Tree of Savior Forum

How is this "MMORPG" going to be developed?

Again, this thread is not about whether if ToS should go for which direction and it was not intended to be a flame war on whether if it should be solo or party oriented. I merely ask on the possible direction it is going to take and decides if I should play it.

@lostjossie your paragraph tldr:

a) ToS is generic korean mmo

b) ToS is a spiritual successor to RO

the answer is A, ToS will only look like RO.

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it should be added that while ToS is not and will not be RO, it still has some elements and an artstyle very simillar to RO

I’ll rather it to be
a) ToS is a generic MMORPG
b) ToS is a MMORPG that tries to revive the old sentiments one can get from the old / first generation of MMORPG.

Just because I mentioned “spiritual successor of RO”, please read it in line with “which was one of the staple MMORPGs that defined the genre and made the old-school MMORPG players weeping in tears for what they experienced from the modern MMORPG today”, because that is the main point I wish to emphasize on.

Suddenly I feel so sorry to bring in an example just to use it as an illustration…

RO became popular because its one of the 1st mmorpg out there, no need to add sugar coating. it became popular by default because there is only a very few number of mmo choices to compete with it in that era.

ToS is generic Korean mmorpg take it or leave it.

Never mind, I give up to converse with you further more if you insist I’m asking if ToS is going to be a RO clone when I’m not.

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ToS is not attempting to be a RO clone. Its paving its own path.

Though it has content references to Granado Esapda

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Don’t bother with him I got into an arguement with him on another thread and am now regretting my decision as I have lost precious time.

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at least give your insight to his question, if your just gonna bust in and kick me

is ToS—

a) ToS is a generic MMORPG
b) ToS is a MMORPG that tries to revive the old sentiments one can get from the old / first generation of MMORPG.

my answer is A btw

The gameplay is too simple and easy. The only reason why people didnt go soloing DG’s or trying world bosses is because they are big dumb balls of stats. Why take 63 hours auto hitting a world boss from a distance as an archer when you can kill with a group?

Not impossible, but tedious.

Dungeons, specially for people that came from games like WoW and are accostumed to the Holy Trinity, felt awkward… All you can see are flashes and numbers flying. Healing doesn’t feel like real healing because Tanks can either take 0 damage (kiting mobs to death) or be insta gibbed because once a 30s healing goes on cooldown, and it’s your only form of healing, it’s over.

Maps and questing were great specially Tenet Chapel… but the instanced Dungeons were very bad.

Also, TALT.

TOS, IMO does a better job at being a MMORPG than most modern MMORPGS from what I have seen so far. Its true that early levels are a breeze and most players solo but as you get higher in levels, party play makes the game more enjoyable…even if its not a fully party. I used to duo with priests(love me that sacrament buff) friends and sometimes a archer or mage; I played swordman. And while I like solo(to keep my loots and make money) I found questing in parties made it a breeze and racking up levels in a fraction of the time due to faster exp card gain. I am sure with added content the game will become even more social; I also think this game will attack those kinds of players i.e. people who want a “real MMOPRG”.

Please do bear in mind that making the game content harder, could deter casuals who MMOs these days have to cater for as well and like it or not they usually make up a good portion of the population.

You can also know if that player is sociable by seeing how many likes he have, also that custom where you exchange likes after a party(and add friend) or just chatting in town, or exchanging deals, It’s kinda nice.
Shiroe and Momonga type of players will probably have a lot of likes while Kirito only receives from his Harem.

@kmstramm , Can you elaborate more on the healing aspect? It sounds very wrong to have only 1 heal that has a 30 seconds cooldown…
@mackyfer , Yes, I understand that casual players are the main players nowadays, hence the question on whether if this game is going to cater the casual players (the current generation of MMORPG players) or the “hardcore” players (the old-school MMORPG players) more but not a question on whether if the ToS community consist of solo players only. I meant, if ToS is designed to be the latter one, it’s no surprise to see less of these solo players, especially the solo elitists. If ToS decides to be the former one, I’ll just walk away silently.
@danz_gamecount , While it sounds like a “neat” system, I still believe the elements I mentioned are what truly encourage / indulge the players to initiate the conversations and keep them going.

As of now, only the Cleric lineage has healing skills.

From all the Cleric classes, the ones that have burst healing are Cleric (Heal) and Priest (Mass Heal). Krivis and Paladin have skills that increase HP regeneration, but both do not ammount to the healing needed in Instanced Dungeons, since the damage output tanks receive there is huge.

So we have Heal and Mass Heal to work with, if we want healing. Mass heal has a 30s CD healing all alies in a frontal circle once, for about 15-25% HP, except for tanks that have a much larger pool, which should be around 10-15%.

Heal has 2 charges and a 22s CD (forgive my previous exaggeration), and considering the iCBT2 format, no matter how many skill levels Heal has, it can only create 5 healing tiles (lvl5 or higher) on the ground. Making a long story short, Heal lvl 5 is the sweet spot for healing to avoid detrimental sacrifices.

If you only use 1 charge, the other will take 1 full minute to refresh (if im not mistaken) so you are stuck casting both at once to have more healing output. Believe me: A party of 5 can chug those 10 healing tiles in an instant. EVEN if no one excet the tank took damage, if he stands his ground he will run out of healing and die.

EDIT: Forgot to mention Safety Zone from Cleric Class. 48s CD for blocking entirely 10 attacks for whoever is in the marked tile (which should be the tank). Every pull with Safety Zone on cooldown is a painful mess.

There is more than one heal in the game, there are several heals in the game. They just don’t all heal with the same mechanics. @lostjossie

@kmstramm , Hmmm, it sounds rather…“interesting”. From the description alone, it seems like the heals in ToS are heavily emphasized on a matter of the critical timing to use the heal skills at the right time, and it is the party members’ responsibility to have the awareness to receive these heals as well?
@tytaine , Alright.

Well it definitely is not ro but it was called Project R for a number of years.

This has been changed in the current KTest server, while the healing power of Heal has been lowered now the ammount of tiles do increase with level, meaning that with Monster Gems and Divine Might a Cleric is capable of casting up to 17 Heal tiles at once in a single charge of Heal.

True. Is that a good thing, though? If Cleric C2-C3 is required for competent healing, support as a whole will take a beating for Clerics… after all, Blessing and Daino are nice, but they are meaningless near the capability of healing in instances… no point in buffing if the tank can’t tank.

Also no point in having 2 Clerics (1 for healing and 1 for buffing) in instances, since it would be a damage loss for the party.

AKA, I fear that Heal is getting the Joint Penalty treatment in a MUCH worse way… since you will be forced to have multiple cleric ranks before thinking of anything else, contrary to the wizard’s being pidgeonholed in at least 1 Linker circle.

The tank tree from the Swordsman specs Peltasta and Rodelero have skills that encourage tanking via standing your ground and outlasting the punishment, as long as your HP doesn’t drop to 0, however , thanks to the poor AI of the game’s monsters, tanks can easily Swashbuckle to taunt mobs and run in circles, negating nearly all damage while the DPS kills them.

That is a problem:
-If tanking was designed via dodging of monsters, there is no point in having the Rodelero and Peltasta skills as they are at the moment;
-If tanking as meant to be as the skills demand, standing and taking punishment, two things must be drastically improved: Lower Healing cooldowns and higher tank armor durability.

If you are annoyed by having to repair every now and then, you haven’t played as a tank yet. The mobs destroy your durability like it’s nothing. Even if the HP damage is low, the durability simply doesn’t keep up. This forces tanks to carry extra pieces of armor to avoid finishing a instance naked.

The healing system is incredibly passive… you literally drop the tiles on the ground and the people heal themselves. However buffing is annoyingly active in this game. Casting Blessing every 40s is one of the worst things I came to despise as a priest…
Healing should be more active and buffing, in counterpart, passive.

At high ranks Clerics are more than capable of providing DPS, hell full clerics partys always where the ones that had the easier time in instances in my experience, plenty of support and DPS options between each other, the only time we had an even easier time was when we had a Linker.
Honestly two specialised Clerics (One in a Priest focused route and other in a Krivis focused one as both are vital jobs in party play) per party along a Tank and DPSs is by far the most optimal outside of sheer DPS if you ask me.