Tree of Savior Forum


Understood…good to know about FC being the strongest dot. TY

I was in doubt on elementalist skills. Can you look into the build and see Elementalist skills if You would change anything? You can comment there if You want.

I’m not sure about rain and electrocute…don’t have enough points to maximize all skill i want to have so i gotta sacrifice something.

Wizard tree:
I would not put 15 points into earthquake it scales pretty bad 1 point is enought … i would put one point 1 into energy bolt probably 1 in lethargy some more into sheep for maybe pvp and refelct shield .
But in the end for the Mvp purpose none of these will matter u will need quickcast 5 / missles 5 :stuck_out_tongue:

Elementalist :
Electrolute to 14… the dmg + dont matter and the targets don’t increase if u’r not planning to get it to 16 with a skill gem .
1 point in rain it gives a really good combo with electrolute.
In my opinion if u are going Rc like i did u should let meteor at level 1
(really nice quick cast dmg) and u have rune of destruction for the better meteor effekt anyway. And put the remaining points into Freezing Sphere which is the only spell which gets boosted by rune of ice.
Probably not bad for pvp and single target hunting.

But one point of advice the RC route will be worse than warlock route …
I took it mainly because of look and style :stuck_out_tongue:


So frost Cloud and Rail will not get benefited from Ice RUNE? I am curious about RC next ranking…plus this wizz is currently my third char so i have plent of time to think and rethink or even delete it and try again because it is level 20.

Lethargy level 3 can work with the attributes, level 1 don’t. Just put eq level 15 for some Overkills while grinding plus this is the only damage skill I have for now…but I’m thinking of reduce it and rise shield.

ohh ok if u need level 3 for the attribute u should do it…
on my wiz i didN#t take it at all so i didn’t know but i think for the leveling its worth it.
Well i think Rc will get buffed and probably with next classes / ranks all r7 choices will get a nerf because they are quite overpowered right now.
but yeah frost cloud and hail don’t beneffit from ice rune they count as deployment magic.

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Oh %¨%#$%#¨so it is useless for elementalist if You don’t put Freezing Sphere…no man…it can’t be…You got this tested?I mean…i don’t see why if it still is a spell magic damage ice skil.

Its probably the most common wizard misunderstanding

Actually, I believe Pole of Agony is the strongest DoT isn’t it? Since it adds a third attack per second (the dark “bleed” dmg).

It also has a pretty high base damage and scales pretty well (lvl 5 almost doubles damage from lvl 1). Also, its dark element which means it won’t ever do 50% dmg against other elements :smiley:

Im guessing if things stay as they are Pole of Agony on higher Warlock ranks will be quite the ridiculous DPS burst. It should do 2574 base dmg per tick at lvl 15 if the scaling stays as its now.

It has a big cooldown, but Im guessing at higher levels the damage will make up for it. Pretty much the same as how hail works (lvl 1 is bad, and 15 is awesome against bosses)

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But…Why Hail doesn’t count for ice rune? :confused:

Plus IF this is true…and it doesn’t work.

Them the best for late game on this build should be:

wizzc3: QuickCast(Magic amplification)/surespell

ElementC3: MAxMeteor, MaxFrostCloud, MaxHail, 14 Electrocute, 1 rain

WL: MaxPole, MaxInvocation, 1DarkTheurge and leave some points for c2

What You guys think?

Because Ice Rune doesn’t work on land deployments

and yea meta is something like this

You don’t need to max meteor and pole. Pole is great but 2 min cd isn’t

Because of the high cool down, I hink it is more then reason to max it as You will not be able to recast for some time.

But either way it is hard to plan a build with a rank7 class because You don’t know what skills come next. I am really happy that wizzard isn’t my first class because I would get really stuck on those decisions…i would probably stop in rank 6 elementalist.

i’m building a templar which is no big deal whether skills i’m going to choose and a monk which finishes monk c3 at rank 7.

But wizzard is kinda scary puting points or even changing jobs on ranking 7 unless you did some double c3 build.

This way You may get to higher ranks later with skill that don’t worth to use…that’s why i don’t like to let skills not maxed unless they are buffs/debuffs or sort of that.

Because they are deployment spells which Ice Rune specifically says it does not affect.

You take RC in an Elementalist build for Destruction because in big packs or on bosses who are near their traps, it acts as a second (better) meteor if the projectiles connect with the boss.

Warlock is a safer alternative but Pole has the same problems that the rest of the elementalist deployment spells have, if a boss moves it does nothing which is often the case due to its small hitbox. You just have to be mindful of when you cast it so you can get the most out of it.

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pyro3 chrono3… burn baby burn
fireballs are kinda bad when people hit them away though T_T

Yeah…I never noticed that part on the description…

@Sorcerebro hahaha…Why this sinergy is good? chrono can do what to make pyro batter?

its all about the multihits and elemental damage. and you can get away with enchant fire 1.
you can push fireballs around easier.
your autos work well with elemental multihits.
there are some high cooldown spells on pyro.
flame ground works with stop, counts as a status effect or something. so does burning.
can keep stuff sitting on top of the flame.
everyone loves haste.

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Chrono has some good synergies with Pyro:
-Stop has the same cooldown as fire pillar
-Fire Pillar and Flame Ground do damage on timestopped enemies
-Pass 5 will completely reset fireball and flame ground cooldowns
Combine all and you can do quite strong combos like
Stop -> flame ground-> fireball -> fireball -> fire pillar -> pass -> flame ground -> fireball -> fireball
While the fireballs won’t immediately do damage (since the enemy is still affected by Stop) all 4 fireballs will start doing damage the moment Stop runs out. And since fire pillar will still be active when Stop runs out the enemies won’t be able to run away from the fireballs and take all hits.
Note : Make sure to use Pass only AFTER fire pillar to ensure that both Stop and Fire Pillar get the -25 sec cooldown reduction so you can always do the Stop/Firepillar combo.