Tree of Savior Forum

How is this "MMORPG" going to be developed?

imo they shouldn’t force it to be a 100% carbon copy of RO or other old school MMO’s, in terms of what your saying.
they should introduce aspects of both styles that cater to both audiences, which seems like what they are trying to do, for instance the main quests are mostly linear, but they also have hidden side quests to satisfy players with wanderlust.
they are probably gonna add alot more zones and places to roam around and do quests, which would be nice.

as for the solo vs party thing, i think it should be both, solo players should feel like the game lets them solo, but when difficult content is presented then they should also feel the need to party up, if the game is too focused on one side then it will start to fall apart

but in the end its all about money and the game will evolve to suit its audience, the whole MMO on rails thing is obviously successful that’s why its saturated the market, but i do wish the old school games made a comeback, i miss heavy but satisfying grinding, and the sense of accomplishment you get for being able to level a character to max

Bud, you’re describing MapleStory at its finest. . . Ayy LMAO

Tree of Savior reminds me more of Secret of Mana and Soul Blazer. And I hope they don’t make all Classes Overpowered and self-sufficient. That’s not the goal of a true RPG or MMORPG. I love the way this game has Social-oriented Classes, like the Squire, Alchemist, Appraiser, Templar, etc. and those Classes doesn’t have to be overpowered against Monsters, Bosses, nor PvP.

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darn it, now I want to play Sword of mana and make a video of it…



@kmstramm, The tanking system sounds “logical” for me, especially for the durability part. I meant, while physical strength is important, but most of the time it should be the body armor which actually negate the actual damage and whatnot. It adds a lot of the immersion aspects but I guess it’ll never be a system that is welcomed by the casual players. I think making tank a slow moving class will somehow solve the kiting scenario since, well, tanks always wear heavy armor and they shouldn’t be the fastest moving class out there. Perhaps give them a shield rush skill or something so they can at least have 1 (and only 1) escape tool?

I actually like repairing my armors though, give me more reasons to stay in town and whatnot. Carrying extra pieces of armor is fine with me though, maybe not to the rest…

As far as healing system being passive, the only one reasonable explanation I can get from the developer is that they no longer want to put all the blameworthiness and responsibility on the shoulder of healing classes. Most of the time, in most MMORPG, whenever there is a priest in a group and some glass cannon decided to go YOLO and died in an instance, healing class will be the first target to be blamed. But yes, it’s very restrictive and limited though, but it will boost the element of teamwork furthermore, for the better or worse, it’s a question to be answered on the party.

@yodish92 ,Yes, exactly! That is why I don’t want (or wish) it to be a game to be too easy or too convenient. I understand the need to cater all kind of players so I don’t really mind if the developer decided to make it 70% solo-able and 30% to be only party-able, in which the latter part should be something that could be only done in endgame contents. And, again, I’m using RO as an example to illustrate the “good old times”, if you must put it in that way.

@tsaikoh, While Maplestory is the Grand Example of the description, most of the MMORPG however, are on the same route as well (Even Mark Kern, team lead of WoW, had admitted it. It’s just a degree of severeness on how far did the developers went to cater the casual players and in return, ruined the genre of MMORPG.