Would it possible to use the dance to increase damage of converted mobs (ala Paladin c2 conversion) or zombies?
Thinking of something for a fun solo build like Cleric2KrivisPaladin3Miko maybe using Zalciai and the dance to buff pets.
It’s an idea just for solo fun and I don’t know how well this would do, probably not so great… but at this point I just wonder if it would even work at all.
That attribute isnt in the game yet.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ iToS, Ktos, Jtos => 여자, 여자, 여자, 여자.
Does the praise at the altar step can be done by parts? Like today I praise 100 times tomorrow I go again… Cause it’s long and very competitive. X-x
all those bokor3/paddoner/pd2…will it better to go bokor2/paddoner/miko/pd2 now?
kannushi is just a male miko or a completely different class for male cleric?
Its just a male miko
Diev statues aside, do we have a list of other skills that can be extended by Clap?
its strange there is no way to become a kanushi aside from becoming a miko as female then change to male, because i remember there was a image leaked from a kanushi master, its just dont make sense
I’m not sure about that.
But, Maintenance defenitely resets that counts.
We figuring out now, but many of them almost doesn’t work with clap.
Actually, Diev’s Statue is so buggy, so We think that clap will be fixed soon.
In fact, Kanushi is just the file name.
If you change your gender after take Miko, your class name still remain to Miko not Kanushi.
and that Kanushi Master is just file for test I guess. that master hasn’t any image and npc sprite
Holy shyt… u can clear a wave of bots with that amount of owls…
Does kagura work with melee skills or just auto attack? Thanks!
Work with all melee attack, also included AA
A bit disappointed that this is the answer but thanks all the same!
I’m curious about whether Taoist’s charms can benefit from Clap…
Also, isnt it weird that PD 2’s new skill that removes enemy buffs at 50% chance seems useless since miko’s gohei (an R6 skill) can 100% remove enemy buffs with a 4x overheat and 8-second cooldown?? lol
Btw I’m now Cleric 2 Diev 3 Oracle 1 and ready for rank 7
Originally i plan to go for PD 2 but not sure about that after miko’s release
Or maybe i should start another diev 3 and switch oracle from miko at R6 as miko blends with diev so well, and then go for PD 2 as originally planned?
yeah but PD gives cc immunity, better dps (best cleric magic dps for r8), and pandemic, its just 1 skill, heal is better than mass heal and it doesnt make preist’s mass heal useless
yes 100% futureproofed