Tree of Savior Forum

Hello There, I'm Another ToS Fan

Hello there, I’m another ToS fan, from North America. I do music, a bit of writing, music, a bit of poetry, music, and music.

I’ve actually just gotten back into writing fiction, after taking a month or two away from it.

I used to be big on roleplaying, but these days I’m more casual about it. I don’t know if there will be any RP communities in this game, but I do plan to model some of my characters in-game after characters I write about in my fanfictions. I might emulate their personalities a bit, just for fun, and hopefully it won’t unnerve anyone I end up hunting with.

I don’t know if I’ll be joining any guilds straight off, because while guild warring does tickle my fancy, I don’t like playing competitively, and PvP, while it can be fun, gets a little too competitive for me. I’ve always been a PvE person at heart, so here’s to a great game.



:smiley: Hi Ho! Welcome to the party :blush:

mmm music, writing and poetry…

have you ever consider writing a novel?_?

RPer here too! Might have to start doing some fan fic for the forums at some point. Welcome to the community, and as another PvE enthusiast feel free to poke me in game if you see me… though I don’t know what name I’ll have yet. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep, for about ten or eleven years now. I’m no closer to publishing one now than I was when I started pursuing it.

Maybe someday I will, but for now I’m okay with the simple, easy things. I lose focus too easily on longer stories (my fanfic in the fanfic section might contradict that statement, though), so I have to find some way to compromise so I can make a story fit. Fanfictions are generally easier for me to write, since the foundation is already set, and all I have to do is make the characters and set up a story.

Sometimes I hate when a story I intended to be short ends up going on, and on, and on, because I keep writing myself into corners. I’m trying my darndest to end my TOS fanfic now, so I can do something else, but I think it’s going to continue for quite a few more chapters. Oh well, it’s fun anyway.
