Tree of Savior Forum

Help with Cryo solo DPS build

I want to make a Cryo c3 (my favorite class) with potencial for do solo think but without sorcere, i think on make a cryo FF but for many opinions i think its not a good idea so i leave in the vault for FF3 XD please help my with a nice build for solo dungeons and grinding, thank you very much.

cryo is mostly for suport, if u want to solo u need wiz 2/3 and linker 2/3

I like cryo aswell… But you suffer to much playing solo, specially when you going FULL CON… If you want cryo with enought force to playing solo, maybe you should go Cryo>Psycho>RC… But i am not sure because i havent tested, I wondering what is better for damage Wizard 3, Rune or both.

Yeah but i read than Cryo kino combo is mostly a pvp build and yeah is pretty hard do something with cryo3 but i know i can XD just help me guys, i was thinking about wiz3cryo3 but i need something more.

i have a question why is necesary Linker for a DPS build?

cus monsters will have 300k+ hp and without linker u can’t really solo eficiently
and linker work with any build, same with wizz 2/3. if i was going to make a wizz id go for wizz3>linker 2/3 >something. maybe warlock. or feather foot, or even thauma1>featherfoot>2

the thing is, elementalist is probably going to be a pvp build dps build, cus dmg will fall of hard later on. and pyro is meh

but with cryo how i can solo eficiently?

lol maybe cryo3>linker2>warlock2 or featherfoot 2 instead of warlock (this one probably better)
but cryo 3 is a party thing, its not good for solo

i already think on FF2 because i love the heal think but many say me i cant do it fine i think on w2 cryo3 >link>FF2 and wiz3>cryo3>FF2 but the first not enought because is not Wiz3 and the other one is because no have linker T_T but the new skill from FF2 have nice aoe i think dont need linker.

u need linker for FF or u will do no dmg

  1. Wiz 3 Cryo 1 Kino 1 Tau 2 -> max dps with Ice wall/pp combo
  2. Wiz 3 Cryo 1 Ele 3 -> best dps with some control
  3. Wiz 1 Cryo 3 Kino 3 -> old style build

Avoid FF without Wiz 3. Linker also needed.
4. Wiz3-Link1-Cryo 2 - FF -> strange build, but with FF :wink:

I got another option for you. Wiz>Cryo3>Sorc>Necro3

Your main combo:

cast cat buff for +atk ratio -> you group up mobs -> cast frost pillar -> flesh cannon at the tree -> wipe out.

Your alternate rotation:

Dirty Pole (for knockback) -> cast L shape Ice wall -> cast flesh hoop -> cast snowball -> bring mobs to the intersection of the icewall with the dirtypole -> Freeze + Group up mobs into icewall/dirty pole shards afterwards.

For non elite mobs:
Your summons will do the work and support them with freeze skills to keep them in place.

But looking at rank8 mobs having 300k, it might be difficult but who knows, the new equipment have far more stats than what we have right now to compensate.

Definitely has a lot of skills to cast to be effective and having good equipment to do a one shot on mobs with Flesh Cannon though. Think you might be interested in this route.

Sorcerer 2/3 for PvP full INT is VERY good, hits really a lot if you can CC enemies, but it is not that good at end game PvE content. (though the rest of your build can make the whole difference) If you don’t like Sorcerer/Necro:

Wiz > Cryo 3 > Elementalist 3 > Sage

Meelee defense with Subzero Shield.

Ranged defense with Sage.

Freezes to land Elememe skills.

Ice Wall to use Eletrocute and deal TONS of damage.

Frost Pillar + Frost Cloud = OP.

Need ~100% attribute on FC asap to grind efficiently though, you can think of trading Sage for Warlock but considering Rhevisan Anti-Dark stuff they won’t be the biggest problem on PvP (even more so with Rank8).

You got meelee and ranged “immunity” you’re only open to magical attacks, 3 rhevisan gears and you might become the best PvP “tanker” if going full CON.

NOTE: CRYO 3 is mostly a PvP class. PvE wise it should be used with Chrono 3. If you want a solo DPS efficient build at end game take: Wiz 3 > Linker 3 > Warlock, Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > Warlock, Wiz 3 > Linker 3 > Necro 2, Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorcerer 2 > Warlock.

Thank you guys for the nice ideas, i like the Ice magic so i was think on make and ele but for now i like the necro build more than sorcere build but i dont like the summons its not too fun, and i see than many of the solo build need at least have w2, so im keeping it on mind for make me a nice wizard.

I might need some enlightenment on this one.


I don’t play elementalist so I can’t say how is the hit count growth on Eletrocute, but on PvP it works the same way as it does with Sorcerer’s Familiars:

  • The more mobs you have on PvE, the more ticks of damage you do to EACH mob.

  • Each Ice Tile near the enemy counts as a “target” for Eletrocute.

  • Eletrocute is not nerfed on PvP and can get +50% boost on frozen targets, also boost from Taoist and +50% from Joint Penalty.

  • As a full INT Sorc I already got 1-shot by someone who did 2k+/tick of Eletrocute with my Familiars out.

  • I have no idea on how much damage it’s possible to deal without quickcast but I think this build actualy has pretty good PvP sinergy.

  • Ice Wall + Eletrocute, Frost Pillar + Frost Cloud, Subzero Shield + Missile Hole, maybe full CON with Audra for Freezing Frost Cloud.

  • Sage can be traded for Warlock for a more offensive version of the build though I don’t like the idea of picking it at Rank 8 and losing Sage’s Missile Hole (which is most likely the best thing ever for a Subzero Shield user). You could also see Sage C2 and future rank 9s as viable options too.

More info about icewalls eletroduce:
With 8 walls, I always die after electroduce (my HP is 10k, eletroduce hit 1k6 per ticks).
With 16 walls, the Cryo Chrono (in my team) with 38k HP down! (not sure how much damage per tick to him).

Electrocute should only 9 targets, with -10% damage for each consecutive target. So im not sure what you mean by 16 walls.
This means the first target will receive 100%, second 90%, third 81%, etc…
The only way for electrocute to be decent in pvp, like moises noted, is that it deals similar dmg to pve.
Cause in pve electrocute really sucks vs mobs >100k hp

Also to anwser moses’ question, electrocute w/o quick cast has a 2.5 sec cast time. Not too bad in pvp since ur channeling through an ice wall. In pve tho those 2.5 seconds will feel like eternity lol

I’m not Ele, so I re-produce what did happen in my example.
And ofc I’m talking in case of TBL.

i wouldnt make any dps wizard without at least linker 2 and wizz 3 today