Tree of Savior Forum

How to balance Cleric

Hey, i saw many complaints about it and i thougth it might be more interesting to revise cleric, cleric is a bit too much an “i can do everything on my own” heal, deal damage and be tanky. I think that’s too much and to change that i think that healing needs to be based on SPR as a stats, if u want to be a real supportive healing class u have to put points in SPR and not into INT to upgrade it. I’d like to see supportive clerics as it should be.
And healing base has to be changed for that too.


I don’t think change only on 1 skill is gonna make much different. Cleric doesn’t all about heal. As you said Cleric has a little of every things. You might think with this change, people will this or that but I will just do whatever I did. It just buffs those SPR builds a bit. The scale on Heal isn’t that much any way.

Let them have their own TBL and name it as Team Cleric League, and ban them outright from the original one


move heal from cleric1 to cleric3 heal5


Yeah i know it’s not about the scaling on heal it’s about having a supportive class and a damage one, actually cleric can do both in one easily, A cleric that can’t heal very well will be a damage class or whatever but a cleric who can heal well will be a real healer not smth that can do everything, most of clerics builds have cleric c 2 because u have enough sustain to heal ur party but with higher ranks u can dps too i think in most of end game content ( i m looking at u ET) if a cleric is just a supportive one it will not be enough u need to be as much support than damage and that’s a bit too bad.

I don’t agree with you. Yes, this make Cleric better than it should but in this game, they want people to play Cleric. If this class are so bored, only few player will play. And then when people do the dungeon, they will always need to wait for a Healer.

You might enjoy the way you play support but most people don’t. In a game, people want to hit something and see the exciting huge numbers pop up on the screen with the satisfy visual effect.

In PvP, people are also don’t like to play only buff and heal. Be able to fight and kill opponent make more fun. For the balance, they have nerfed something in PvP only before and they might do those more after they have some more time. They said after they balance the stats, they will balance the classes.

They should also add another PVP game called “Cleric Defense”. It’s like that new Saalus map but instead of monsters, non-cleric players spawn for the time duration while 5 clerics try to defend the statue.

Not trying to compare this game to RO, but in the latter there were quite a good number of dedicated support acolyte classes.

I think if a class becomes a necessity in a party, there will always be players who will play them. Perhaps adjust the content difficulty so it’s still doable without clerics but more significantly difficult than with at least one.

I have a lot of friends from my RO days to RFO to other MMORPGs who always play as full supports because they find it fun and rewarding.

I find that in TOS a lot of clerics lately just rolled the class because their previous non-cleric toons have become unnecessary or replaceable.

It’s OK to give support classes a way or two to deal damage so they’re not completely useless alone. What’s not OK is when they can do almost everything alone while other classes struggle to solo at most of those things.

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They actually needs to balance the whole concept of this game, how status works, etc. It’s not only a cleric issue, but how damage and defenses are calculated. Making a full con toon that can hk anything, get first dps on bosses is the real issue.
What’s the point of having 600 int that adds 600matk and be a piece of paper when you can simply have a weapon/gem that can easily surpass that amount and have tons of block and hp?


nerf cleric or buff other class ,

i want magic damage from cleric is not stronger than wizard and can miss/blocked like some boss (herpia/mineloader)

swordman can reduce 50% magic damage or more with block stance and dash give chance for dodge magic

archer , stacking 5 missile destroy any protection from cleric and debuffing them cannot heal for 5 seconds or reduce healing power

They need to standardize equipment in TBL and GvG and also have a hard cap of 3 secs on any CC and a hard cap of 8s on certain buffs.

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I can understand that ppl wants to do damage and have some heal but u can do the same with real damage dealer and pots if u want to see huge numbers. That’s why i m trying to show that balance in this game is quite broken, i m not playing an mmo to play solo but to play with others because our classes can sync together they can help me and i help them in return that’s what a support class is supposed to be.

In this game i can spend most of the time by myself because i m enough by myself, heal deal damage tank mobs.

That’s not the right thing and i m not talking about pvp but pve, pvp is another matter and u can see that the problem still exists in pvp.

Lulz. FunnySadTrue. Em crying granules instead of drops . :laughing:

There are support who enjoy their jobs but only a handful number. If all the sudden, this game change by force all Clerics to be full supports. If they don’t like how their class work, those Clerics have to reroll?

Most of Cleric skills need the target to stay on the area to do full damage and Clerics have only a few CC spell, so they need some one who can CC and/or tank Mobs.
For the solo part, it is good to be able to do solo but this game give a lot of benefits from dungeon and other group contents. Why you want to solo all the time? How many level you can get so far without party and group content?

The contents of this game force players to group up and the higher level contents need to do with 2-3 people already. Do you still need to force people to play as full support, full tank or full DPS? Is that WOW clone system?

That’s not what i meant, as u see it Cleric can be the best for support and damage doing both is unequal, u want to do both ok but u will be less effective that a full support cleric or a full damage cleric the way i see it, that has nothing to do with WoW this is basics, or give the same thing to other classes at least they can heal damage and tank as much as cleric does, that will be fair (not really interesting i think but fair).

Edit: And talking about cc is a false excuse, cleric tree get enough cc (silence, stun, druid control, slow) i can do a full cc cleric if i want to, then stop saying that.

no1 support Heal to be moved to Cleric c3 only skill?


even if someone decided to do a full support build, they are still not that good currently atm with how horrible those skills are scaling with.

For example just look at deprotected zone. flat decrease defense with directly scale based on your SPR only.
Stone skin on other hand is a really good example. I don’t really understand if they meant this to be intended or something

game now everydays tends to be “look ma, I can solo this!” thingy… and making you can solo everything is just horrible.

Edit: Statement above doesn’t mean solo everything is bad. it’s just I missed back days where a real support shows great difference.
btw, I am waiting for this one IMC…


1 - Decrease one handed blunt weapon’s efficiency in damage overall.
2 - Remove healing efficiency based on INT for Heal, exchanging it for SPR.
3 - Decrease Heal tiles’ efficiency for each tile consumed in succession.
4 - Add a hit limit needed to break Ausrine / Make some classes break invencibility buffs.
5 - Remove r7x extra damage upon reflection.
6 - Make r7x only reflect the final damage, not the ‘true’ damage (eg. Statues with r7x only deal 7 damage since they only take 1 damage).
7 - Harshly decrease Malleus Maleficarum’s base damage and increase the damage scaling based on target’s MATK (The idea of one shotting archers with a homing anti-mage spell is stupid :stuck_out_tongue: )
8 - Decrease Breaking Wheel range
9 - Decrease Pear of Anguish base damage.
10 - Buff Sadhu


Do you want full DPS Cleric to be a thing? Did you really thing about that? They can be full DPS wizard, archer and even swordsman. Why people would want to be full DPS Cleric? With no support, no heal, no party buffs?

About the CC, I said Cleric need some other people too do the CC because they cannot keep Mobs and people to stay in their Cure, Zaibas, Carve Owl and more. Even Mobs run away when their HP are getting low. So, they will do thing more effective on both support and DPS with people and better not go solo.

I did not excuse about the CC, it is the fact that the game design for people to group up. No Cleric would really want to play solo. The solo are for those trolls who steal packs of Mobs from Cleric and not have any penalty at all.

You can list just 4 CC and you even count the only slow from Death Sentence to be a CC! And you even count blunt too!!! and the others are the stationary things. I wonder how full CC Cleric will be.

That’s not me who want full dps cleric, look at ppl builds (many cleric c1 and go krivis taoist etc) even bots take cleric tree because it’s more convenient for them!

Cleric need damage dealer to do cc for them to help them to do max damage… Yeah that’s right go supp cleric…

I listed those 4 for examples but u can put blind from effigy, knock up from smite and hand knife, push back from iron skin and palm strike, petrification from merkabah and i m pretty sure i don’t sum everything, but u get the point right?

Cleric is clearly too much that’s obvious, they need a clear balance. (Btw my main is cleric so i m pretty sure of what i m saying now).

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