Tree of Savior Forum

Hidden Quest, Con+1

Hmm problem right now is that I’m doing a forced entry because the area is locked by a barrier.

By forced entry, I dueled a psychokino inside to lift me to the other side.

This is what I hate about the game (if it is) timed NPCs.

This quest may still be broken. It stopped working about a year and a half ago.

It works.


kinda sucks to know if you’re a perfectionist.

well, for my old chars at least I want them to be perfect.

I totally agree. I like to 100% on my main.

I am too lazy to do this again. But i am sure i did that quest last year around may-june.

Dueled with Lunar’s Kino inside. I never bothered with timers. bcz when i crossed barrier NPC was there

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Hello @Lostac!

I’m not sure if this is correct but I feel it’s worth giving it a try, especially if you got a party with multiple SRs.

I tried with my SR alone but without success, I couldn’t complete the requirement within 30 seconds because of the traps. And in the last run I killed a monster and went offscreen, so it didn’t register the kill and I can’t test more.

I noticed this snippet in the event XML file:

This happens on Stage 4: The stage where you must go upstairs while avoiding traps.

There’s one event called “hiddenEvent1”.

The condition it checks is:
0 monsters alive of group stage_4/11 and stage_4/12.

These are the monsters, the Panto Wizards, which spawns on the stairs/maze:

Spawn mechanics:

1st wave:
5 Panto Wizards: Group A;
10 Panto Wizards: Group B.

2nd wave:
5 Panto Wizards: Appears as the Panto Wizards from Group B are killed. I think there’s one second delay between the kill and the new spawn.

Total Panto Wizards: 20.

Once there are 0 monsters on these two groups, the objects of the group stage_bonus/1 are removed:

And this is a hidden wall:

But there is also a “hiddenEvent2”.

The condition it checks is:
Time elapsed: 31 seconds.

When the condition is met:
The event “hiddenEvent1” is disabled and will no longer be triggered.

That means, for this bonus event to happen all Panto Wizards on the stairs/trap maze must be killed, and this must happen within 30 seconds and before starting Stage5.

Stage5 is the last boss stage, triggered by touching the circular wall upstairs, at the end.

Again, I’m not sure if this is correct and I failed to verify by myself.

And well… I’m lazy to try this “kill monsters far away from me” without Marching Fire, lol.

But it makes sense and feels like a kinda challenging thing that can also be “buggy” if you kill monsters offscreen, so you must take care when walking too fast.

It might be smart to bring at least 1-2 other players with you to cover more parts of the stairs easily, at least until we confirm if this works or not. I’ll also test more later once my entries resets.

I might also be wrong and this could be unrelated or might still not unlock the NPC wall.

I hope this was at least a little useful.

Have a great day!

[]'s o/

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I wish I knew how to look at these .xml files. I’d like to investigate the Kateen Flower. Yes, I’m silly and haven’t given up yet.

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I’m sorry to say this but sadly it’s very unlikely for that headgear to be found with the help of event XML files. These are only for instance events. >_<

Also, there’s a chance the quest stopped working an year ago like Queue said (I missed that).

And about the wall, it could also be because of how kind of strict the checks are on the event XML file now.

I’m not really sure about this but they could have simply changed the mechanics to what it is now.

This is the Seven Valley file history.

Mar 18, 2016:

Oct 18, 2016:

Mar 13, 2017:
Current version. Not sure if there are small changes elsewhere.

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that’s actually a nice find, trying now

Quick note: The wall might still be unrelated to the NPC visibility >_<

lol, we got no psychokino on atm, might not be able to try

I mean, the condition is for removing the wall. So no need for Psychokinos if it’s true. Reminder: I might be wrong.

But the NPC being visible or not might have nothing to do with the wall itself.

Hmm okay, I did two attempts so far and the wall didn’t disappear, i’ll try with more friends tomorrow

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Did you manage to kill all the Panto Wizards within 30 seconds before starting the boss stage? If you did this cleanly I might just be wrong.

I’ll also keep trying next days, but I’m not very confident of it, still it’s a little hard to kill all 20 within the time limit alone due to needing to move around near the traps, even with dispellers.

Not sure if I got the timer right, but the 2nd wave of 5 pantos did spawn and I finished around 12 second mark left or 11

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That should be enough. ;-;

If you made sure no Panto got the lagged death animation, like in Saalus - Mausoleum where you need to walk back to a room for it to register the boss kill, then it might be false.

There’s also a chance the event was changed only on server-side or something like this.

this might be a little hard to notice, i’ll need to gather more people to test

or strictly use melee to have some safety nets

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I feel it might be less time consuming to just teleport with a Kino though, if you’re using melee. lol

Ah, well we did try teleporting through the wall (lift actually), no NPC.

So I’m trying to do it the proper way this time by trying to unlock the barrier first

Could you try, by chance, talking with the Old Well and the Old Tent from Cobalt Forest again with the same character?

I found something in the Lua files that matches with the required quests. And that returns “YES” on a dialog only when these same requirements as “Not able to meet again” quest are met.

I’m not sure if the NPC is the Old Tent or the Old Well though.

In a summary:
1) Make sure you did all pre-requirement quests: (includes Tenet Church quest line then Veja Ravine/Vieta Gorge, I think, then Cobalt Forest, make sure to also do all quests and subquests on Cobalt Forest).
2) Move to a random map.
3) Read all Torn Diary parts you have.
4) Head to Cobalt Forest and talk with the Old Well.
5) Head to Seven Valley mission and get past the wall with a Kino or try the Panto Wizard killing method if you like exploring stuff.

This should work and the NPC shouldn’t be timed.

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