Tree of Savior Forum

Help with Shadowmancer build

Max invocation is necessary; it’s a very strong skill. You can take one point off of pole of agony or mastema.

Also, are you sure you don’t want to get at least one point into shadow fetter? It seems more worthy of points than hallucination does and at level 3-4 it can keep bosses in place so your pole of agony can deal full damage.

I don’t know, I’m just getting back to the game.

I was thinking of doing something like this

Do you think I should do it like this then?

No, I think you should put “excess points” into shadow fetter (level 3 or 4 total) so it can help with mobile bossing.

Higher levels of hallucination will only give a couple more seconds of “invuln to damage” which is not as useful when your build does not have many important skills that require charging.

Shadow pool is worth 1 point only if you plan on doing TBL imo. In PvE, it’s quite underwhelming since you lose all current aggro and you can’t use attacks while you are a shadow…If you’re geared you typically don’t have a need for such a skill in PvE.

I see. I’m so glad that I verified that lol

Huh… I’ll see how it feels having Shadow Fetter at 3, if it feels to weak I’ll level it up to 4. I didn’t even know it was such an useful skill

does shadow fetter stop boss from using dash skills?
if not, I find hallucinate better because it’s pretty much a pain barrier for mindless spamming and grinding.

A 6-8 sec “pain barrier” with a 40 sec cd is hardly spammable haha.

Everytime I use it the bosses never move so as far as I know it makes them immobile even with dash skill.

Edit: The target will actually move if it is part of their skill according to other shadowmancers.

Should I even spend 1 skill point in Hallucination then?

Yes, it’s a useful skill every now and then when you need to tank damage and/or when you don’t want your skill casting to be interrupted. CD too long to invest more than 1 point though imo.

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Noted. Thanks a lot for all of your thoughts on this

Thaum3 is really powerful without any silver invested in the class. Cryo because you have control, but you can go Pyro for the +1 line of damage, not sure if it’s worth it. And Wizard2 is useless in this build.