Tree of Savior Forum

Help with Shadowmancer build

Hi guys, long time no see. I’m thinking of getting back to the game but I have no idea of what’s good anymore. I’m thinking of doing something like Wiz>Cryo3>Sorc2>Wl>Sha. However, I’d like to know if it’s a good build, which skills to get and how should I distribute my stats.

Thanks in advance :grinning:

If you are going Sorc2 (which is a very good choice), then you probably want to go full SPR for your stats.

Personally I think that’s a very solid build. The only other thing I’d consider is swapping Cryo3 for Linker 2, but both options are very viable.

I like Cryo better than Linker.
But what skills should I get?

I think Cryo synergy with Warlock3 better while Linker synergy Shadowmancer better.

I don’t know enough about Warlock skills to give a good opinion there, but the rest of the skills I’d do like this:

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You can go Wiz > Cryo > Thaum3 > Sorcerer2 > Shadow :slight_smile:.

You don’t need to pull mobs with Sorcerer.

Thanks, that’s plenty already. I have a good base now

But my goal was to play solo, don’t know if Thaum3 would help me with that. Also, why would you go for Cryo1?

My current build

Doesn’t this much of 1 offs hurt your endgame?

No. Linker + Thauma + Shadow = Tons of Farm and Sorc with full SPR is the best choice. Enchant fire scale with spr too.

I don’t know. The build I posted, at least to me, feels better for what I want to achieve. I’m just not so sure about Wl and which skills to pick

For what I see, Wl is mainly there for the +10% dark property damage boost from attribute. At rank 1, Wl is weak cause you don’t have mastema attribute nor invocation 100% uptime. You may stay with it, but your skills are just fillers

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But it’s Sorc2 worth it?

For riding skills and Morph, I say yes. But you can drop both sorc2 and Wl for something else, like thauma2 or linker2 (I would go for thauma)

I meant Sorc3****


My build is W1>Pyro1>Link2>Sorc3>Shadow2

Sorc 3 is not worth it. The only thing of value it gives you is 5 more bats and 10% more summon damage.

I was stubborn and stuck with it, but I’m well aware it is not a good choice. Just holding out hope that Sorc3 gets a balance pass to make it worth keeping.

cryo3sorc2x1sm2 - its pretty metha build. u can get sorc3 for +10% dmg for pet and some useless skills. u can get WL for +10% dmg to SM and some dmg skills. Or u can get Sage1 for some def,dmg and portals. Or other.
But if u get sorc2+ - u must get full or hight spr. And yes, thaum have bad synergy with sorc, only with SM.
This build is pretty good, but u must get good weapon, at least 2.5k MA.
Skills - summons, cat, ice tree, ice shield, all dmg from SM + 1lvl SM decoy. Other - what u want.

Thanks for the input bro, it made my mind about not getting Sorc3

What do you think about this build?