Tree of Savior Forum

How to build necro3?

Sage can no longer duplicate skeletons

scroll down to necro c3 attribute for old skill
Corpse Tower: Skeleton Soldier, kill done by this skill will raise a skeletons

What do you mean by the decay mechanism? Can you post a link pls.

So from the recent announcement to linker nerf or JP to be specific, i hear that aoe skills will no longer work with JP meaning if you link 2 mobs and use aoe skill on those 2 mobs it will be like if they weren’t linked at all. Im not sure how true this is but if this is true is linker still worth getting?

From what I understand, it will only hit the initial target with an AOE.

If you link 5 mobs and your AOE damage is 1,000 on each. It will only affect one of the linked targets which adds an additional 1,000 damage to 5 mobs only.

5 Mobs links
Total damage on each mobs per tick BEFORE nerf: 5,000
Total damage on each mobs per tick AFTER nerf: 2,000

Skeletons damage now scales both from skill level and int. It was confirmed in another post here on the forums.

For linker…yes. Imo, even with the nerf, it’s still a worthy class for necro3. A good part of our damage come from summons. And most of them use single target hits. Linker really helps covering a bit our AoE weakness and makes summons much more worthy on a grinding situation. MOREOVER let’s not forget that with circle 3 we’re getting Flash strike, which is a poison element skill and JP can increase poison attribute damage of 50%. A spell with meteor like damage and 50% bonus dmg to linked enemies is definitely sweet Imo. Moreover it should be instant cast iirc.

Build wise after seeing some more data I think that I will probably go for:

-MAX Shoggoth, Flesh cannon, both skellies and Flash strike.

-One point in Disinter and Dirty pole and enough points to keep Corpse tower 100%up (which should be like 5-6 points iirc). Could skip disinter, but for just one point it should be worth to get to save some money. Especially with the c3 attribute.

-Rest of the remaining points to Flesh hoop… Could put Flesh hoop on 1 and pump Corpse tower as it should increase damage with skill level, it depends on tastes. Damage from flesh hoop doesn’t increase a lot, and neither the duration. So it could become wiser to pump tower on the long run.

Thanks for the input.

One question tho. Does JP break if one of the mobs get out of range? Im asking in terms of pvp cuz if i take link2 and have 8 jp links then maybe it will be easier for enemy to break vs only having 5 links.

I don’t think maxing Shoggoth is a good idea. The damage is negligible with its slow attack speed and very limited number of targets. The added defense doesn’t make any difference either.

I’m having trouble picking whether pumping it on Corpse Tower or Dirty Pole with the fragments. I’m not a linker build so I don’t feel like picking Flesh Hoop at all. Although it can be an alternative on your build with the new update which adds a chance to deal 50% more damage on weakened enemies.

I’m thinking one of the combo on the Linker/Frost Pillar build is linking your dirty pole with mobs and hitting them all together with your flesh cannon. That will proc fragments continously for added damage.

yes IMO shoggoth lvl 1 would suffice, those 4 skill pts could be spent on corpse tower or flesh hoop

Yeah, could be done too.
Unluckily Dirty pole fragments seems to be quite underwhelming and triggering only with melee hits. PP doesn’t work either. Could be usable, but it’s pretty pointless to invest too much into it. At this point Imo it’s wiser to pump up corpse tower since it can create skelly soldiers if it finish a mob. And having higher dmg increase that chance obv.

PS: Even if not linker Imo one point is still good. It’s a nice melee “defense” skill. Since I was thinking of going W2 in the future too ( unless W3 is so op to make it an unskippable rank) it would be nice to have op melee defense from hoop+theurge. Too bad that flash hoop doesn’t increase time too. Would have been much better to invest points in.

Yes, distance can break the link. But from my experience they have to get quite far. Like out of your visual… And most of the times you can pull them back with HK too. Main problem of linker is a bug going on right now I think. If you HK when you’re too far from the enemies you end up not pulling anything and actually breaking the link. So it’s always good to mind the range.

What??? Only melee attack procs it??? What a terrible attribute. I don’t see any way to use that besides being too gimmicky. I guess it will go to Corpse Tower then.

Iirc it should be like that. Plus the dmg is quite meh. Imo it could be good for “put pole and hit the boss from mid range”. But in the end not worth more than one point into it.

Don’t think dirty pole is worth it if it only works with melee hits. So i guess it’s meant for your skeletons to attack it but i rather my skeletons be attacking the linked mobs instead. I can also go up to it and whack it with my big stick too i guess lol.

Pretty much what it’s good for. It’s an extra…a point into it sure doesn’t hurt thanks to decay, but for sure nothing amazing…much better to invest into something else like flesh hoop or corpse tower.

Here is my new build for Rank 8 Necro 3. JP + MM may be getting fixed and the first 5 ranks are going to be the most dreadful ranks to level but would you think this is a optimal Wiz 3> Link 2> Necro 3 ?

I would put a point in Gather Corpse just for the rank 1 convenience and surprisingly still has its uses when you get Disinter. For instance, you can grind low level area with hugely clustered mobs and finish them with Gather Corpse and then use Disinter to absorb more corpses, doubling your efficiency more or less.

Don’t put any points in gather corpse, it’s terrible and you don’t need it at all

I know. As I said, I like it if I decide to spend the next 5 minutes being cheap and not using my corpse pots. But the non-mandatory skills don’t need additional points. Corpse Tower has 100% uptime already, and Flesh Hoop’s very limited in being a damage dealer skill - granted, that’s where JP comes into play.

You’re right though. I just remembered the Necro 3 attributes that make corpse part gathering easier.

ok so for those of you who wanted to make a summoner build. seems like bokor+pd is way better.

Skeletons scale with int?

I’d recommend for PvE you do: no Con (50+ with items), Low Con (50+ without heavy support of items, maybe use a Animus for your neck slot. And Wiz bracelets, but con on your offhand at least), or mid Con (50+ naked and further adjust with equipment depending on what you’re doing).

Things to keep in mind:
– High Con late game items are harder to get ahold of. Saal Con bracers are a pain in the butt to get. While you can just buy a couple Wiz bracers for dirt cheap and they are weighted very high for matk.

– Matk while awesome for your nukes does not scale your skels which scale off Int only and % from attrib. As of the moment haven’t heard from any kToS people about Skel archers but they’re using the old tooltip that says +1 attrib = +1 Damage.

– Matk items are weighted very cheaply in general and are easy to get ahold of. Hats include this where HP and Crit resist is weighted weaker then Elemental attack and matk.

– Too low of Con also means no Crit resist, don’t have enough from it you’re pretty liable to get one shot during knockdowns even if you were fairly careful. Or one shot by scaled mobs above your level.

– Remember to wear plate whenever you’re able. And train plate mastery this will give you bonus HP! You want that.