Tree of Savior Forum

Help with my Rank Reset - new build for returning player

@rwasknum wow thank you so much for that build! i’ve bookmarked it now. linker-sorc is something I’m quite familiar with. and average gear with great damage sounds like my kinda thing haha. but i do have a pevordimas rod that i was able to up to +10 without fail so I’m kinda lucky.

I’m gonna use my free rank reset actually since I already have the advancement for rank9. I remember when I reset before I didn’t have to do the quests for them. Do you think if I do my advancement for, say, warlock3 and I reset to a shadowmancer, would that be possible? Or is shadowmancer like Miko that I can’t reset to it if I don’t do the prequest?

How essential is wiz2 for this build? Is surespell very necessary? When I was sorc2, I remember I didn’t use riding a lot, but I heard the mechanics for sorcs were changed so maybe it’s a good thing now?

@Goldie Hm, I actually quite enjoyed when I was a chrono but I’m not that big with AA and no aoes. I’ve watched a couple of gameplay vids and it did look enjoyable but I’m not sure how I’d fare doing it myself so thanks for mentioning some cons of the builds being suggested so I can consider them as well.

I used to solo the 300 dungeon before on my 3 330 toons. Do you mean to say I can earn 660k even if I don’t run it solo? That sounds great!

@Sakanagi Thanks for the insight about the advancement quest! I’m willing to go through it but the RNG part sounds kinda sucky. I’ll try it though since it doesn’t sound as tedious as the Miko one.

I have a q, if shadowmancer skills are underwhelming due to low mdmg, do you suggest I stick with my warlock3 and just change my lower ranks wiz3 and elem3? Still, does the linker-thauma-shadow build needs to be full SPR as well? I’m not a fan of FF so I wasn’t considering it haha but I was considering a Sorc thrown in but now I’ll reconsider.

@skonryu wow thanks so much for this detailed response and guide! I really appreciate the explanation for each skill and why you picked em and what you use them for especially the cryo3 and enchanter parts since I’ve never played em before. i also appreciate the keyboard set up since i heavily edit my setup too. Thanks a bunch! Just wondering what your stat allocation is? Full SPR as well? Seems like a lot of builds have gone full SPR when before, no one bothered with it haha.

@nightrain_scy I’m actually a returning player with 3 330 toons, an elememe, a pyro-3chrono3 and 1 diev-miko-pd2 so a lot of info is good since I missed a lot! :smiley: If I’m not that into farming and I just login to do my dailies, is this build you suggested still good and fun for me?

@Sakanagi I’m a she, actually :laughing: not that it matters, but yes I do appreciate all the info! :+1:

@ResonantSoul thanks for the mini update on changes with sorcs. It’s been a while since I last played one so I appreciate this a lot. That cryo-sorc-sage setup sounds interesting! Never played a cryo and sage. Although how expensive is a netherbovine card? I only have a templeshooter from when I was still a sorc.

@Rezeal this seems like the most suggested build! I’ve been watching some plays on yt to gauge my interest. Although this isn’t for farming, do you think this build would still be a good one outside of doing HG?

Thanks to all who answered! I’m doing my warlock 3 advancement quest for rank 9 and then will rank reset before it expires. So thanks to all who are helping m decide what build to reset to!!

Netherbovine card price depends on server. It is not expensive on telsiai.
Templeshooter is okay but you would want netherbovine eventually. And maybe a necroventer because of double strike with lethargy debuff which makes it good for bosses.

I forgot to mention that you can clone bats with micro dimension. Its really for the lols.

oooh ur welkomm ‘w’/

i mainly use mai stats on 2 INT / 1 CON ratio an den rely mai SPR (along widde additional INT and CON) on quips (But i also had an min of 30 ish base SPR

mai fainulle stats ees roughly 230CON 370INT 105SPR (am using de event 310 windia rod)

so far mai gloves nid replaesment (270 gloves widde 2pc lvl 6 blue gems) widde sumthin dat gibs SPR dat kyan du bettar dan de gems

i also upgrade mai sorc SP regen attrib to lvl 60 (an bit expensib, but dis is jas tu offset archmage bangle dat reduces sp regen, better off widde an wiz bracelet furst)

so far sitting innan bonfire gibs mi roughly 20% -30% (sumtyms ees nut synch fer sum reeson) of may SP bar in 1 tick. catbuff ees inklooded

de reeson i habbe all dese sp regen focus ees bcoz old sorcs habbe konstant SP drain an im trying tu offset dat drain while using mai othur skills in cycles wen farming.

nao dat summons dont drain SP, eets purpose ees relokaeted tu shadowmancer’s hi SP use widde fast kooldown skills

Well you need to decide for yourself what class you want to play the most and build around it. Before you use your achievement points reset voucher, consider that KR will be doing a revamp for wizard classes sometime (hopefully) soon. If so, it’s probably better to save your voucher in light of what the changes will be…Of course if you need a character to play and you really hate leveling then it’s understandable to use the voucher now since we have no idea when the revamp will come.

Shadowmancer skills are strong, but three things you need to consider imo:

  1. Lack of AoE without linker
  2. Skills are amazing if your m.dmg is strong enough to one-shot mobs, but this requires thauma or decent gear to achieve.
  3. Skills are weaker against flying mobs.

Linker Thauma Shadow does not need to be full SPR, but you should invest in some SPR (through stats at first, but later you can also get SPR gears) so you can spam your skills better.

Narrow down to daily questing/DG/Saalus, as for cost effective build with very low budget, like T0 weapon. I assume you need certain level of solo power or when you rolled a weak team, you still able to carry forward.

What come in my mind.
Wiz1-Cryo1-Link2-Sorc2-Necro3 (Cheapest)
Wiz2-x-Thauma3-Warlock3 (need at least thauma max attribute, and lv40 of mastema/demonscratch)
Wiz1-Linker2-Thauma3-Shadow2 (need at least thauma max attribute and double hit attribute)

Elementalist is lackluster without high attribute and good weapon due to low damage %, and you need many silvers for different skills which is not cost wise.

Sorc-Necro templeshooter have necro’s decay to boost 100% damage, combine with linker joint penalty it can kill most strongest mobs easily with 350 purple or orange clean weapon, by using full SPR only.

Either Warlock or Shadowmancer, you need to hit at least 5-6k Matk to be doing good, and 8k Matk to be dominant, and 10k Matk to be monsterous. For 5-6k matk can easily achieved with thaumaturge c3

I feel like you have a hate for elementalist since I’ve seen you say that multiple times, but it seems to me like they’re still strong. I mean Wiz3>Elem3>Warlock3 still the most popular DPS wiz build and it is insanely powerful in CM.

Let’s not forget that with elementalist aoe hit skills, it’s easier to trigger invocation by doing finishing blow on enemies in an AoE. Invocation spirits are super strong~

I didn’t hate Elementalist, but read twice that I only narrow down to budget-wise, as a matter you know that the class need a lot of investment like
Meteor/FrostCloud/ChainLightning/Hail/Prominence all up attribute to lv80 (40%) to be consider good, that’s quite a lot of silvers sinking for low budget player, not included a viable Weapon.
Most are using Wiz3>Elem3>Warlock3 already legacy Wiz3>Elem3>Warlock2, it have been #1 before R9. As most of them have invested a lot since then.

Most peoples doing Sausys9 for CM in general,
due to lesser big size & high hp monster (every stage will scale up and some maps have terrible scaling at stage 5), and that place have around half flying/small mobs which is less applicable for FrostCloud/Shadow as well. Elementalist is just a secondary power when you used up all Warlock’s skills, that’s how I feel.

I doesn’t mean it is not good, but it is not budjet-wise.
A poor geared Thaum3-Warlock3 properly did better than poor-geared Elem3-Warlock3, but a well geared Elem3-Warlock3 can be much better.

Why Thaumaturge is so valuable for low budget player? At CM monsters are having very high MDEF.
At first you think 6k Matk compare to 4k Matk is like 50% increase in damage, but consider the Log Ratio Calculation it is actually 87% increase in attack power, which further fully utilized your other skills with Damage % Attribute and 10% Dark Damage from Warlock’s Attribute. It is like doubled up your Shadow/Warlock damage, consider like: 2xWarlock > Warlock+Elementalist (That’s not include you buff your party as well to make them more viable).
But when the Elementalist is highly geared like 8k-10k fo Matk, then we should talk different story since the actual damage% is getting lesser with thauma’s buff, and your skills cycle % per minute become more important (that’s why many ktos players ditched thaum build).

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Thaum is awesome for low budget, I agree. But nowadays hunting ground orange weapons are easier to find, so it is not hard or expensive to get 4-5k m.atk which is a good starting point for doing all the endgame content.

Pretty much every DPS class in this game needs investment in gear and attributes. That’s just how the damage system works now–weapon contributes a lot.

I think OP would greatly benefit from a thaum farming build, but his main character doesn’t necessarily need to have thaum to be strong budget-wise. It is tree of alts after all haha.

Still, I’m worried about OP using his reset voucher when wizard rebalance is coming eventually…

But as you suggested to her :slight_smile:
Better keep the voucher and wait for Wizard Balance Announce.

At the same time, we can hope we receive same treatment in kToS where if we linker or any impacted class, we will have 1-2 more rank resets.

So, @ianianian hold on your voucher!

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Wiz2 is used for surespell when bloodsucking. mob at higher level deal massive damage, the potion is not enough and its price in market is also increase. with surespell+bloodsucking you can have full HP most of the time. if you dont pick featherfoot, you dont need to get wiz2

Hi, do you happen to see a guide for shadowmancer advancement quest? I searched ToSfanbase and tosgbase, but couldn’t find it.
I’m currently rank 7, will be doing shadowmancer quest soon, so kinda worried about how insane it is XD.

Btw, I have the common pyro-link-thaum3-sorc, full SPR build. I feel like the build lacks offensive skills, and end up auto attacking alot. Seeing shadowmancer C2 only has 3 offensive skill kinda makes me wanna reconsider. I know they have low cool down, but looks a bit like a “boring” build. What are your thoughts?

Watching the videos may help (google translate if you don’t know which map is which).

Also Tsugumi’s post:

The way you built your character, it doesn’t seem like there’s many other options besides shadowmancer c2. If you take sorc2/link2 then you can end up with a good supportive build, but other than that, shadowmancer seems like the best choice.

Shadowmancer is enjoyable, but only when your damage is high enough to one-shot monsters. It’s “fun” to spam shadow thorn and just see enemies explode, but this is of course limited by your gear and attribute (you have Thaum3, so this is less of a worry). Also note that shadowmancer is significantly weaker against flying monsters since additional hit attributes for shadow thorn and shadow conjuration don’t work on them.

Unfortunately, your only powerful skills to use with that build come from shadowmancer so your playstyle will mainly involve waiting for joint penalty and/or shadow thorn (and shadow conjuration) cooldowns while your summon attacks. Do note that as you get more geared, the more fun it might be since you can use your 4 overheats of shadow thorn to kill 4 different enemies instead of maybe using 2-4 overheats just to kill 1 enemy.

A tip: shadow condensation is a relatively weak skill, but if you use it with shrink body and the attribute to make you do higher damage against shrunken enemies with swell left arm buff, you will find yourself having access to another strong nuke (AoE!). To use on Small type monsters, you need to use swell and then shrink I think.

Thanks a bunch. The videos shown look simple enough, until I saw that the event is once per hour!!! So if I fail I have to wait another hour to retry?! People’s comments there made me worried lol…

And this is just Shadowmancer1 huh? How bad would C2 be…

You do the quest once and it unlocks both shadowmancer 1 and 2 for your character forever. Even if you use rank reset you won’t have to do the quest again for that character.

The respawn is around one hour, sometimes it shows up sooner. But there are two different channels and there’s 4 different events to do so there usually is always a tracer event to do in the beginning.

Oh, so it’s sorta like miko, shinobi quest? Fair enough then, consider those are tideous af too…
I assume the other 3 new Rank 8 have similar difficulty quests as well?

Btw, any lower rank classes do not require any quests now, is it a permanent feature? I don’t remember reading that anywhere…

  1. Thanks for linking my short guide to gexmnlin, Sakanagi :relaxed:

  2. To add on to Sakanagi’s post to you on shadowmancer skills and suggestions, you I’ve got a short clip for you to Take into consideration when making a linker thau shadow class.

Imo, it is an efficient farming class.

Thanks a bunch for the shadowmancer advancement quest.

And thanks a bunch for the video. It is just as I expected. I’m not too fond of the wait time on joint penalty. I prefer a large arsenal of skills to keep me active all time. If I go pyro2, i at least have some fire spells to work with, but that means sacrificing either linker or sorcerer, which are both important imo. I guess shadowmancer is not really my playstyle, but no problem, I have other characters to play.

@Sakanagi thank you too. You seem to be really experienced at wizard classes since you helped me with pretty much every build I asked about.