Tree of Savior Forum

How the hell am I supposed to decide where to put my stats?(Barb Dopple)

Thankfully, my last spreadsheet still follows my second one’s findings, so you will be fine as STR.

I personally don’t really care too much about people spreading misinformation, it isn’t my job to correct people, nor do I come on the forums often too. But, its all fine and dandy…

My friend varuna is definitely a lot more passionate about This game than I am, and he definitely is correct about what he says. I would actually listen to him since he knows more about swordsman than I do.

But, yes. You were correct to stay str build.

Reilet you forget about enchanted atribute in u match ,to put ciclone 50% just need 2.4m and i think is possible to go 4k+ dmg in cyclone+DoV. Is easy stack dov u just need lapasade mushroom.

Attribute is detrimental for calculating STR:DEX value, and it should never be considered when doing math for STR vs DEX.

There are two reasons:

-It comes at the end of calculations which means both str builds and dex builds benefit from equally, and if both benefit from it the exact same way, that means nothing changed.
-If you want to account for it then the damage you need to hit for DEX to start showing improvements is multiplied by attribute %.

So no, cyclone does not need 2.5k with attribute. It needs 3500*1.5 (5.25k) per hit before critting.

Your argument about DoV cannot be more wrong. DoV gives you more attack based on your total attack stat.

This means going STR will give more attack for DoV to calculate. Also, DoV raises the number you need to hit for DEX to be better. It becomes something like 5k.

With attribute that would mean you need to hit 7.5k before critting.

Adding in any flat damage buffs doesn’t change the number either. It only makes it easier to reach (but you still won’t reach it because a DEX build has less total attack than a STR one.)

Ahh that’s why.

Was under the impression attributes were applied before, not after.

So yea, strength does out-damage dex.

But even then, I’m not seeing a massive difference. This game is about using abilities to kill mobs. Not total damage done.

If I do 6k with a seism and you do 7.5k but the mob only has 5800 hp, then our kill times are exactly the same.

Right now, at 210, I have no problems killing mobs.

Weak mobs die in a seism. Normal mobs die in a stun->cleave combo. Elites die a cyclone + seism + cleave. Swapping to strength doesn’t break any barriers. And with how the overheat system works, you want to spam skills so they go on CD. Or time them so you can kill a round of mobs with each set of overheat. With a linker I kill everything in one cyclone.

Have no issue doing that with dex. So while strength does more damage, our kill times are the same.

Bosses are different, but now you’re crossing into being a DPS swordsmen, which just can’t compete with archers/mages. Especially without a +50% slashing debuff.

Melee in most games out damage range, but have to reposition. So depending on the fight they’ll do less/even/more.

In this game, melee do less damage than range, while having to reposition, so the gap widens. Plus lots of range classes have fire and forget skills.

Always viewed Dopple as a tank/damage hybrid. You bring 75% of the damage a mage/archer does, while still being able to tank and group mobs for AoE. Going strength really hurts that as you’re going to be taking a lot of damage. Even more once DoV is at 10 charges and you don’t have an extra 25% mitigation.

Even with dex, I have no problem stacking DoV quickly. And there are always lapasape mushrooms.

Not to mention the ability to easily PvP with all the Dex

I dont know about barba but for highlander
Str really is better you have attack skill that havs 60% cri chance not rate (moulinet)

And the benefit of going str is that when you cri you cri hard and its consistant

Going str is more for dps while cri is more of a tank cause of the extra evade but a lot of late game mob hit hard with magic which you cant evade

That’s really why it comes down to preference. The game is too early for anything truly definitive. ATM, STR is better.

Deus Ex Machina. :smile:

Thank you for your advices!

I am a STR based swordsman since ever and I have read all your spreadsheets.

I am happy to see you there because, with somes guys giving wrong info on thoses forums…
Here for example:

How is this bad advice? It’s telling you to go strength as a doppel c2 swordsman. Obviously you haven’t read through my entire post or you would know doing DEX is horrible for ANY swordsman.

My post straight up SAYS to go 3:1 str:con. Also, please be advised that DoV scales heavily with a str build. Please do not go noob build (like others are saying to try and justify their fucked up paths) and go Dex.

And what about PVP Dop build? how many DEX do you think i should invest in? Will a 0 Dex DOP build be viable in PVP?

Obviously it’s you who can’t read bro…

I was talking about the posts from guys such as xechidna and daays (who advices to go for dex/crit stats), not about your build…

I said nothing about your post.

Unfortunately its crit rate, tried a full str highlander, maxed out the attribute and never crit =(

Obviously it’s you who can’t read bro…

I was talking about the posts from guys such as xechidna and daays (who advices to go for dex/crit stats), not about your build…

I said nothing about your post.

Read your post again. You said “[wrong info] here for example”: and then listed my build. If you got a problem with my build please talk about it instead of bashing it. I went into detail in my guide but if you don’t understand it that’s fine. At least you know str > dex and that was the point.

Its common sense that warriors in every game have STR and DEX… why the hell are you putting 100 points into CON?

It is currently bug tho suppose to be work like double slash from sword c3(which have 35% cri chance)

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tank? hes a DPS spec. 100 points in CON is a complete waste

and so is 0 CON + max petamion + full plate armor set + aspersion buffs

What a screw up

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Yeah I noticed double slash it working like advertised. Let’s hope it’s not double slash that is bugged and that they fix it!

Waiting for the Barb update because swordies are ‘out-dps’

Obviously a lot of you here has not actually played the damn class and is pulling info out of their ass. And I declare the statement; varuna is a retard. Talking about Lolopanther when no one even has one, nor is it even a feasible option. Also not even showing one screenshot of what they play.

I’ll answer for the thread maker because I’m Swordsman 1> Peltasta 1> Barbarian 3> Doppel 2, which is what they want to go too. Don’t even bring up other classes because it’s off-topic.

1080 damage, and 3 dodges. 2k HP left.

I had well over 50% crit with that Cyclone at that crit rate.

I went in that mob will full HP. If I had no DEX, I would’ve died.

First offs first. Going full STR is outright stupid. You’ll know when you’re Lv 220+. Just take a look at the screenshots; mobs do 1k each hit and have over 100k HP. I was at full HP before I used Deeds, and just to get 10 stacks I’m basically dead. If you went full STR, you’d be dead before you even used Cyclone because you can’t dodge. If you wanted maximum DPS, sure go full STR. Just be prepared you are USELESS everywhere in this stage of the game because you die in 3 seconds of mobbing. Going 100 CON will do what? Like the screenshot shows, you probably lose half your HP just stacking 10 stacks. Now you just lost 100 points into something that could have been more useful. Then what? After Deeds runs out you stack another 10? Will potions keep up? No, they won’t. Even heavy CON Squire Templars with 40k+ HP run around this place on the verge of dying, and I survive better than them with 17k HP and a lot of evasion. This is because even the healer can’t keep up with the amount of damage they take running no evasion.

I declare, you can’t solo. Unless you’re a total masochist, don’t do it. You need a healer and you’ll be in a party. You don’t want to CON. That’s just how the game works at this stage. The only time you would want it is for dungeon bosses that do 10k+ damage to you, PVP, and no where else.

Swordsman 1> Peltasta 1> Barbarian 3> Doppel 2 is what I’m running. Anyone who runs this build knows for a fact Crit Attack is useless because you have no multi hit skills where Crit Attack is really even useful. At the attack in the screenshot above, I auto-attack for 5k crits but it STILL takes me over 8 seconds to skill a mob in Evac. A measly 500 crit attack is not going to make a difference when they have 100k HP and you take that long while your valuable buff duration is running out. WIthout buffs, you barely do 2k. Have fun hitting a mob 50 times for it to die. You could probably do 7k crits at full STR if you could crit. But what’s the point of crit attack if you have no DEX to crit in the first place??? Get a bunch of green gems? You are still missing the evasion. Once again, while you’re auto-attacking mobs, with no evasion you’ll die before you kill the mob. Same with Cyclone; you’ll be in the middle of 5 mobs hitting you for 1k damage each with 100% accuracy. Then you have to sit down with a bonfire to recover it all while your buffs run out. This is not a practical play style. Your damage running this build comes ALL from skills. NO ONE auto-attacks at 220+. You will never see it unless it’s a boss.

Cleave is a one-hit skill. Seism is a one-hit skill. Helm Chopper is two hits. Crit attack does jack in proportion to the damage they already do if you crit with them. Probably a bonus 1.5k damage after multipliers if you COULD crit with a heavy STR build in the first place. Still nothing to a 100k HP mob. My attack with no buffs is 883-1100 and 2776-2993 with full buffs + 183 crit atk… If I was full STR it would maybe be like 1305-1522 with ~600 Crit Atk. Add in full attack buffs and it would be around 3810-4027 with essentialy no crit. 2776 atk x 1.5 crit = 4164 which already supasses this value. Sure, the crit rate isn’t 100%, but it’s pretty high and the high evasion is way more valuable.

However, this doesn’t last. The buff duration is just too low for you to make use of it in the first place. Cyclone isn’t even a reliable option in the first place with 55 second cooldown which is longer than the duration of Frenzy and Warcry. (Anyone who says the cooldown is 45 seconds obviously isn’t Doppel)

You are better off unloading all your skills and then waiting for your party to finish them off than auto-attacking. The real problem for this class is the cooldown time. It’s just more worthwhile to increase your chance of crit rather than doing increasing damage with this class; the 1.5x damage outweights a more STR heavy build anyday. The evasion saves you from face-planting.

Of course I’m not saying go full DEX; which is what I’m not. You’ll realize that Crit Rate will only do so much once you get to a certain amount. Yes, STR is important for Doppel because suddenly with Deeds, the effectiveness is doubled at 10 stacks, but once again, 10 stacks in itself is not practical without a healer nor will you really even achieve 10 stacks at a time where you want it.

Your DPS is still garbage compared to wizard and archers. This has already been discussed in just about every nook and cranny in this forum so I won’t even go there. You just have to accept it. Even spear classes do more damage than this class. Mainly because of how the element properties in this game works. Most mobs in the areas after level 220 are leather. Spears have a 50% damage bonus to this, so any dragoon will almost always be more reliable in dealing damage. Plate mobs too, barb/doppel with practically every skill being slash suffer a damage penalty while spear pierce still does 100% damage.

All in all, you will be in a party. Trying to level solo as opposed to with a party is just miserable with this class and not worth it. This is no different with any other class.

exactly what i been saying couple months ago, CON on a swordsman class is absolutely useless (unless their spec as a 100% full tank with a shield on)

with a full plate set and aspersion buffs, the monsters deal avg 1 dmg ~ 550 dmg and thats with 0 CON

in Ragnarok Online, Damage Redux is far better than HP/VIT… you have full VIT in PVP and you get 1 shot with a thana weapon