Tree of Savior Forum

Help with Chronomancer build

I’m thinking of making a chrono but I can’t decided between pyro1>linker2>chrono3 or cryo3>chrono3. I’m guessing cryochrono is overall better at supporting, but much harder to level. If anyone could give me some insight on this, especially considering rank8.

I’m cyro3chrono3, but the support between cryo3 and linker2 is different.

Cyro helps CC and gather mobs with the ice tree. Ice wall is good in a party with kinos and monks.
Linker helps the dps and mob slaughtering in parties. The killing gets done so much faster. Linker supports itself very well and is always welcomed to parties :smiley:

Cyro3 is hard to level. The dps is bad…snow rolling is also buggy as well. You are only a good cryo at cyro3, so it’s a bloody grind to get there. At least with pyro1link2, you can link the fireballs to the enemy and kill it fast. It’s a matter of preference and play style.

Well, if class/rank resets really come into play, you might as well level a Wiz3Ele3Warlock1 and reset into a Chrono so save you time and grief.

Oh yeah, leveling a chrono is hard because it’s full support meaning none of the skills are damage dealing. You are only good at chrono3 with pass which is at L220ish. At chrono2, the haste skill does help with getting through the quests faster and helping you evade enemies, but it doesn’t make killing enemies easier…

If only there was some way to be cyro3linker2chrono3 without the grinding hell…

So far, I don’t think any of the rank 8 is great for chrono. Sage’s duplicate skill only works in the same spot so your 1 ice tree is still just another ice tree in the same spot with the same duration… if we could move it to a different spot, then that class would be worth considering.

Honestly at rank 8 (if I play that long), I’d like to do featherfoot just for the flying powers xD. And ice tree can gather up enemies for the melee attacks.

Whichever build you decide on, remember to buy buffs from the spell shops to help you level faster.

There is another route you could take:


The extra MDef from the shield attribute (125% of shield Def is MDef) will help a lot of survivability, and to level this, you need a Toy Hammer an Arde Dagger and Cafrisun Set. To kill you JP, HK, then use your dagger to stab them and the Toy Hammer explosion to kill them. I didn’t have any problems till level 220+ content, where I needed help from someone for DPS.

Magic hits like a truck in high level content, so it helps.

Oh and I went full Con

Cryo, Pyro or even Wiz 2 are ok choices for a Linker 2 > Chrono 3.

Linker 3 is a very solid option for rank 8 and makes you BY FAR the best support character in the game (you as important as a cleric in your party, but helps even more).

Then at Rank 9 anything you pick is probably decent, if you want a single rank damage circle at R9 or R10 you can go Wiz 2 > Linker 2 > Chrono 3 and take Wiz 3 at R8 for example, then Linker 3 in R9 or R10, that is IF wizard don’t get another god-tier supportive class.

Cryo 3 is not that great on PvE compared to Linker 2~3, only for PvP, where a Cryo 3 > Chrono 3 > Sage full CON is strong.

I think chrono 3 linker 3 is an over rated build promoted by poeple that stayed in an old idea

The thing is that life line isn’t a very good skill. Yeah that might suprise poeple caz majority just read the skill description and think its awesome.

Offensive wise in a party of 5 poeple, your warlock might often be the one having the most int and if its not it shouldnt be that faar behind. Regarding archer and swordman most of build seek for the best crit/damage rentability. Most of the time you will find the poeple that need the more a stat having the highest of it. Lifeline skill exept in specific team wont increase dps very highly and life line is for sure behind enchanter enchant lighting with the frost combo in term of damage buff/support.

Defensive wise its more hp. With the issue of mobility. Poeple need to be linked to have lifeline bonus. It’s dangerous and hard in multiple situation to make a party stand together and care to not break links. It isnt a funny gameplay experience but more a team paranoia. Sage with missile hole grand immunity to magic and missile attack , 16 hits in 100sec with 31 sec de cd for all the team without any movement drawback

Noticing that sage and enchanter also have more skill in their tool box.

Linker 3 is fore sure a good class support with chrono3 but saying that chrono 3 linker 3 is better than chrono 3 sage or chrono 3 enchanter is questionable.

I also understand that some poeple went linker 3 chrono 2 and is not pleasant to “not be the best” in all situation.

Well Im not saying that chrono3 linker 3 is shiet Im saying that you can’t affrime that linker 3 chrono3 is bringing a better support.

Enchanter 1 chrono 3 Cryo 3 wiil give a sick amount of damage in a lot of partys that chrono3 linker 3 will hardly reach even is a specific team ( good luck building ur specific team in any content ).

Sage 1 chrono 3, will give an awesome defensive support with missile hole that is so much easier to use than links and prevent damage, when life line increase just max life ( not very usefull without a healer )

Unless your character isnt a linker 3 chrono 2 I don’t advice the linker 3 chrono 3 build.
If you are chrono 2 you must go chrono3 without even looking at the r8. A chronomancer without pass is like a fletcher without magic arrow or a elem without frost cloud.

Damage buff -> enchanter
Defensiv buff -> sage
chrono 2 -> chrono 3

Enchanter 1 gives +500 attack property.

A proper DPS by level 330 will have 3k+ atk/matk, excluding HUGE Base damage from skills, +500 is unreliable and most likely will become some sort of great Pardoner Shop at Rank 9 or 10.

For a Cryo 3 > Chrono 3, yes, both Sage and Enchanter are viable, you can’t take Linker 3 anyway and all of them have synergy, nothing really meta, even missile hole is mostly a PvP skill.

JP with 11 targets and 150 hit count is what makes Linker 3, not life line. Life Line is an awesome skill too for ET and GvG, really great IF you can use it, Pass helps a lot on this task.

Tell me please, IF you are a Linker 2 > Chrono 3, what synergy do you gain from Enchanter or Sage? Are you serious on thinking of trading the final rank of linker for a defensive buff or a +500 attack property one?

When Rank 9 comes and you are bound to choose a new class, because basicaly Enchanter is a selling class and I don’t think we are talking about builds to quit from here. Sage has no good skill besides a defensive buff, Clerics already got a million defensive buffs and full invul.

Enchant Lightning also makes physical attacks Lightning Property. So Freezing an enemy as a cryo, Linking enemies, Linking bosses to a fireball etc. would increase Dethrone, Running Shot, Magic Arrow, whatever by 50% (or 100% if you Freeze and Link).


I don’t think your linked target really need +50% damage, they will already die almost instantly anyway to be honest.

Yes, you can make good synergy, I really didn’t know about this, but you are trading more 3 targets (~+40% targets and also +50% hit count) for +50% damage on those targets, who don’t even need that damage.

Both might be viable with that, I still don’t think I would take a selling class on a character I don’t want to leave.

This lightning synergy seems a lot better to me for a Cryo 3 Chrono 3 build though since you don’t have Linker, so +50% damage is nice.

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Adding to this, having stage 10 trancendence on a +15 lv 315 weap can boost your atk/matk to nearly 8000 :wink:

The in meta seems to be pyr/link/chrono/sage. The sage skills are decidedly decent because of their safety wall buff that blocks lockon spells and other dangerous ranged attacks for the whole party. You’re starting out with 16 blocks as a buff with full uptime unless all charges are used up.

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