Tree of Savior Forum

Help with my Rank Reset - new build for returning player

Hi guys :smiley: returning player here.

I’ve played a bunch of builds before like

  1. wiz>pyro2>linker>sorc2>wl (my 1st character, before linker nerf)
  2. wiz>pyro3>chrono3>wl (around the agni era)
  3. wiz3>ele3>wl2 (rank 8 just released)

I’m out of the loop about what’s a good build nowadays for solo players like me. I don’t have funds for OP gear btw, so I’m a budget player. i think I have like 5 mil haha. So what’s a good build that is both viable for solo play, is not boring to play and doesn’t need a huge budget to maintain?

I’m familiar and ok with builds that have pyro, linker, sorc, chrono, ele and wl - but all builds are fine!

Thanks for all suggestions :smiley:

You should check out enchanter thauma builds. They work quite well despite not having very good gear.

Yeah, what @Lostac said. Now on the other hand, purple weapons are really cheap now. You primarily get them for the bases stats and the fact they are purple (higher ups/trans values) and they go for as low as 100k.

I’m interested in playing a thauma! I was thinking of making one before actually, for farming purposes haha.

How would a build like this go?

a. wiz>pyro/wiz2/cryo>linker2>thauma3>encanter2
b. wiz>pyro3>thauma3>enchanter2
c. wiz>pyro>linker>chrono3>thauma>enchanter

I’m looking at videos for gameplay insight right now, but if you have some you can share, I’d greatly appreciate it!

I’m also looking at top builds and I’m seeing a lot of


So I’m guessing thauma-linker-shadowmancer has some sort of synergy?

@c2gaming.seetoo wow really, they’re that cheap??? I have a bunch of mats for transcending actually, so maybe I’m not that hopeless? I forgot what my weap was but I remember I sold my +12 sup cor and got a clean rod… and got it to +9, but I can’t remember what it was. Since there are more expensive gears now, maybe yeah I can buy cheaper stuff for my level and earn enough money for better gear when I hit the cap.

Also, what happened to warlocks, btw? Are they not as good as before?

I believe
Pyro1>Link2>Thauma3>Enchant2 (solo farmer/whatever you want) build is very popular outside of support

Cryro3>Chrono3>Enchant2 is the most popular support chrono build that could solo quests with a breeze

Not stopping you with shadowmancer, but you also need patience with that advancement quest, similar to other new rank 8s.

Shadowmancer has low cooldowns and nice damages, but it lacks aoes. Thus the fact they add Linker 1-2 in the build.
Thauma is just loved in general because it’s good easy buffs + it helps farming.
Linker-Thaum are usually taken in any farming builds, then people put FF (extra damages with the link) or Shadowmancer for damages.
Enchanter has extra buffs and uses AAs, making it a rather cheap build. Pyro is nice to have for the extra line damages (since Wizard 2+ doesn’t bring much, and Cryo is usually only good if you go to 3).

Shadowmancers need a tone of sp pots or a ■■■■ load of SPR or the magic combination of buffs that allows you to regen SP every 1 sec instead of the default every 20 sec. If you look at this you’ll see that the skills cost at least 400 SP (one of which has 4 OH and only a 15 sec cd). With the attribute it will cost 409 x 1.5 x 4 / 15 = 163.6 SP per sec. You would need 3272 SP regen on your stat window just for that 1 skill alone.

Now I mentioned “magic combination of buffs”. As you know the default SP regen time is 20 secs (making it incredibly useless IMHO). There is a way to bring that down to 1 sec (making it incredibly useful).

  • lv 11 squire food reduces SP regen time by up to 11 sec (need [divine might])
  • any lv zemyna statue reduces SP regen time by 5 sec
  • cat buffs reduces SP regen time by 3 sec

11 + 5 + 3 = 19 sec SP regen time reduction = 1 sec SP regen time

This requires a squire, a deiv, and a sorc to pull off. Only the deiv and sorc need to be in the party though.

There is content you can do basically 1x per day per toon and that is the challenge mode. Think of it as a regular party grind like we used to do in alemeth forest only you stay in 1 spot and the mobs come to you. The activity give gear and decent xp and actually uses world maps.

For gear
If you are dps you want at least blue armor (with green stats) and purple weapons, else you can do with blue weapons. Now I’m guessing you are still at r7? Don’t expect to find the cheap stuff at that lv bracket. The really cheap stuff is on 350 gear because that’s where a lot of people are and that results in gear surplus.

For builds
cryo3-chrono3-ench2 is ridiculously cheap. Enchanter 2 will carry all your damage with [lightning hands]. This is a support build that “can dps”. Your only stat reliant buff is [enchant lightning] so you can go mono stat armor (INT) or if you are lucky dual stat (INT + CON).

x-x-thauma3-x-ench2 is the 2nd cheapest build (IMHO). You can go pyro1-link2 or what ever you want but the bulk of you damage is still coming from enchanter 2 [lightning hands] so don’t build for damage at the early ranks. Pyro1 is ok for [enchant fire] since it affects [lightning hands] builds. You want SPR/INT gear. Buffing up will take a long time ,something like this.

There is a variant of this called the mario build. [rune of giants] allows your to auto atk (AA for short) by jumping.

If you manage to finish the shadowmancer quests then you can substitute enchanter 2 with that.

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for non well geared player, shadowmancer got the highest nuke damage. you just need linker 1 or 2 to make it AoE. for SP problem PICK atleast Sorc1 to get cat buff… 10K SP regen for 10 sec with full SPR build. also sorc is a lot stronger right now. the summon deal huge damage if you got FULL SPR.

the problem is ADVANCEMENT TO SHADOWMANCER IS FOR REAL MAN! i have straight play ToS for 3 days… still half the way JUST TO ADVANCE Shadowmancer…

the advancement quest is INSANE

Enchanter is a very good choice for a farming class.
Go pyro linker 2 thauma 3 enchanter 2 and you will not have any problems. Go full int. If you die too easily on things like CM just use physical link and your party are pretty much invincible.

For pyro/cryo linker 2 thauma 3 shadow 2 go full spr and keep yourself stocked on pots. While your skills do have high sp cost just dont spam them so much or just use shadow conjuration when jp and swell are up. Just use shadow thorn on bosses or leftover mobs. You generally shouldnt run out of sp unless you forget to use sp pots.

@Lostac I’m considering the 1st build now since it’s something I was toying with since the last time I played. Just a question though, how is a cryo>chrono>enchanter breezing through quests solo? Aside from the literal speedbuff from chrono, the cc from cryo, is enchanter’s damage that good?

How hard is the Shadowmancer quest? :frowning: I did spend 2 days making my Miko the first week it was released. Is it harder than that?

@Goldie wow thanks for the concise description of each! exactly what I’m looking for :smiley: I stopped playing around the time Enchanter was introduced so I don’t know a lot about it. I looked at gameplay vids on yt though to gauge if I like the gameplay. With your description, which do you think is a good combination for me? From the sound of it, looks like the linker-thauma-enchanter one is my best bet?

@c2gaming.seetoo That SP drain on skills is insane! I had experience managing a sorc2 with my summon always out. I imagine it’s harder to maintain than that or about the same? if I get a sorc for a rank for the cat buff, it might be easier as well? Funny enough that I do have a diev-miko-pd but like, I can’t have my 2 toons in one party haha.

I read about challenge mode and saw the drops from it. Looks good!

My toons are at r8 actually but they’re not at 350 yet. I guess I’ll have to deal with more expensive choices for now until I catch up.

For the cryo3-chrono3-ench2 build, I’m too poor for dual stat armors, so do I put some CON in this build? What’s the ideal HP nowadays btw? Although honestly speaking I’m leaning towards the pyro-linker-thauma-xx build. How do you feel about adding a sorc in there if I go shadowmancer? Although I hear the advancement quest is brutal. Is it harder than the Miko quest?

@rwasknum I played a linker-sorc2 and really enjoyed my cat buff, kinda miss it tbh. So do I go summon-catbuff-link-nuke with shadow skills? What’s the best summon now btw? I still have my 10 stars templeshooter from back in the days. If I got this route, do you have a suggested skill build?

As for advancement, I do have a Miko so I know the pain of advancing a hidden class. Is it harder than the Miko quest?

@ResonantSoul I don’t really farm haha. I just log in to do my dailies. I do have experience managing my SP since I was a sorc2 for a long while. What are your thoughts on skipping linker2 for sorc?

Thanks to all who took the time to give me advice btw!

this is my build, you can rebuild it as you want, but here is the hint :

  • linker1+sorc1+shadowmancer2 IS MUST HAVE. this combination allow you to deal massive damage even with average gear+0
  • char stat is FULL SPR , this SPR scale to summon damage. the shadowmancer skill use a lt of SP and cooldown is fast, you dont need SP pot if you have high SP+catbuff. SP and HP potion price is somewhat increase…
  • best card is marnox, but templeshooter is fine. Marnox sellprice is 170m

^ with this combination, you already have massive damage.

optional :
since mob of higher level deal massive damage, i pic Wiz2+FF to self heal because HP potion is not enough and the price is also increase. pick sorc2 for riding, its just simply look awesome… also summon like Gorkas look like robot when ride with sorc :v

i recommend pick pyro1 for early leveling and filler skill. enchant fire is also scale with SPR now.

other people recommend Thauma3, but to be honest i dont like its playstyle… boring

It’s not like Enchanter’s damages are OP, it’s also still an AA and no aoes. But it allows even a support to AA-kill fast. If you add Chrono to the mix (Haste + Quicken), it’s even faster. And in group play, Cryo’s ice make the lightning damages more effective while still being this amazing CCer.

Personally I find Linker-Thaum-Enchanter fun, but the thing is your Thaum’s side will be here just to buff, you’ll link every few seconds, and then you’ll AA. And even if most buffs last long now (300s), you’ll always have to waste some time buffing everything. That can be too bothersome for some people~

Also for your money problems, now 300 dungeon gives over 660k per character, and being in a party doesn’t “steal” your money. So you can queue for fast runs and millions if you have several characters.

Isn’t it 660k silver only (with token)?

Miko advancement took longer for me because you have to actively wait for the orb to respawn and it can despawn if you aren’t fast enough. Shadowmancer’s events don’t really despawn, they only disappear if someone else activates it, which is usually uncommon depending on the time of day/week. You can also do it with others, so no worries about competition.

Shadowmancer’s quest has 4 events in 4 different maps that have their own cooldowns on each of the 2 channels. It is actually really easy to get, the most frustrating part is that there is no guaranteed way to get each of the shadows, it’s all RNG based. But it does seem like there is a mechanism where the more times you do the events the higher your chance of getting the shadow. It will not be a fun thing to do to wait for respawn, I recommend you do other things and periodically (every hour or so) check back on all the maps and channels and do the events and you’ll get it eventually. Again, the whole thing is luck based so there’s no real way to know how long it will take you (took me around 5-6 hours).

I have a well geared sorc-shadowmancer and a well-geared sorc-warlock, and from my experience warlock fits better with the sorc playstyle than shadowmancer.

Shadowmancer’s lack of AoE makes it almost mandatory to take linker and if you take sorc instead of thaumaturge for a shadowmancer build, you will need to make up for it with good gear because shadowmancer skills are extremely underwhelming with low m.dmg (sorc already forces you to invest into SPR instead of INT so this hurts you even more in terms of budget).

As others have said, the most popular (because it is low-investment but powerful and useful) build for shadowmancer is Wiz > X > Linker2 > Thaum3 > Shadow2.

I also don’t recommend taking featherfoot 1 as filler for shadow2 as rwasknum suggests. It will fall off in terms of damage/utility in late game, especially in party play where clerics can already heal you. You already have enough skills for proper rotations as a shadowmancer linker, so the FF skills are really unnecessary, especially since they are single target and require you to be in melee range.

i plae wiz1> cryo3> sorc2> warl1> ench1> shadow1

of kors dis is fer funn build + getting as many kostyums as i kyan

you kyan replace enchanter fer either warlok 2 or shadowmancer 2


reflect 5 (going to stack it withe ice shild)

lethargy 5 (general debuff usaej)

sleep 4 (useful fer delaying taktiks, and
cast kanselling othur casters in duels)

quake 1 (last resorte stun skille, sumtyms i use eet so i kyan kast sleep on wer deyr landing, or bounce dem in an ice wall)

cryo 3

ice bolt 1 (general stun purpos, widde walking kast)

ice wall 9 (barrier fer protek dis an dat objektivs, or supplementary tu peeps hu knu hao tu use eet)

ice pike 15 (low tier krowd kontrol/dmg. usually use dis wen frost pillar is over an i nid tu extend freezing an mob)

subzero shild 10(very nais def mekanism fer both pve an pvp)

frost pillar 5 (lak of aoe kompensaetor, i usually kombine it widde pole of agony/mastema/shadow conjuration/snow rolling)

u kyan olso use dis tu pull mobs bak aftur u spread dem using quake/snow rolling

snow rolling 5 (nice delaying taktik skill wen u nid tu wait fer skill kooldown. thou widde mai bild, u hardly run out of firewerks eef u kount summon riding skills)

(ees olso nice maekshift frost pillar since u round mobs up fer ur party tu party on)

sorc 2

summoning 10 (nice kompanion fer mobz to pik on insted of u, since we usually plae solo)

summon familiar 10 (nanananananananana bat bombs)

summon servant 5 (sp regen improve, additional aoe kount, add dark dmg)

salmion 1 (koz u nid anothur diversion aside frum summoned demon kard)

hold /atk ground/morph/riding (general summon kontrols)

Warlok 1

pole of agony 5 (general dps kombined widde frost tree)

mastema 3 (additional aoe dmg/debuff)

dark theurge 5 (offensive shild. leik batbombs atak things dat atk u)

invocation 1 (short term additional dmg provider)

evil sacrifice 1 (kontrol shadowbombs)


enchant lighting 5 (additional dmg buff, ees olso nais tu statik shok non party peeps)

craft spellbook 5 (dis bild kyan only kopy pole of agony, i wante tu pack an bakup pole of agony in kaes de main one failed)

(sumtyms leik kasting 2 poles as a finisher on bosses)

(kaution : ders a bug dat wille let u keep using de scroll iben wen u use de skill version. be sure to relog after u use scroll)

enchant armor 2 (u kyan do 5 eef u skrap empowering tho, but i jas nid de mdef enchant)

empowering 3 (halps u enter dungeons or temporarily see quests wen ur 3 levels shorte)

(eet olso boost ur sp pool, widde mai bild ur sp regen ees veri fast, just sit after using dis skill, the temp 45 secs of additional sp space wille habbe u using skills as eef u dint use eni sp wen de buff times out)

shadowmancer 1

shadow thorn 5 (main dps, ees olso nais singel target skill, since u hardly habbe one)

shadow conjuration 5 (decent aoe skill, but u nid at least 4-5 targets fer de dmg tu match up widde shadow thorne’s dmg

hallucination 3 (nice 8 sec time out frum taking dmg so u kyan kast skills in de middel offan chaos)

(but this wann haz a dmg kap equal to 20% of ur HP, better not extend it eni further)

shadow pool 2 (nice 5 sec absolute time out frum teking dmg but u kent use skills during dis tiem)

(but 5 secs ees bettur dan adding 2 secs on hallucination)

(u kyan use dis tu saefly enter or exit chaos, 5 secs ees an decent tiem fer normal movespeed displacement)

dis mai keybord hotkey setup
P = redpots O=blupots ("O"therpot) 0 = warpstone main running awei button

as u kyan see
purple = debuff
blue =def
red = atk
green = buffs an skills i dont frequently nid tu kast
yellow = offensive def
brown = summon stuff
purple = special function skills (while shadow thorn ees highest dps, i usually use eet on bosses or single targets widde hi hp so i wont habbe tu waste mai aoe skills widde long kooldown. ees assigned on J for “jab jab jab jab”)

evil sacrifice is set on B (for balls) since it doesnt habbe an kooldown an spammabel

shadow pool is set on V (for vanish) while dis haz a high kooldown tiem i hardly use dis skill to run awei (koz ebrithing ees ded by then

or that dis skill wille be avaib by de time u unleash ol de firewerks in kaes of perpetual mob scenarios

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Right, my bad. Thank you for pointing it out.
We’ve been received a lot of dungeon resets and multipliers, so I think I got used to the 1M+ a day from one character. Although even at 660k, it’s still good and easy money if one has several characters to farm with.

I think that is too much for beginner.

TLDR; if you want a farming thauma with budjet, just get linker2thauma3shadow2.

i dont recommend enchanter2, it can’t really farm in hunting ground without a very good weapon, the link break too easy. As shadow you still can stab 1-4 times depend your matk, where low geared need 3-4.
Eventually if you able to use 1-2 thorns with higher matk, you can try swell them and thorn 2-3 times for x2 drops.

Well he’s a returning player that has experience with several classes already, I’m sure a little extra info is appreciated.

Sorc doesnt really have sp problems.
Sorc riding no longer consumes sp. Your sorc damage is dependant on your weapon’s magic attack. Int and spr boost summon damage but int gives flat damage where spr gives % increase in damage for summon.

For sorcs you should go full spr. It just scales better. For almost all wizard builds the large majority of damage will come from weapon instead of int, thus spr is a better choice.

Linker is now almost exclusive for farming builds because of how well it synergises with thaumaturge.
You can skip linker for cryo 3.

I think most sorcs go cryo 3 for their sorc. I have a guild member who runs cryo 3 sorc 3 sage 2. This build is pretty great. It can do some good AOE dps with summons like netherbovine and can cc with frost pillar. Reason for sage is because of taxi utility and micro dimendion clone to clone frost pillar to extend duration. Ultimate dimension with attribute is a strong aoe and is stronger than frost cloud with attribute.

So frost pillar>ultimate dimension> micro dimensionx3 back to riding to spam summon attacks.

I find it hard to understand what you are trying to say. Not to be rude but do you mind typing in formal text? Your information might be very helpful to others. Thanks.

My suggest for the OP would be

Wi pyro linker2 thau3 shadow2 with full spr can help with mad sp consumption. Since swell buffs also scale of spr.

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