Tree of Savior Forum

Hethran Badge lv1 - FIXED 07-June-2018 (No quest logged Tested Clean Install no addons)

The same problem just occured to me and another player. We grouped up to do badges first few badges were going smooth. Then he didn’t get one while I did. We did it with only me getting rewards.

We decided to continue doing badges with the next one resulting in no quest entry, just the white text pop up after using. The objective spawned but neither of us can use it.

Server: Klaipeda

Teamname: cherysh and Tohkaa

Character Name: Cheryl and Rasphia

Date: 26.04.2018, around 1PM ST

EDIT: uploaded a video

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thank you, please send a ticket like i ended up doing, it wont resolve anything right now BUT, will notify that somethign is wrong.

I dont mean to spam imc with the same issue, rather, make them know it is NOT JUST ME, but a SERVER WIDE ISSUE

They did reply that they will look into it, but if you chip in, maybe its put higher in the list :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I made a ticket aswell in the hope they can find a fix soon :slight_smile:

Just a question: Have you both previously completed the “Svalphinghas Forest in Trouble” quest?

Yes! Tohkaa (the person I did the badges with) and me both did that badge quest before it bugged out.

Yes. many times, maybe more than 8 times on my main character. when the quest bugged for my main it was after doing the Cave quest , but the other character was on the forest quest and the other on the slapingas quest.

I didn’t know this thread existed, so i opened a new one describing the same issue - please delete it if need be.

I’d also like to confirm that the problem exists and that, unless my memory wrongs me, it started after the ‘Svalphinghas Forest in Trouble’ quest (the one where you find and destroy the mutated root crystal).

Okay, thank you! I apologize for the trouble and I will be passing this on to the QA team to double check. :sob:

Update: Just a few follow up questions:

  1. Were you originally from the Orsha server?
  2. Does this affect all your characters (I know that holds true for @hentosama1)
  3. Are you in the middle of a quest right now? (not a Hethran Badge one)
  1. No, I am a new player from Fedimian.
  2. I don’t know - don’t wan’t to lose my portals on my alts and more badges - it is true for my main character. Initially i thought that it was due to some weird hidden daily limitations but I was not able to gen new Hethram quests the next day I noticed it.
  3. If you mean if I have unfinished quests - of course. Dozens of them. There are so many of them that i doubt I’ll ever be able to finish them all…

Hm…okay, after this week’s maintenance are you still facing an issue?

That was one of the 1st things I’ve checked. yet another badge disappeared with no quest (at least I did it one more time yesterday (3rd of May)).
And I was hoping to rush to the +SPR Necklace on this weekend…

To anyone who still has the issue…
Having lost the hope to hear the solution any time soon, I’ve wasted a number of the badges that remained in my bag and think I found the culprit - the ‘Waiting for Daddy’ quest. It drew my attention cause it was marked as Party (on the right side). I decided to sacrifice my portal to that location and gave it up. On trying a badge after this its quest finally registered. Will try doing the quests a bit to see if it is OK now.

No, it seems that it worked just once. After giving up the badge quest the next badge was again spent without giving the next quest. It is really frustrating.
I give up - what is the point of introducing something in the game if it does not work correctly?

1 original from Klaipeda, problem started when the server merge happened, did hetrhans quests long before this with no problems.
2 it just happened to my 4th character
3-i always have pending quests, but in the past this didnt seem to be any problem.

Same here , lv 1 and lv 2 badges not work

Server: Silute

Teamname: TheSixSamurai

Character Name: ShadowShien

Just want to add… based on mine and my friends experience… either solo or in party, the quest only worked once… per character. not in one day, but per character only.

So if you use char A and your friend X in one party and you (A) activate the badge, if char A already did the quest but X not, then X is the one who get the quest.
If you use char B who never done it before, both char B and X will get the quest.
If both char (you and X) already did the quest, none of you will get the quest. It will just pop up in screen but none in F5/pending quest.

It’s silly and frustrating. Just when I think I could use the hethran accessories before get the 315 red recipe…

This issue should be resolved during next week’s maintenance. :sob:

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no correction still remains the same here the item is consumed and no quest and activated several active on maps but none is possible to complete.
lv1 and lv2 …

Is anyone else still having a similar problem?

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solved and working now I will try to complete the quests, thanks for the correction …


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FIXED AS OF 07 June 2018 thank you