Tree of Savior Forum

Hethran badges are lost if trying to do the same quest the same day

Bug Description :

Noticed that the hardly-earned Hethram badges disappear without giving you the quest if you already done this quest (I do hope that it is just for the same day). Noticed it when decided to do multiple badges’ quests in hope to get the mats for the accessory I need. realized it after loosing several badges this way - the quest line in the middle of the screen appears for a second and then it’s gone, no quest is added to your quest list.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Obtain a number of Hethram badges;
  2. Start doing quests of the badges
  3. Once the random decides to give you the same quest you did today the badge disappears and you don’t get the quest.
  4. wasted :frowning:

Not only this piece of the game is absurdly tedious (farming for the badges themselves to be able to do multiple quests to get lots and lots of mats just to get the intermediary mats to get the recipe… and then doing the same over and over and over again to get the mats for the recipe), but you even can’t do it your way - again some daily limitations.


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