Tree of Savior Forum

Hm...Are you sure you increase the respawn rate by 50%?

That one should be higher. Maybe they accidentally made spawns slower instead of faster lol?

Yeah was thinking the same thing xD

Is it sad that I think you may not be off from the truth with your hypothetical? Either this was the case or they forgot to mention decreased spawn rates for other maps.

But why would they Lower spawn rate on other maps?

I don’t know what they are thinking. There was a time when I thought I did. But that time has passed…

Some might say it hurts botters, but lowering spawn rates is a terrible way to do it. It hurts many many more legitimate player’s experiences. And the bots don’t really care.

So yeah I have no clue what they are thinking…

Maybe they got there math backwards


10 second re spawn timer + 50% = 15sec

Instead of increasing spawn rate by 50%

10 Sec re spawn - 50% = 5 Sec

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That could be somthing as i did some testing the spawn time on ‘‘normal mobs’’ Was around 10-20 sec but now not even sure as most of the time mobs dont even spawn xD

(Edit) Or they could have lowered the number of spawned mobs in each zone, mobs in ‘‘Woods of the linked bridges’’ spawn okay fast, but the number seems a bit off it could just be me though… :confused:

Too bad it feels like it is in fact lowered even in field zones… for owl grounds (or something like that) i found a quest where you got to kill 20 enemies in 2 minutes in an open area… there’s no enemies spawning for more than 1 minutes making it almost impossible… recorded it on video btw :confused:

Yeah m2 not sure but hey lets just hope we hear from them xD lol

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Then send it to them They need all the info they can get also i said to one of the staff that the spawn rate was lower then yesterday xD

Based on my admittedly lacking of understanding of the game spawn systems, there are two systems in place that control monster generation. There’s regular map spawns (which are simply timer based) and what’s called internally as ‘smartgen’.

Smartgen is a neat system that ties monster spawn to player presence, and does things like spawn monsters around a player and sets ambushes and such. If you’re walking around and monsters pop up randomly and attack you, that’s smartgen. This system is independent of normal map spawns, so that’s why you’ll still see mobs spawn sometimes between the fixed spawn intervals. Smartgen has a kind of internal counter that ticks up as you do stuff and when it hits a certain point, it activates and makes mobs for you. What they did is they halved the level needed to trigger smartgen, so you should reasonably notice more monsters popping up around you.

Trouble is, not all mobs use smartgen… actually a lot of the mobs that actually matter, like the oft-cited Egnome spawn, Glizardons, etc, don’t use it. So this change won’t actually make a difference in those cases, the ones people were actually complaining about.


Okay did not know that, but it just say Monster Respawn Rate : 50% increase on all field zones, and as i can see from what i have done it is some what lower then yesterday :confused: not even sure if the patch is out yet at all :confused:


Many thanks for the insight! Your reddit post on the spawn times was also really informative!

LINK For those who haven’t reddit

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Yeah i ran into that problem the other day i had to grind 1-2 lvls just to get my next quest lol
it sucked so bad xD

50% they said, as they stood around the water cooler laughing at us.

Full well knowing the maps would still be empty and that they are more worried about gold farmers and bots than people actually having fun on the game.

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I ■■■■■■■ total agree mate, it freaking sucks i have been trying to farm blood so i can make 1 par of gloves that i need for my build and yet i cant get it as the drop is Bullshit it is so freaking low that it is insane. I know the game is grain game but come on i am lvl 75 and still trying to get the blood -.- I have been farming for so long that i am more or less sick of it now, either they have to higher all drop or higher the spawn rate by 200 - 500% on all maps…

Sigh :rage:

They increased the spawn rate? O_o
Who knew!

It say that the spawn rate is Increased but it is not, it is increased by 50% of all frield zones -.- but it is not, it is rather lowered by 50-100% lol tages freaking forever for some mobs to spawn and it is a grain game lol