Tree of Savior Forum

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Right? Haha. I’ll probably cry a lot when people get excited to see a healer and I’m actually oracle. Lol

Its okay the monks will love us for the extra stamina, no one else will though.

The usage of “weeaboo” is getting wrong due to overuse and abuse anyway.
Think it’s losing it’s effectiveness, but that’s not my issue. :smirk:

[quote=“Tsundere, post:42, topic:216835, full:true”]
Right? Haha. I’ll probably cry a lot when people get excited to see a healer and I’m actually oracle. Lol
[/quote]I’m a Priest3/Monk
You don’t know how disappointed people at first when they realized that.

(Usually they’re thankful at the end but that’s beside the point - first impression matters)

The moment you drop your heal and it’s like…


It did happen the other day
Other party: “LF HEALER!”
Me: puts up sign for priest lfp
Other party: “Can you heal?”
Me: drop 5 heal tiles
Other party: “That might be a problem…”

Needless to say the run went well but yeah the above literally happened in front of a lv145 dungeon.

It’s fine with 5. As long as tards stays out of aoe we only need to heal the tank.
I’ve seen archers standing in the middle of the taunted mobs… like wut.


As an Effigy-spamming Bokor Sadhu who has a hard time multitasking attacks and watching my rapidly-declining SP and wall/fade durations:

Arcane Energy please give
(Faster turning speed if you’re also a Dievderb player)

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When you’re a cleric trying to quest…
And KSers stay out of your way after you start healing them…

Of course this only works in less populated places.
Mausoleum? Demon Prison? gg.

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It was ment to be, i am cleric2>diev3>oracle

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That moment when you kill the last dungeon boss right after it aoes and everyone but you dies and you get all the loot.

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When people start bragging about stuff in-game (i.e. sIlver, journal rank, equipment, etc).

Lol in those places, seeing someone else dropping a heal be like…





and then when you run in to a room as the rest of the party sets up a bonfire and you aggro everything

Great designs! Such beautiful duwang.

Submit them for the next “Submit your fanart” competition.

When I try to have fun in the forums and brats run around

I don’t know if you’ve seen my recent posts but there are some threads that I pretty much am really tired of…
We’re not talking about whinings…

Time to press the Magical button… Stalk post history mode : ON!

When you realize, no matter how you try to defend it, it’s time to reroll…

People running ahead of you, the tank, in a dungeon…


When people can’t use their words

When people go out of their way to KS my poor cleric

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