Tree of Savior Forum

Help me figure something out in crit rate skills

As the title says… right now in ITOS. I tested rouge sneak hit (% added to crit rate right???)

my question if I activate it…
would it show up in the character menu the increase?

I have a base of 247 crit rate w/o the buff… butt when i tried testing the buff… I cant even see an increase in the character menu in the crit rate part… it still retained 247…

could someone confirm this with me too… I’ve been puzzled since i was looking for skills that increase % crit rate ended up did not even increase… it… :confused:

pls someone re confirm what i am seeing if it increase or not… :confused: thank you…

Sneak hit
Sneak hit does not affect the normal crit formula! It does not boost your existing crit rate (for example, archer2 swiftstep attribute boosts your crit rate). Instead, sneak hit will give you a final % bonus to crit chance.

Crit rate calculation + Sneakhit = Crit formula + Sneakhit_TrueCritChance
Crit formula = (character crit rate - enemy crit def) ^ 0.6
Note: Sneak hit is a real % crit chance boost!

Example: even if you have 0 crit rate status (F1 window), sneak hit lvl 5 will still give you a 40% critchance from behind.

You can visit the hackapel thread, second post for rogue info. :grinning:


thank you… so another sample is… if i go swift step attribute i can much better see the crit added in the character menu? or is it still the same with sneak hit i can’t see that on the character menu? thanks…

Yes, with swift step archer2 attribute, you will properly see it in F1 status window.

This is the crit formula:

critical chance = (critical rate – critical resistance)^0.6

From the rework thread long ago :

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thank you… now ill wait tomorrow to re work that part again on my character… im testing it out on my 330 currently so i know what to look for when i make another character… thank you so much for this info… :slight_smile:

now waiting for reset hr again to reset and test and see that… -_-

ok… im happy archer passives give % crit rate… now here’s the best question i want to know now… how much crit rate do we need in to SEE 60% to 90% crit dmg?

even if i reach 500 on crit rate in the F1 status window… i only see it 20% of a time when I attack mobs in the dungeon… what’s your magic number??

considering its just using the attributes from archer kneeling and swift step as a sample % to increase its crit rate on the F1 status window and not taking consideration of the attack skills with bonus % crit chance attributes.

I was really wondering what the crit rate value you guys reaching to get 60% to 90% up time of seeing crit.

If you guys have a magic number i would much appreciate for the share. I wont ask how to build that up… I already know how to do that now… I just need a goal number to reach to have an idea… thank you… <3

edit: how much crit rate do i need in the 300 dungeon to see it crit everytime? XD thats a better question so i know what i’m up against from the crit def of the enemy…

2156 crit rate for 100% crit chance AGAINST enemy with 0 crit resist like keppa in west siau.
install altarget addon, it will show you your actual crit chance (excluding sneakhit effect) against some enemies

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thank you :-*
