Tree of Savior Forum

Hey are you ready for imc?

kkkkkkkkkllllllllllllllllllll dadfad not much to see here

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With the way you described it, I think this would be a case of bug abuse.

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Yeah appreciate you sharing it with us in ā€˜good faithā€™ but this is basically an exploit. One of manyā€¦ many exploits in this game.

Iā€™m trying hard to enjoy the game but every 5 seconds thereā€™s some add-on abuse/hacks/exploits/bot waves/rmt spam

Hate to sound like a doomsday preacher but sh*t when is this game going to get stable? Thereā€™s TOO many things wrong with this game for IMC to be releasing ā€œsmallā€ patches once a monthā€¦ The longer ALL of these issues exist the more damage they do to the game and greatly shorten its lifespan.


Iā€™m sure it is. I posted it under the bug problem a few days ago and they didnā€™t message me or do anything about it, so Iā€™m not 100% sure. If they are aware of a bug and donā€™t fix it, is it really the players fault if they do it? I think it is a minor bug that could be fixed within a few minutes.

Sooooo maybe send a direct report instead of posting it here (if ever this was really a bug or unintended) for everyone to try?

IMO this doesnā€™t seem to qualify as a bug. Sure itā€™s a way to earn fast silver but it also requires a lot of work and coordination with a group of people.

Might also at least help if you posted this in the correct section:

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They removed buyback because it was exploitable. As someone who has programmed a buyback feature before I can tell you itā€™s not hard to doā€¦ in fact Iā€™m impressed that IMC managed to even make it exploitable lol.

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The main reason I posted it was so that IMC would see it, since my bug complaint got ignored. If tons of players start doing it, then maybe they will have no choice but to fix it. I just donā€™t want to see the market get all messed up with an easy way to make silver like this and have it potentially ruin the game.

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bug exploiter detected :smile_cat:

can you make a video?

I posted it in that section earlier under the tittle residence of the fallen legwyn family BUG
but got no replies and only a few views. If people end up making around 3m a day from this, then maybe IMC will have no choice but to remove it due to items being obtained easily since you can just buy anything with this fast way to earn silver.

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Not 100% sure itā€™s a bug. Maybe they want it there for you to figure out because they didnā€™t do anything when I posted this under the bug section of the forums.

Thanks for clarifying. I stand corrected when I said you should report this in an appropriate way.

As your described, it appears the proper way this hidden quest should have worked is that only one set of mob (not 5) should appear be it one person or a party who did the quest, right? If so, it indeed is a bug.

As @maximiliancornejo said, itā€™d be best if you could include a video and/or some screenshots. Then we can summon the staff.

Lol u have good intention but its like reporting urself, the fact that u know its bug and u still doing it is bannable, yes they dont reply anything for like 3 days, but they maybe monitoring it, since u know its a bug and u still exploit it, when its time for that bug to be fixed, then that time u ll be banned bc of the abuse, they hv tons of bug that they need to fix atm, thats why they dont reply to ur bug report, but they monitoring it and this thread of yours will have a solid proof that u exploit it and its bannableā€¦

Not like the game dropped from around 32k+ people (and bots) online at any time to around 12k.

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Youā€™re welcome.

And it does seem to be a bug, but there are also hidden mechanics in the game which in this case could be one of them. I really donā€™t know.

And for the video/screenshots I will not post that due to the fear of getting banned if this does happen to be something I would be banned for. I just want it fixed. The staff should have enough information to text it with what I provided from the main post.

that event is 1m per hour in CBT and they already nerf it to 200k at kr grand open. So you got 900k now that mean itā€™s a bug.

and itā€™s bad to you, you not report it soon an continue to do it and got 18m.
thatā€™s mean itā€™s bug exploit

Well thatā€™s depressingā€¦ itā€™s evening hours on a Friday too lol.

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XD. ā€¦Welcome to tree of never ending bugs

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[quote=ā€œFlanFlan, post:17, topic:294381ā€]
Well thatā€™s depressing[/quote]
It sure is. It sure is.

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I havenā€™t done it since I posted the thread about it being a bug 3 a few days ago. If they are monitoring, then great. There are still other people doing this daily. Iā€™d just like this gone as soon as possible.