Tree of Savior Forum

Hey Rogue players, I need some insight

Hey there. So it’s been some time since the combat update, and I was wondering what Rogue 3’s were doing damage wise.

Generally any information you all can share regarding Rogue C3 would really be beneficial for me.



Hey. Still Rogue 2 here, but I’ll throw my 2 cents anyway.

Having been testing a DEX build, I can say damage is good, but somewhat unstable; since the damage-defense calculation occurs before the one for critical damage (please correct me if I’m wrong), overall crits will differ according to the enemy’s defense and armor type. However, a well placed Backstab always throws a beautiful yellow number.

Damage wise, Rogue 3 brings even more crit chance (Sneak Hit 15 and Burrow) and stronger backstabs; that’s it, at least for my build. Some people prefer taking Musketeer, Cannoneer or even Falconer, mostly for Circling.m

Rogues damage-wise mainly come from backstab and AA with sneak attack, so actually that’s about it. There’s also additional crits for skill when using burrow but it’s more useful in PVE and skills are limited to Archer/Ranger AFAIK.

You can also copy skills that can be casted on the ground except some really special ones to deal extra damage. These skills you copy are based on the caster’s stat so no worries on needing MATK or any stat related to the copied skills.

Overall, they’re more of a utility class to complement the other classes that you build around.

Rogue 2 as well since my build has hackapell on it and dismounting for certain skills which are sometimes annoying and rogue 3 is even worse.

Anyways, I could say that rogue 2 is much more desired than before(Not rogue 3 unless you like killing bosses) due to crit is a luxury and you got better crit chance from Rogue.

Crit from sneak hit is really awesome. With correct equipment and stat, I am pretty sure I can build a crit based build(Like what we did before pre combat put dex and have 90% crit)

last one I can give is, I got a table list for usable skills while burrow. Give me a moment and I’ll post it here
Edit: There we go. credits to Gwenyth. I am pretty sure it’s still up to date.
it also got nice information for classes mechanics so worth saving it.

See here

Edit 2: While I am it, I should mention that no usable skills for Musket, Cannonner, Hacka and Mergen while on burrow.

correction: it based on your own stat. I tried to capture 10k dmg of frost cloud, when i released it, the dmg is only 1-2k.


So it was reworked? I never really bothered looking at the numbers post-balance but i usually capture skills casted when they’re almost ending for my own use and lay it out on boss with my traps to get massive burst and come out no.1 in dungeons which is highly unlikely if it’s based on my stats.

I couldn’t answer this one but was this post balance when black hole lv 1(capture lv 1) can capture everything laid on ground?

No, i’m saying i’m currently playing it after the rebalance but i never really looked at the damage from my captured skills and assumed it still does great damage like before. I capture things like exorcismus, fire pillar, agony and barrier are some skills i copy. Maybe later i just check the numbers…

Lol the time when capture lv1 just ate everything was freaking hilarious. I remembered collecting so much skills and releasing a nuke!


Capture has always been using your own stat since May 2016

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Ok cool, that’s too bad.

I played during beta, stopped around Feb/March 2016 returned for a bit in Aug/Sep 2016.
Stopped again in Nov 2016. Came back during reset event.

So yeah, plenty of gaps and i wasn’t really following too closely the developments when i was gone, just what needed to be known when i got back. Rogue was my 1st character.

as a fellow rogue, do you still need to use leather set to boost your crit rate?

Not that i know of. I believe we only get bonuses for crit atk now and no more crit rate boost from leather set.

And i feel the cloth set is way better for sacrificing some pdef you get a jump in mdef

i still use virtov plate top bottom, vubbe glove and grinas greave; and my pdef and mdef is the same, around 1200

Yeah no longer need to wear all armor of same type unless the set bonus is really that good.

Thank you all for the Rogue information so far, guys!

  • Can equip [Leather] armor
  • When 3 pieces of [Leather] armor are equipped, critical attack is increased by 30
  • When 3 pieces of [Leather] are equipped, accuracy is increased by 30
  • When 4 or more [Leather] armor pieces are equipped critical attack is increased by 50
  • When 4 or more [Leather] armor pieces are equipped, accuracy is increased by 50

Certainly it’s not worth it for most people, but if your critical rate is good enough that’s some decent CAtk, for almost everyone else though it’s not. Just consider that +40 Attack if you’re at 50% crit rate and you’d be about right, making it a good bonus but not mandatory.

There’s a little hub bub in the ktos thread about cards (having a 3 cap of the same type?). cough … werewolf … cough

Probally because of the passives too…

not true, i captured my friend lv 170 scout flare shot, and my captured flare shot has bigger damage than his

Need help in which rogue build is better?


a2 r s ro3 mergen