Tree of Savior Forum

Help on my Pyro Build ^_^

lmaoo i died inside too but theres no other good spells to put the points into xD and hail is ele’s strongest spell atm in my opinion - I get top dps against bosses for just using hail (so long as it stays in the aoe)

Would it be worth getting transpose if im not using FF2 or no? bc you pretty much only use it for bloodcurse right?

Lol thau 1 buffs are not significant enough to be considered “good” but i’ll wait untill some else tell you that.

Also, i didnt wanted to change your main idea of the build, that why i left points on prominence and meteor since you wanted a full fire wizard class :stuck_out_tongue:

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oh lmao okay and yeah I kinda wanted this build to be a super fire-based wizard - well as much as I could make it xD

pyro died when they killed fireball.

if you want your theme to work then here:

I currently have this build, and it really works if you know how to position well. Lots of synergies (Fire pillar + frostcloud/Mastema/DarkPole + blast/fireball/Electrocute) I think skill distribution varies.

I’m not sure about recommending maxing meteor though as it is easily cancelled without surespell( Even though fire pillar stunlocks the mobs), That’s why I’ve placed the other points to freezing sphere as it has low-cast time and deals 10k+ damage even without attributes.

ohkk well I personally haven’t had much trouble casting meteor without quickcast or surespell but I’ll definitely put it in as an optional route you can take if you want more reliable dmg :stuck_out_tongue: but I wanted this to be a fire-based build which is why I maxed out meteor (i think meteor’s not worth getting if you’re not gonna max it) actually I think it’s better if I keep it as it is bc prominence isn’t really worth it either if you don’t get a maxed out meteor and agny necklace and it’ll kinda defeat the purpose of the build xD

It’s definitely not as op but it’s still a decent skill

ill suggest something but i dont know if you like it or not… but just suggesting it…
and bare with me…
wiz3, pyro3> elem 2 (elem 3 when rank 9 comes out)
wiz1>pyro3, thaum 3> (your pick) (maybe wiz 3 or maybe warlock)
you also have an option for linker…but linker works best if you can nuke a mob in 1 go…

wiz part:
i tested it before the combat changes… and haven’t recreated the character in the new combat system…
wiz 3 essentials. like lethargy (scales in int)
also note if you ever take reflect shield that thing scales on spi.
pyro part:
for fire skills your call i wont touch what interest you…
I’ll leave this here for your knowledge. now enchant fire is affected by int and spi.
also take note fire skills have shorter cooldowns now… if you noticed it yourself then play with it…
thaum part:
thaum buffs are affected by int and spi… those swell arms… also take note thaum also have added dmg attributes if you swell body or shrink body the mobs…
also take note swell brain is spr only affected buff… :smiley:
now if you like to play around in your skill set… and get a decent weapon… you might pull off what you like in the end…
elem part:
if you get elem parts only 2 skills for pyro… :smiley:
only thing about elems if you want a 1 element and thats is ice… gives you 3 then get chain lightning…
this is for your added knowledge…

over all it’s your call if you want quick and hit hard… pyro thaum.
if you want to just pyro yeah you have the option of wiz3pyro3 or pyro3elem3

if you want to recast all the time
the pyro chrono but still under powered… :smiley:

I also tried pyro-ele build during reset event. My top 2 are pyro3-ele3-sage (currently using) and pyro2-ele3-wl2.

pyro3-ele3-sage pros:

  • Stronger pyro skills and hell breath
  • Blink distract mobs while charging up skill, helps survivability a lot, superb solo capability. Missile hole is nice defensive support.
    cons: hell breath isn’t reliable when there are ranged/magic mobs around.

pyro2-ele3-wl2 pros: way higher dmg, more skill to cast = less downtime.
cons: annoying to cast skill with charging bar, rely on party a lot.

For skill build, fireball is lv0 for me. Firewall is 0 or max (14 instead 15 because they are same.)
Sadly, prominence and meteor are weak so fire theme is not optimal here. Getting 2 or more hits on boss with prominence is too rare. High lv meteor casting is really hard without surespell/quickcast.

Personal preference: I pick sage for convenient gameplay and still preserve fire (and ice) theme.But sage is supposed to be dmg class so just hope for higher circle.

hmm well with Thauma, if I were to make it a thauma pyro build I’d go for pyro2 and add WL2 for the extra dmg

also I might make a wiz3 variant of this build then for surespell and quickcast. I just never really had much trouble with casting as my cryo ele so I don’t know how worth it is to sacrifice 2 ranks of warlock for it. but ill make it an option since long cast times can be a turn off for a lot of ppl xD

and yeah I made a wiz3-ele3-WL2 post combat update and most of its dmg is from the electrocute+hail freeze combo but yeah I wanted to play around with a fire theme for this build

just use it at your own risk… i havent tested it yet… so i cant say something that is solid…

also i tried the cryo ele rune caster… but if i want to recreate that… i want it more polished than before… :smiley:
maybe if i can load again and buy another slot… i’ll remake that pyro cryo ele but in a different playstyle hyahaha … we never know if we dont try

yeah I’m gonna make a wiz3 variant of my build in case ppl don’t like the long casting times and I think hail and frostcloud with mastema + pole of agony is probably good enough dps for most bosses and you have a lot of fillers in there too
also id wanna put at least 1 point into fireball for the burn debuff that scales off INT since its a full INT build, I might as well use this and yeah i was kinda on the edge in between flare and firewall since I wanted more tiles for firewall but flare is such a good skill so idk lol

also idk why but the link isnt working for me lol

edit: by ‘link’ I mean the link to your build - I cant see the build, it just comes up blank for me

dont worry i feel you in the link… i tried linker during reset event… and yup nope… gotta go… really not used to its play style hahahaha

Tosbase is kind of down at the moment. I cant edit build either.
Never really tested fireball burn but still look weak.
I prefer firewall since it can hit flying mobs and has more dmg against boss. But it is totally fine either choice.

lmaoo no i meant the link he put up to his build xD his hyperlink isnt working for me hahahaha

hahaha… yeah i checked that link too its empty

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ohhk yeah I think I might just put 1 point into fireball and have 8 in firewall

Site still not working so I’ll list here instead.

Firewall 14
Enchant fire 14
Flame ground 1
Flare 1
Fire pillar 10
Heel breath 5

(In case pyro2)
Firewall 10
Enchant fire 10
Flame ground 1
Flare 4
Fire pillar 5

Hail 15
Electrocute 14/15
Freezing sphere 10/9
Meteor 1
Frost cloud 5

Anything is fine as long as max blink and missile hole.