Tree of Savior Forum

How is this "MMORPG" going to be developed?

Is it going to be a MMORPG that follows the general trend today, AKA making everything solo-able, extremely convenience and easy until it’s literally spoon-feeding the players, and discouraging social interaction as a whole by bringing in the over-convenience group options / designing bosses to be solo-able / homogenizing every single classes by giving them all the abilities one could desire on a single class and destroy classes individuality and roles being played on the battlefield / making the minimal requirement of party size for a dungeon to be small, and slap “MMORPG” as its genre just because there are many players online and it requires an internet connection even if these players will not bother to communicate as a whole?
Or it is a MMORPG that truly wants to be a spiritual successor of RO, which was one of the staple MMORPGs that defined the genre and made the old-school MMORPG players weeping in tears for what they experienced from the modern MMORPG today?

I have no intention to start a flame war by determining which one is better, it’s just a matter of preference in my case, in which I prefer the latter one. I just want to make sure my time is not wasted on something that’ll eventually disappoint me again.

Thanks in advance.

the original official dev blog states its made for ultrabook gaming. Thus ToS was a mmorpg for Laptops gamer as initial concept.

Officially IMC never advertise itself as RO successor. It is the gaming sites and uninformed fans that called ToS as RO successor. only to be discourage when its not RO.

ToS is ToS. IMC likes to experiment in their titles.

Granado Espada combat is a Real time strategy game despite a mmorpg

Wolfknights is a hybrid Moba-mmorpg.

and Tree of Savior is trying to be oldschool console action rpg to be played online

you kill cute creatures in action combat
then you pray to goddess statues

then you go to mine


Each Class is different. Whenever I see someone ask, "Which class is the best?"I kind of laugh because it really depends on what aspect. Farming, Over-killing, boss killing, grinding, party role, solo role, different classes are the best at different things.

Quest Mobs are Soloable but they should be, they are for questing. You won’t see anyone soloing any World Bosses though (Well unless you mean the level 40 and under ones). It might be possible but I highly doubt that person can stay alone long enough to do it. People will eventually show up and ask other people to show up to help kill it. I know there are plenty of times where someone will do a world shout and I would run to the zone and there would be like 3-4 people dying repeatedly trying to kill it with the boss at like 70%+ still.

Missions scale with your level so while you could attempt to Solo them but it would take a fraction of the time to just group up with people your level and do them. The only point in soloing them is if you want to spend a lot of extra time taking the multiple boss fights down.

Instance Dungeons can be Solo’ed but again it makes more sense to group. If you are going for a full clear, full groups will do that faster. If you are going for a Boss rush a full group will do that faster as well.

This game is by no means perfect but I do enjoy the foundation and hope to see it evolve into even better. Seeing that the devs re-did the map to give a second starting area, and are constantly trying to rebalance the classes it gives me hope.


Don’t get me wrong, while I loved RO for its gameplay, I’m not concerned on what is the “true” genre that ToS is going after. When I talked about the “MMORPG”, I was talking about the experience you get from it instead of the gameplay / battle system. The “forced” social interaction, if you want to word it that way.

I have no problem with open field monsters / quests / missions to be solo-able. I’m not some die hard fan of grouping, just that the general trend MMORPGs uses today literally kills the social aspect of it when they decided to design the game to be solo-able as a whole until players in a whole preferred to solo instead of grouping all, if not, most of the time in the entire journey without giving a care for the surrounding players, even for endgame materials, and some other aspects that I had mentioned.

RO was fun because our Nostalgia is supporting our younger days full of bliss.

We all just grew up and grumpy gamers wishing for the good old days with each new mmorpg

in my opinion

whcih reminds me, i havent finished Sword of Mana


I’m not sure how it turns out to be a nostalgia stuff now but it was not my point. I’m asking if ToS, in a nutshell, is going to focus more on group play or it’s going to be just like any other MMORPG out there, AKA “Massively Single-player Online Role Playing Game”.

the main quest/story definitely can be soloed as I told you ToS is trying to be Sword of Mana (Online) like. However the end game guildwars and field bosses and raids can never be solod. Its a standard korean mmorpg so to speak. why did the devs choose to do that? common knowledge is because it more profitable that way. mmorpgs is a business in the first place.

Social part is up to the players whether they stick to nostalgia or open up their kokoro to new online friends that adjusted to a game.

I thought I answered this, but maybe I was too long winded.

You can solo quest. Everything else is far more efficient in groups. And this is only taking into account content up to the current cap and not the actual cap of the game. I imagine as we get higher it will only make it more true.

Cool, are you speculating that in the near future, even Kirito-syndrome players would have to be forced to party up to progress smooth and nice unless they want to waste time and resources just to take down something a whole lot slower when compared to what could be only achieved by a party?

Kirito syndrome players will quit the game in a few months.

It the Shiroe wannabe that will stay for several years.

Its Momonga ones that will stay until the end of the server.


Nu, RO is still fun. If you completely ignore all of the new content. Open world exploration and challenging enemies that are fun to kill - this will always be fun. I played it recently ( classic server ), and killing things / making characters was still fun, aside from the obvious UI flaws that an old game will have. Then I got to endgame and had to instantly quit.

@lostjossie Sadly no, there are still a lot of SOLO-ONLY-NEVER-PARTY players that this game seems to partly cater to. I’m going to be honest here, I don’t understand why any of them don’t just play single player RPGs, they really are a waste of space on the maps I play on for the most part, and get in the way. It’s especially infuriating when I come across one while we’re both doing one of those silly “pick up 10 pieces of wood” quests, and there’s only 5 pieces of wood, and they won’t party to share quest progress because “I ONLY SOLO FOREVER IT’S MY WAY”. So we have to compete for wood for no reason, and I really just want to be able to slap someone through my computer monitor. /endrant

As a note though, after lvl 125 the areas do need more party play to be effective. It seems this may be more true in the 200-280 areas, as all enemies will auto-aggro on later maps. I really hope this is the case. I play MMOs to play with other people, not watch other people run by me who never want to talk or party.

This is why I like games that are more grindy, and have less hand holding. What happened during the CBT1 was actually pretty cool. Everyone started off soloing and trying to do everything themselves, and then when they hit a grindwall they let their barriers down and gave up, starting to talk to other people asking for advice and trying to find the best way to efficiently progress.

Not that I prefer that exp rate, but when all the quests are just a bunch of easy task list soloable content that is also the most efficient way to progress, party play and community suffers.

I feel like they are addressing this issue somewhat ( especially with the new updates ), but it certainly needs a lot of work, and I really hope it happens.


The hell is this even suposed to mean.

here is a visual representation

Kirito class are players that listen to linkin park while playing ToS.

Shiroe class mature players that enjoys the game at the company of the community.

Momonga class players are those that attained enlightenment, where the guild takes priority over all.

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-Sigh of relief- I feel you right there.

But I guess these players can’t be blamed all alone since it was the developers who designed this generation of MMORPG this way, in which they encourage solo play more than anything else. If players are given an opportunity to do it, guess what, they will. More often than not, I feel that "MMORPG’ had become a stage for all the insecure people to boost their ego there, but it could just be my guess.

And yes, I completely agree with you. Setting up a hard difficulty for a game, especially MMORPG, really give “reasons” for people to initiate conversations. I meant, if everyone has the access and the ability to do something easily, why the hell would they discuss about it, let alone work together to solve something, which ultimately kills the need of social interaction?

I see the word “hope” there…I guess I’ll do the same as well.

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Oh wow I had erased so much about SAO that I had fogotten about that ■■■■, I only make fun of the Kirito players because of their dual wielding obsesion while they don’t even endure the game to get to Corsair anyways.
Is Overlord any good?
Log Horizon droped me off in the second season and I just haven’t gotten the will to finish it, answer via PM because otherwise this could get derailed a tad too hard.

Jariu doesn’t get it. Too bad, his/her lose though :yum: j/k

And yes, I fully agree with this sentiment.
Keep the Shiroe wannabe and Momonga worshipper here, and all is well in the world.

I think it will depends a lot on how the endgame is going to turn out aka guild wars, high level dungeon/raid?
in RO, war of emperium was a big factor in grouping ppl in guilds and making them play together.

For lvling content, you can solo a lot but I feel like it’s more fun in a small party

The funny part is that Kirito isn’t really a solo player, he just went solo because it’s the most efficient way to hoard resources in SAO. When there is a need to party for quest and boss, he would still party up with others.

That aside, it’s the game design that makes most player to decide between partying and soloing. If the effort to find a party is much more than doing the task alone, the players will prefer to go solo (like at most part of earlier level in ToS).

Sure it will help if youre doing quest. But what if the othey guy is farming items while grinding for exp? Why would I want to party with some stranger that may steal my loot? If you just want exp, sure we can party, but If I want to farm some silvers while grinding exp I go solo.

The thing is, if you want to group up, then group up, If you want to solo, then solo, there are more ways to play the game. It really depends on the situation and what do you want to do.