Tree of Savior Forum

Help! I can't patch my game it says: 152276_001001 failed to download


So I’m a new player, I just started yesterday and enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 3AM this morning playing it. Anyway, when I tried to launch the game the patch just stays at 0% and gives me the message:

152276_001001 failed to download. This may be a communication error. Please check your connection and restart the client.

I did some googling and found that some players have received this error in the past after an update or maintenance, and I actually stumbled upon this solution:

So I did as it said, but I used 152276 instead of 148158 since somewhere down that post one user said that he used the number given on the error message. However, it didn’t really work either.

Does anyone have any suggestion about what I should do now?



The game’s undergoing maintenance right this second, so I’d recommend holding off on trying to start the game for about 7 hours.

Ummm I think maintenance is happening.

@Aqours @airdan1

Oh okay, my bad. I thought it was over because it said 22:00-6:00 EDT Apr 3-4, and when I Googled it it showed the same time as here in the Philippines. It turns out that we’re actually 12 hours ahead. Sorry, I got confused a bit by the timezones. :disappointed_relieved:



Hi, @deedee,

Try open “libary” on Steam. Righ-Click on ToS, then “properties” > “local files” > and select “verify integrity of game cache”…

But for now, the servers in maintence.

Good Luck!!

Thanks @cadastrosynf !

I think I’ll try it if it still doesn’t work after the maintenance. :smile: