Thank you for this awesome post
I have one question, about “broom” skill. What is it for? Increases skill levels in an area like Divine Might? if so… can it be stacked with divine to give +2 to other skills?
Thanks again!
Thank you for this awesome post
I have one question, about “broom” skill. What is it for? Increases skill levels in an area like Divine Might? if so… can it be stacked with divine to give +2 to other skills?
Thanks again!
Yeah, you can give +2 skills with sweeping broom and divine might.
Thank you !! And it works for youself? I mean, if I’m Priest C3 - Miko, Can I give +17 Stone Sking with Divine Might and Broom?
Or Miko cant benefit from Broom because he is “channeling” the skill?
This is also with regards to @proyectoalmeria previous post question.
@alolpop Does the sweep skill last for 5 secs after skill animation ends or does it ends with skill animation?
Broom skill isn’t channeling skill.
I mean, It has channeling, but it just will make the zone that working for +1 skills.
I hope it will be helpful for explaining.
after sweeping broom, As you can see, it crafted really little growing zone.
If you use ground skill on that zone, You can take +1 skill on that skill.
oh, I forgot another question lol.
It makes that zone, as soon as starting to sweep broom.
but as you can see, It can be moving with channeling, so If you sweep the broom with walking, It makes much more zones following your trail.
Confused, so it only works on magic circles ( only magic circles get +1)? How long after you stop channel does they glow stay there?
Yeah, only works for ground based skill such as safety zone and frost cloud, cure and etc.
that zone remains to full time on tooltip (5 sec for 1 lv broom, 10 sec for 5 lv broom, even If you stop to channeling immedietly.
Does it works on Sterea Trofh then? It’s ground buff, but it can be used only on Chortasmata so I’m not sure.
Congratulations on making it to Miko?
You said this was a rank 6 class? I thought it was going to be rank 8 like the other new clerics. Can you confirm this information for me?
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Does it work on Hamaya? I know it’s a ground spell but his game is weird and clap only works on statues
plz could u test if clap can extend counter spell? what about foretell?
also, could u explain me how that dance really works?
thnks for doing this =)
dude this miko thing is changing a lot of stuff and i duno how i should build my cleric now =(
Interesting, so it means you have to gender change to female, turn into miko. When you turn back into male, you become a kannushi
Yes… Rank 6…
that side pantsu though…
Is it worth taking more then 1 level of Gohei? According to the tooltip, the only thing that increases is a tiny bit of base dmg (which seems neglectable).
Do you know how much exactly the % agni necklace boosts incineration? Have a vid?
So guys, I’m thinking of doing a Miko build, I think Bokor can be ditched if you have Pardoner and Miko, so I thought about a few possibilities:
Cleric 3 > Priest > Pardoner > Miko > PD 2
Cleric 2 > Priest 3 > Miko > PD 2
Cleric 2 > Priest 2 > Pardoner > Miko > PD 2
Cleric > Priest 3 > Pardoner > Miko > PD 2
Cleric > Priest 3 > Chaplain > Miko > PD 2
I already have a Bokor > PD so I’m interested in a non-Bokor Miko build, if you guys could help me decide it would be very nice
im going Cleric2>Preist>Paladin3>Miko>Inquisitor, this is my main, im almost at rank6, so once i get there i will level a pyro alt whie i wit for miko
but honestly, if you ever go preist, you should always go chaplain, and PD2 doesnt fit with preist, and always take cleric2, always, even if u have a ress
if u want a preist>chaplain build
this build really leaves you with a cliffhanger to where the only good options at rank7-rank8 is kabbalistc2
so its a full support build.
Cleric2>Diev3>Miko>PD2 would be decent, 3 debuffs (if silence counts)
also OWL is super op, probably best damage skill in the game until rank 6 where elementalist starts getting its OPness xD. but it till remains in the top 10s even at rank 8 , 6k dmg every 3 seconds (and spread by breaking wheel), it can outdps some people just by itself.
overall, miko is really just a filler, thats literally what it is, and it comes in at the most inconvinent spot on the cleric tree, rank 6
but honestly,
would be the best build, int/con/spr most points in int, least points in con