Tree of Savior Forum

How important is Archer2?

Right now I’m Archer-Ranger3.
I’m planning on falconer and was thinking of Archer-Ranger3-Flectcher1
just so I can have crossfire as something to shoot in between my cooldowns, then falconer after that.

But is the archer c2 crit attribute for swift steps something that I really can’t pass up?

How do you calculate your chance to crit? Like right now my crit rate stat is like 65 but I don’t think that’s actually the crit chance.

you can pass up, but crit attribute+dodge is nice especially those with high dex

crit chance= (crit rate-crit resist)*42/char level

if you go fletcher1 I think you can go all the way to fletcher3. current falconer doesn’t provide anything worth your circle if you don’t plan to use circling combo(multishot/snipe/cannon/punji)
you can also go rogue1 for feint barrage

For circling.
what does it mean by “defense ratio -1”

for more information AoE Ratio calculations

in short decrease enemy aoe def ratio make some skill hit more enemy in the area of your aoe skill
eg. normal use multishot15 at 2enemies in the aoe area each arrow hit 1 enemy so total is 16 hits, but use multishot15 +circling(with enough lv to make enemies aoe def become 0) at 2 enemies in the aoe area each arrow hit both of them so total 32 hits.

The 25% crit rate buff from swift step equates to about 170 points of STR.

If you had swift step A2, you could leave your DEX at 230~ with bis gear to hit crit cap and pump the rest of your points into STR (which comes out to 170~ STR)

Without swift step A2, you would need around 350~ DEX to hit crit cap, leaving no spare pints to put into STR.

So ask yourself, do you think 170 STR is worth giving up?



? crt cap ? source?

Can you elaborate, please? thanks…

Its just some calclulations i’ve made for my archer.

You slot green gems on your weapons regardless of your build and you put the over-flowed crit rate/DEX points into STR, so those green gems translate directly into strength gain.

You can’t do this if you don’t have the crit buff from A2 though. You also don’t need to do this if you rely on rogue’s sneak hit

Since didel grand cross is the best crossbow you can get i assumed you have 2 lvl6 green gems in primary and 1 lvl6 green gem in secondary. BiS items are 2x Sissel Bracelets, Max Petamion, Mana-mana, Virtov Leather Gloves.

Witsh I had this when I was asking for advice earlier, Having a rogue on my ranger c3 myself I can definitely say its a good choice if you pass up archer 2 for the sheer fact that Gems past lvl 4 are a pain to get on low level when you aren’t making any money. And that if you push a button you get instant criticals is a blessing.

If your looking for build advice that’s separate but archer2 isn’t something that will ruin you later on in the game, cuz you are STILL going to stack gems no matter what your build is anyway, you would just theoreticly lose out on 25% of that value. So in the long run Archer 2 will shine as caps get higher, where as rogues flat chance might diminish long term.

Nah, Rogue’s sneak hit will never diminish. 70% crit rate from behind is like 400 DEX worth of points, and that value will only get larger as the level cap increases.

Save yourself, go F3

or Ro>Falc>Cannoneer (still not the best)

Don’t mind getting A2 with your build.

can you elaborate or sell me a bit on rogue?
I see its skills and its seems kind of lacking to me.

So it basically boils down to Feint/Sneak Hit enemies so I can barrage them?

Like I find casting 4-5 buffs before doing something boring, which is why I’m enjoying ranger3 right now. I just have steady aim to worry about, and there’s the archer1 swift steps but I forget about it most of the time and only remember it for bosses.

We are recommending Rogue because of :

Feint + Barrage hidden mechanics, how does it work? well cast Feint on Enemies, then Barrage then. Instead of (lets say you shotgun them) hitting 5 arrows, it will hit 10 arrows. so basically doubles the damage.

While Sneak Hit increase the Critical Chance to 70% when hit from behind, which compromise the lacking of 25% Crit buff of A2

Capture - well steals enemy/allies magic circle (Trap,Magic Arrow, etc)

Well back to the original topic, your going falconer anyway right? So your basicly looking for something to do between Barrage cooldowns.

Only problem is wagushi,fletcher,sapper all require 2+circles to be effective, and scout is pure ly pvp choice at only circle 1.

So really your choices are archerc2 for kneeling shot//swift step 25% crit chance,rogue with what Mamark mentioned already. and scout for flare shot and onlyflare shot. Hunter is cute but the only single target skill worh noting is spiral arrow and it already has a crit attribute so coursing is out the window.

After juggling back and forth in my mind between flecter/rogue or archer2.

I think I’m gonna go with Rogue.
Other than swift steps, I thinking falconer cirlce+ lv10 multishot might be good.
But Feint+Barrage sounds more up my alley.

So for a circle1.
Just go 5/5 Feint, 5/5 Sneak Hit, 1/5 Capture, 4/5 Vendetta?
I think I read in a passing comment Capture is bugged where putting more pts in it doesn’t matter?

Critical resist from mobs lowers rogue sneak hit flat % chance.

I tested it, in game, on our TOS.

I see.

Min max stuff above in the video.


He gains 14,5% critical chance from the archer c2 swift step buff.

He got 382 critical rate even BEFORE the archer c2 buff… so… the buff is useless in that case, as he is already at full STR point??


What he mean is around 350 dex + crit rate from gear to reach crit crap.

there 's 3 common path that people often up to
archer c2 (mostly for heavy shot and attribute from swift step) -> archer c3 (mainly for normal attack build, kneeling shot lv 10)
archer c1 > ranger c3 (for burst dmg, the most common build is archer > ranger c3 > fletcher c3)
archer c1 > QS c3 > archer c2 (or 3) normal attack build, core skill is running shot

so if you already ranger c3 just pass archer c2
yr: 65 is crit rate not chance, crit rate scale with level and reduce by crit resistance

archer2 multishot lv10 do nuts dmg to aoe with circling.

You need 667 crit rate to reach crit cap on 0 crit resist monsters, so I’m not exactly sure what you’re point is. Swift Step is literally free crit rate, so if you don’t think +95 crit rate is good then I’m not really sure how to respond.