-status immune targets with swell-decay combo. Or even go wiz3-link3-FF2 it is much better in PvE.
If you want PvP - link is a bad choice.

how do you do a swell decay combo? you link HK swell then decay with DP then??? if you’re not able to kill it the hp will go back after the swell duration right?

ah i see necro3 is bad lol… so going sage or enchanter is better then… also why no point in create shoggoth? this build just wanna pve and afk farm ofc xD

Link-HK swell decay with dp, yes. No. They will get 1 hp a few seconds AFTER swell duration ends. And they will have 1/1 HP until they have decay, then when it runs out they will have 1/MaxHp.

It is a very bad reason to make a necro then. If you really want pure afk farm, then get Necro3. Enchanter is bad. Necro3 will give you both more damage for FC and mdef reduction from necro3 decay attribute.

TBH im building necro 3 with afk farming in mind. I do want linker 3 but lookd like its impossible. Looks like wizard 3 linker 2 necro 3 is my only choice though.

Afk farming is not that profitable. Too many players do it now, so it gives like 50k per hour. First, this can be fixed soon, like it was with Sorcerer(summon stops atk if you have not been in combat for 1 minute). Second, it is very ineffective. The best way to farm now is Wiz3-any-Warlock2, it can give you up to 2m per hour farming in Demon Prison2.
PS yes, you need put 1 point in Shoggoth also.

warlock don’t can afkfarm (without script)

can be achieve with thaum 1 swell duration??

yes necro seems to be bad at afk now if you want to make one, seeing lots of warlock with script and IMC doesn’t do anything about it, I think they allow scripts now since I’ve reported like months ago for couple of players and they said they were on their watchlist and those players are still there doing script farming

Swell doesn’t need to last long. It’s decay that does the damage. Swell is just there to amplify it, you need it only until you inflict the decay debuff on the enemy. After decaying, you’d want it gone asap