Tree of Savior Forum

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Find a PT for DG via matchmaking, only 3 people load.

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And this is my reaction when they start quitting because 0 cleric

When you’re the only healer on the team and you lag super bad during certain dungeons…



It’s at those times that you turn it on and solo rush the bosses by yourself…



Makes me wanna do this do those rushers… especially 70s in a 50 DG…

IMC should really change dg, no boss if not cleared.


When you are doing a quest that requires an objetct that everyone can take and they click it first

" I’ll kill you "


That’s similar to what I want to do with bot users…

Still possible stay worse than this ■■■■ IMC

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[quote=“roflmaopapa, post:26, topic:216835, full:true”]
IMC should really change dg, no boss if not cleared.
[/quote]no! The lv145 dungeon is a torture already Dx

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That’s the challenge :smirk: DGs need balancing anyway.

Swordsmen when they find out about their class in endgame be like:

How I imagine the “get a girlfriend, lol” people:

Me, when I find a group to run a dungeon with:

Me, when I get something right for once:

I chose swordie and I like it, although only lvl 140, I know that totally isn’t late game though.

I’m going Pelt>BarbC2>CorsairC2>Doppel

Pelt and Corsair so my character is more useful in parties late game, and Barb+Doppel for some damage :stuck_out_tongue: Weapon Swap is very handy sometimes.

Also, I remember a time in the 130 dun where all the people left cause we had no healer in matchup. I rushed bosses and used shield to block then attack in-between their attacks, took forever to do both bosses but I managed to beat both before the hour time limit, felt so OP lol, fun times.

Party Finder:

What I brought to heal

What everyone else brought to heal


Go with the flow yo.

[quote=“Darkon, post:35, topic:216835, full:true”]

Party Finder:

What I brought to heal

What everyone else brought to heal

[/quote]What I brought to heal

Okay I’m outta here.


I try, I try lol People are so cheap though when there isn’t a healer in the party xD I spend so I don’t have to wait around and yet my time still gets wasted when the party comes to a screeching halt every pull :unamused:

Pretty much 80% of the ToS community in a picture.


As long as you really enjoy your class, that’s what matters. I mean even if it gets nerfed to heck, you’ll still have fun.

Only elitists and rude people would judge on your build. :slight_smile:

I mean I’m gonna get my cleric to oracle haha.

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Oracle is sooooo bad… Im taking it too. Its my costume rank lol

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