Tree of Savior Forum

Bokor Doctor still needs pardoner?

I am bokor 3 right now, lvl 14.

My build plan atm is: Cleric 2 > Bokor 3 > Oracle > PD 2.

Seems like a solid build. Might wanna check out Miko for c6 seeing how you have C3 bokor. You can utilize the zombies and boost their attack some more by like 1.6x, which stacks with the other zombie buff

Interesting, I had forgot about miko class. Do they offer anything significant over oracle for PvP ?

Not too sure, haven’t really had time to theorycraft, but check out this link for more details on the skills:

Kagura dance + zombies + other buffs?

I’ll take a deeper look, but at first glance it seems much weaker choice compared to oracle.

The guy doing the Q&A said kagura dance doesn’t work with zombies :frowning:

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I’ve read the topic and miko is actually cool.

  • Throw arrow skill [magic] - [holy], strong debuff (3 hits per second)
  • Broom skill [area buff], works like divine might (+1lvl I guess) and also stacks with divine might.
  • Stick with paper skill [magic] - [holy], cleans 3 enemy buff, including safety zone.
  • Clap skill - Increase duration of magic circles, great for safety zone and party support.
  • Dispeller skill, for sure doesn’t work for PvP.

Don’t know if it can beat prophecy and counter spell, but it is nice.

I think Miko will outclass Oracle C1 fillers.

It’s “dispeller” works on level 2 status ailments.

Also provides nice buff/channeling/dispelling skills and an apparently good DD skill.

Pretty sure it does. Prophecy is kinda gimmicky. The 5% negation is nice, but you dont want to risk getting hit and hoping it wont damage you for 5%

Counterspell is good, but i think the overall skill set of miko is better

Miko > Oracle

oracle only brings pvp uses, miko does the same and gives good dmg

Pardoner gives good dmg and DE ( incineration does not have 100% uptime even with overheat and plague vapors/hexing)

preist gives a ress, so Pardoner>Preist on most occasions

Miko dispeller won’t work in instanced pvp thats for sure, with prophecy I can maintain huge uptime on CC imunity (with bloodletting) for my party and counter spell is OP.

But miko is way better for pve while still usefull in pvp, might be the better choice overall (over pardoner as well), now Its a pvp vs pve question for me I guess.

IMO its

Miko > Pardoner > Oracle > Preist > Other

Miko gets:

-A Cleanse
-A Buff Remover
-Some support skills that arent that good/ or buggy (we dont know if buggy or intended, like clap only working on statues)

  • Hard quest

Pardoner gets:

  • Cure scrolls for bosses
  • Double cure for cleansing
  • An easier to use AoE Cleanse
  • DE, extend CC and incin duration
  • Some bad magic defense buff
  • 3 Cleanses to make up for lack of CC reistsnace skills

Oracle gets:

  • Counterspell
  • CC Resistance (100% uptime?)
  • some pretty bad PvE Buffs

Preist gets:

  • a ressurection

Miko and Pardoner seem like the best options, Pardoner seems to be better than miko at bossing due to DE, and miko has more skills, but it also has a hard quest, it also has more dmg with its skills than pardoner ( hamaya and gohei do more dmg than indulgentia, idk how they compare to incin+DE or double cure)

Clap only works with statues ?

If that is intended, then miko falls under pardoner/oracle for pve/pvp.

at the moment yes, i think its a bug

it IS a bug…

Looks like your build is much more to DPS and has potential to PvP
Don’t know much with pardoner but I can give you some suggestion between oracle, miko and priest

  • Counter spell is awesome for PvP, ok for PvE but not for GvG at rank 1
  • Let’s say if you choose oracle, don’t take prophecy. You have bloodletting already which is still the best for preventing debuff
  • Ressurection can be a come back in PvP and always handy in PvE

Miko is balanced with buff/debuff, DPS and support so most of build is actually pretty good with this.

I’ve decided to go for Miko (kanu for males ?), good middle ground between pve/pvp, costume looks great and the animations also look good.

On cleric skills I’ve decided to put safety zone lvl 10 to take advantage from “clap” circle duration buff, but if this turns out to be bad I can switch it with cure.

Now the sh**t part is to wait for god knows how many days for miko itos release =/ .

i think about 3-4 months, my paladin is almsot rank 6 so once it gets to rnak 6 im gonna level a wizard alt

Now I can’t help but to agree with you :joy:

look at that… Diev statue bug + clap = statues everwhere… This should be fixed before it come to iTos…

Hey guys, kinda have a question myself. I’ve run a few Bokor-Doctors and right now in the process of making a new. I’m a bit eh though at my R6 pick. So could use some advice. Right now my build is as follows:

Cleric C2 - Bokor C3 - ??? - Doctor C2

Heres the thing; I hate grabbing a filler class, specially if it’s for a single skill. In this case I was going to go Pardoner for DE or Priest for Rez. So I am trying to find other routes.

I did look into Miko but this causes a few things I’m as well not interested in doing. 1: Waiting til Miko is released which could be a month or more and 2: Don’t feel like dealing with the quest-line in a whole.

Then of course there is Oracle; Which brings a bit of PvP to the table as well as Utility. Oracle is nice, but primarily if I were to go Oracle it would to be for Farming, and sadly from what I understand most mobs become “Elite” making Oracle less useful for such.

Pardoner, a little bit of PvP and of course DE. In a whole, I’m just not interested in this class.

Laslty I was thinking bout Diev. As it bring in good Utility + statues, CD reductions ect. Which doesn’t do much for the Effigy spam, but does help with SP as well as PD in a few departments.

Long story short; I need help deciding between Oracle and Diev. It will be primarily for PvE with a bit of PvP but just for fun.

  • Oracle
  • Diev

0 voters

Think I’m going to go Diev. The CD/SP reduction for both solo/party play just seems to good to pass up. The CD reduction doesn’t do much in the way of Bokor, but will help all other aspects of the build, as well as more party support. The SP reduction will/can help with the SP cost of Effigy spam and again, good support. Pardoner brings in DE, to me although a bit better in keeping debuffs up it falls short of Diev and for whatever reason it feels more appealing. Still got one more rank before 6 though, so about a days time to decide for good.

diev gives cooldown reduction (not too great for your build, but good supporty, only really used on your PD buffs)

And a free warp statue