Tree of Savior Forum

Hello Guys! :D Q&A post about Miko :3

I see you have finally left the dark elements and are going towards the Light.

I cannot recommend cleric 3 unless you really want to heal bomb. Use blessing to make heal tiles hit twice. Paladin resto will give extra Int scaling to heal tiles too if you are into that.

Cleric3 cure 15(16, 17,18) takes too long to finish all hits vs mobile targets/bosses. Moreover it is quite difficult to make all 15(16, 17,18) heal tiles hit. Guardian Saint is not a beloved skill. Probably you will get heal max, cure max, divine might 4-7, fade 1, and some safety zone.

I hope they will fix miko clap and make it affect ground tiles. I would love to heal-dye a whole map into pink.

@ Chaplain could be ok if the capella would not require players to leave and re-enter the aoe zone to refresh. Once miko can extend magnus, it might be a bit stronger. Two holy zone aoe circle skills (arrow and magnus) could be very strong holy element damage vs low mobile enemies. Chaplain is very bad for buffslot bar though.

If you go priest3 for stone skin, you will have to split stats to get some spr (or through equips).

Miko clap extends objects too, so you could get diev if you like statues. Veritas diev build (replace druid with) miko could possible become a strong utility and extended aoe zone damage cleric build.

I would only go kabba 1, 2 if kabba 3 is very very strong or if you like pvl. Currently kabbalist looks like oracle 1, 2, lackluster 3 at PvE, when compared to doctor.


Actualy I just spent 3m on a Dandel Gem for my Wind Runner and love my Dark Warlock build more than anything right now :stuck_out_tongue:

Bokor 3 > PD is also VERY strong.

Iā€™m just looking for making a Miko, I really like the class concept.

Considering I donā€™t like Diev, which I understand is good at C3 and probably the best Miko option, I have a few different ideas:

  • Heal Bomb + Cure = 60 + 38 hits = 98 hits with very good INT scaling. To be honest I find it very easy to land a full level 10~11 cure, only bosses that move VERY MUCH generaly avoid the last few damage seconds, still lands all hits agains multiple targets.

  • Priest C2/3 brings Revive, Mass Heal and Stone Skin, Mass Heal is not that great, Iā€™d rather have Heal level 15 than Heal + Mass Heal, also 16 heal tiles seems more than enough for me to rarely remove Healā€™s damage. Revive is not a must if you donā€™t go dying granted you have Ress for others. Stone Skin is not good for me since I want INT/CON build.

  • I donā€™t like Chaplain at all. Paladin is scrollable unless if on Inquisitor build.

Anyway, I will be starting my Cleric C3 > Priest > Pardoner > Miko > PD 2 and see how it goes, it will be pretty funny since I only play dark classes until now :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have your cleric build (but I have no miko, Kriv1 instead). Ready for pd(2). Healbomb is quite strong vs bosses. You will probably go (1) vs bosses and at siaulai if you turn on heal damage + use cure 16 + cure scrolls from pardoner.

Biggest weakness is flying enemies.


Cool, glad to know you have a similar builds, makes me believe itā€™s a solid pick :smiley:

I donā€™t really like Krivis 1 to be honest, bc Daino is scrollable and, as long as I keep only my best buffs up, I might not even need Daino.

My Cleric 2 > Bokor 3 > Priest > PD gets 1st 70% of the time and never after 3rd.

I enjoyed healbomb on bosses and ground mobs. I started my char to get to pardoner3 to get lvl 16 cure scrolls for my other characters but I never managed to level a lot. Cure scroll uses physical atk and can crit when used by physical characters. I decided to take kriv1 to scroll daino and quitted. :grin:

prepare for REALLY hard leveling until miko, your only dmg source will eb heal bombs and cure , which dont hit flying targets

and preist3 isnt good without chaplain, so thats 4 circles.

really the only other option is sadhu, which you shoudnt go.

i would replace cleric3 with krivis, so u atleast have zaibas lol

Cleric2>Krivis3>Miko>Priest>Taoost could be a decne tbujild i didn tthink about, but lots of downtime.

would be good, KRivis brings 2 Debuffs and Zaibas ( c1 zaibas isnt that good, so u might have to invest heavily on int and upgrade attribute)

but be prepared if ur sticking with that build, you will be auto attacking flyign monsters until pardoner when u get indulgentia (which doesnt do much dmg, decent though) or miko

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what rank is your bokor at?

Yes, leveling was very very unfun. Luckily my sister helped me back then. Flying is really terror vs this build. I would never recommend it to anyone without dedication.

Indulgentia is very good to lure mobs only.

At least most players are willing to take me as healer. I have to advertise my support at wb as ā€˜divine might 10 lf fletchā€™. They spam their skills so divine might 10 really helps them a lot.


Level 229 Rank 7, Cleric 2 > Bokor 3 > Priest > PD

I know leveling will be boring, I have to wait for Miko and do Miko quests anyway.

Got 2 rank 7 characters to do dungeon runs and farm stuff so I donā€™t really care about fast leveling.

Iā€™m also making a Pardoner 2 so itā€™s not a problem if I have to wait very long to reach rank 6/7

Zaibas 5 is sh*t compared to +5 heal and +5 cure, Daino is a scroll. Inci and Vapours already have very good duration at max level on PD 2 and Pard helps me with that for whenever I need longer duration.


Very clever WB technique :stuck_out_tongue:
Do you think my skill distribution is fine? What would you change

I cannot open it right now, but my cler3 has
Cure 15
Heal 15
Divine might 10
1 fade
1 safety zone

3 unused points forever :sweat:
You could probably drop some points from divine might and use it for other skills if you prefer other skills.

Yellow text ā€˜Dm10 lf fletchā€™, sadly not everybody understands this.

Miko quest sounds very horrible. Once ktos fixes clap to extend magic circles such as broom, I do not have any reason to get broom beyond level 1.

Will cleric 2> krivis 3 > miko> diev > taoist
A viable build?? Cos currently Iā€™m waiting for miko, stuck myself at rank 5 class 15.

same, exept im class level 12 (or 13, idk)

and yes thats a viable build

Is there some ways to counter the Gohei skill in PvP ?

Because a full dispel of ailment on ally + a full dispel of buff from ennemy that can hit many people at once (ally+enemy) with a fast animation, 4 overheat and 8sec of cd only seems a little tooo much OPā€¦

Itā€™s a magic attack so maybe Counter Spell can nullify Gohei ?
And did Pear of Anguish react to this skill ?

Can Gohei remove your own debuffs, or only works for allies?

I am still struggling while thinking what build i should followā€¦ D:

After hyping over her, Miko skills seem all half-assed (at least in a more PvP oriented PoV).

Kasiwade doesnā€™t work in many skills that would make it great (possibly a bug as you say).
Kagura gives a decent damage boost, but only to melee and is a chanelling skillā€¦
Hamaya, tho does nice damage and no max hit limitation, has pretty small AoE size.
Broom seems quite bad with short duration and only working for grounded skillā€¦
Omamori is too expensive to replace a rank into Oracle or PD as a debuff resistance mechanism.

Only Gohei is good so far, but feels like even a bit too good considering the only drawback is being melee, so it may be nerfed and become half-assed as wellā€¦
Still giving cookie points to Hamaya if you have an ally to CC the enemies. (Kino and Corsair mainly)

can u make a video to show us mikoā€™s skills?

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I am going full support healer. Iā€™m currently Cleric C2 > Priest C3.

My plan was to go:

Cleric C2 > Priest C3 > Miko > Plague Doctor C2
Cleric C2 > Priest C3 > MIko > Chaplain/Krivis > Plague Doctor

Which would seem to better benefit a party? Iā€™m basically just a heal/buff bot with not so much DPS, but DPS would be a bonus for a bit of survivability/farming.

Miko is good as DPS addition for Krivis 3 + Taotist on rank 8??

Or is more oriented to other thing?

Repply if u know pls im atm Crleris 2- Krivis 3 -

What better on terms of dps you think from your experience on Ktos

Cleric 2 - Krivis 3 - Druid - Druid - Taotist

Cleric 2 - Krivis 3 - Druid - PlageDoctor - Taotist

Cleric 2 - Krivis 3 - Miko - PlageDoctor - Taotist

Cleric 2 - Krivis 3 - Miko - Druid - Taotist

More oriented to DPS for bosses and good on ET for meltis+cleric 2 + posible PD or Druid for get slot maybe as dps+other Diev 3 for god combo

Im more interesting on DPS than suport so would love some tips thx

Well my ā€˜orientalā€™ build setup is, INT based dps heavy build that can still give some support.
-Zaibas buffed by Storm bringer
-Double Cure thru Simony
-Other Tao talisman damage skills

really tho, imo, just choose between offense or support in cleric builds, going between those will make a half-assed work. ClericC2 is mostly mandatory to keep any party alive as long as theyā€™re not stupid af.

Oh btw another question @alolpop.
Can Gyohei remove buffs/debuffs when hitting multiple targets, I mean is it affected by AOE AR? or does it have fixed target count?

Here is an important question for Krivis+Taoist people.


If it does not is it still worth taking Miko for Cleric2/Krivis3/XX/Taoist build?

Does Kagura Dance also affect the caster? For example: Would the userā€™s Pear of Anguish and Breaking Wheel be affected by the multiplier?