Tree of Savior Forum

Highlander C3 VS Barbarian C3

I wanna hear from both sides. Which one is better for PVP going Dopp3 or something

As a Highlander 3 I find that highlander skills (by themselves) are quite inadequate for PvP gameplay. Highlander by itself is more oriented to monsters/bosses.
The only skills I find that can be usefull in PvP are:

  • Cross Guard (Not sure if this is the result of grabbing the Peltasta skill Umbo Blow, but when blocking with Cross Guard you can also debuff the person that attacked you with the Stagger debuff. This debuff roots the person in place for 3-4 seconds.)

  • Crown (Not completely sure on its scaling, but can result in making the target only hit 1’s with their magic damage.)

If PvP is your main objective, then Barbarian is better than Highlander. Barb has stuns, grabs, knockdowns, and large area hitting skills. All things needed for incapacitating your enemies.

i have a doubt about the stagered atribute of high land. if i block with a shield or another stuff of dual weid. thats applied the stagered debuff for 7 sec to ?

i haven’t tested that myself, but I heard Cross Guard even staggers ranged physical attackers (in PvP as well). and that’s not connected to Peltasta in any way.

on the topic tho - Barb3 is surely better in PvP, main PvP skills being Seism and Pouncing. i’d also add Sw2 for Restrain (and use Durandal sword to cast it), because Cyclone + Restrain is a good combo. but with or without Sw2, don’t expect it to be terribly effective in PvP compared to some other PvP swordie builds. will require far more skill to achieve same results.

is it wrong to have both C3 and toss dopp away ?

If you don’t mind taking hours to kill things that would normally take a Doppel3 a matter of seconds, then there’s nothing wrong with that build at all.

I saw that build in 2v2 as my teammate. One of the worst losses ive endured lol.

I think this is the build I’m gonna be. Sw3-Bar3-Dop2.

doppel really needs c3 and its not a good build if you want to pvp

why though? I have pouncing and lvl10 cyclone and maxed restrain

Cyclone slows your movement you wont be able to catch anyone if you want to pvp just go cata3.

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Thats a very usual and common build its boring. I wanna make this 2 handed pvp build work. Maybe toss pouncing out for dop3?

I do not know about pvp, but the aki sera doppel have a similar build to this one.
Being necessary to reset the skills after taking the attributes of bash, Zornhau, Zucken and Redel.

Cata3 is common because it works you will never be able to make a good 2 handed pvp build.

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I actually want that build but i took Sw3 already so i guess im gonna lose one circle of doppel

I am not sure if you know that already but Crown scales from STR , 1 STR = -1 INT/SPR, disconsidering the attribute.

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Because you want high base damage skills for PVP which Dop3 offers, plus I forget which one but one of them has ridiculous range for melee.

so are you saying that damage > CC in pvp? cos pouncing looks really good pvp but the 2 dop3 skills deal a ton of damage

Damage is a thing now due to transcendence.

So i guess my build is now Sw3-Bar2-Dop3