Tree of Savior Forum

Help my Featherfoot build please!

Guys it is my first character and I think that I just f8cked up my build… I had a hard time leveling since I don’t know the game very well, and I wish you guys could help me saving my build and if still good for the game content pve and pvp…

I already got… Wiz c3 > Linker c1 > Sorcerer… level 160… 80 Con 200+ Int…

My planned build is… Wiz c3 > Linker c1 > Sorcerer c1 > Thaumaturge c1 > Featherfoot c2…

My guild mates are annoying me every single second saying that my build lacks in every aspect…
I do fear this is true even Im doing great till now…

I need to reroll for linker c2 > thauma dropping sorcerer? How can Sorcerer still good at my build? Can I do good with this build , I am scared please help me guys I loved this game thanks in advance

Sorry for my bad English tho…

For the path that you have til this moment , I think the best way to go now is sorc 2 > ff 2 , because sorc 1 is not realy good enough, and sorc 2 is better than thaum 1 in this case, you can do this and still be happy with your build… also since u have 80 con, buy an animus for you !

Hmm I saw that ffc2 needs high HP for the skill bloody curse, would be a nice idea dropping thauma for sorce c2? I guess I don’t need to profit my summon for just deal damage while I am flying… or am I wrong? Hmm

Look, your current con is fine… with good gears you can get a nice HP…and with sorc 2 still better… I dont know about this flying skill… but you just need to fly to use Blood curse I guess… still, have the temple shooter for an extra Dmg / meat shield is good…

I am currently wiz3 -> link2 and going FF on R7

which R6 class should I pick? link3 or thum?

I am 2int 1con

any suggestion? sorry for bad English =D

Linker 3 might be better for you , but with wiz 3 and linker 3 full con is even better… because you can share your con with ur party mates… and you still have dmg if you use animus… works fine with warlock / featherfoot

So I should reroll if I am going FF?

I was kinda afraid other skill won’t do much damage if I go full con.

Hmm i see… in the translation r8 wiz skills bloody curse from ff consumes HP to deal more damage i thought that switching my current int to con I could got descent HP to deal huge damage from bloody curse iam just theorycrafting tho

I really think trauma is better to switch your con to int if you think you need … but I don’t have sure tho it is my very first character =[

This skill uses your Hp… but is a %… so doesnt matter how much Hp you have I guess . You just need Hp enough to use without die after, u see? Also if u go full con, sorc 2 can be a waste, cause your temple shooter wont have a good dmg…


I know some Ffs/warlocks, with the build wiz3-linker3 … all full con, they have a really huge dmg :smile:

Ooohh i see now… so doesn’t matter if I have 100k or 10k will consume 80% HP and deal the same final damage?

Thats what I think about this skill with the information that we have atm…:sweat_smile:

My future FF is now Wizz 3 > Thauma 2 , and the damage up from Swell Left / Swell Right max atributes are really nice, the bad part is that “Magic Missile” is my only real damaging spell.

For rank 6 i though about Linker, but people are saying that after the nerf Linker 1 Is trash…so I’m seriously thinking in become Wizz3> Thauma 3 , parties will hate mebut i’m not seeing any synergy in other 1 rank class for my rank 6. :confused:

You will not making a good choice with Ff, because for a DPS build with featherfoot , not have a linker is painful…

@DacreFullbuster cmiiw, but afaik blood curse damage scale with hp…
so the more hp you have, blood curse damage will got stronger too. Check the rank 8 gameplay video thread

imo thauma still good at this case… since your stat is already high int, with thauma’s transpose you can go hybrid with high int/con.

even though linker c2 might more efficient for ff2, I think sorce still fine on your build, you can use your summons as meat shield and can do more dps I guess… it’s still viable build

So now it is up to you, you can keep this character or reroll it. I think rerolling is not a bad option if you really don’t enjoy your actual build. You can certainly do better builds as it was said above, but if the only problem is your guild, they might don’t understand that every fuking Wizard 3 is really hard to play till rank 6/7 without Elemem and every build has his limitation.

Hmm so my theory is true… I guess I will stay with sorcerer… I liked this “shield” guess he can support me well in many ways, im class 15 now going to trauma since transpose is so important on this build thank you

Well yes… maybe I will do some more profit ff build not now cause Im already knowing the game well guess my build is not really bad, and you guys are saying that is good and… I really think it is tho Im doing very well till now… I will build another dropping sorcerer for linker c2, I guess I will lose pvp dropping sorcerer … what do you think

Transpose isn’t all that important… I play Wiz 3 > Linker 2 > Necro 1 > FF1/2
Going Wiz c3 > Link c2 > Thaum c1 > FF1/2 turns you into a one trick pony. Not to mention you need to set up for it. guess it boils down to play-style. Sorc w/Featherfoot can be a bit rough due to MP constraints but is viable as it gives you options during DT. I wouldn’t worry so much about what others say; and play something you’ll enjoy playing, day in, day out.

Nice words … even if you said that trauma is not a must I felt I liked the class … would be bad if I just get trauma? Or turns into a big mistake? Should I take link c2 instead of even sorce c2?