Tree of Savior Forum

Have They Announced Class Reset Yet?

yep, juz like the 5k players at the moment


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To give an idea of how much we can hope for something IMC is working on, well, IMC is also working on fixing bugs and making this game good.

There, now your hope should be suitably destroyed.

And expect more bugs when it is implemented.

Nahhhh… N.korea will be nuking S.korea so before reset comes, ToS will no more, huehuehue :joy:

deleting a character is like deleting a part of your lift, guess what? it took time to level that character. not to mention how boring and cringy most of the maps are. if u have 2k hours pay time, deleting that character is deleteing 83 days from your life, thats almost 3 months

Just waiting for a reset to come back to the game too

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Meh. I supported the game from its infancy, invested thousands of hours and hundreds of dollars, and have been on record as adamantly against class resets from the get-go.

But I’ve also quit the game, leaving what was arguably one of, if not the, best guilds, abandoned several characters and a ton of resources… and haven’t looked back.

Scratch that—yesterday I did log in to collect some login rewards, spending the most time in-game that I have in nearly a month: five minutes.

All of these decisions were very hard to make. It felt like I was leaving a job though, with a close network of friends still enduring there. I didn’t just give up my pastime—I gave up all the effort I had put in, a hard-earned position in a reputable guild, and characters that I’d come to terms with in a love/hate relationship after hundreds of hours poured into them.

I’m all for class resets now. Primarily because I honestly think it’s the only thing that will bring me back to the game within one to two years. And a lot of other people feel similarly. I wouldn’t mind the climb back up, investing in a whole new character, if it was an option rather than a requirement in terms of salvaging a build. I’d happily roll a slew of new characters to try and mess around with… but re-rolling several characters, picking all the same build paths except for one single part of the tree, just to fix the build every time it gets IMC’d, seems a bit excessive.

And let’s not forget that one of the immense negatives to simply re-rolling and doing everything all over again on a character is that they will be a year behind in transcendence, whereas a reset would allow you to keep your transcendence progress without having to make those items able to be traded.

It really is the best option I see, and hindsight is 20/20.


@chunbunxdd Job change = class reset?

@HowYouDoin Giving you a free character doesn’t mean you can’t mess it up. But I guess WOW IS a terrible example considering you can build freely upon 3 different skill trees.

@Gatygun That’s like saying because you can get a character in one day to lvl 150 in TOS its pointless to get a class reset. I honestly don’t see the game getting one because I see people get to such high levels in such a short time.

@kosxe21 Reset for skills, not class. But like a previous reply told me, WOW is a terrible example.

Just because I’m not attacking IMC means I’m defending it. All I said is I dont see them giving a class reset & that changes/balances are things more than seen on all games.

Then again, all games have people complaining about random things like this. Not that your point isn’t valid. But it’s been talked about many times before.

I don’t really change my mind because I don’t really play much, I played since release so I have a slight attachment to it like all ya’ll who keep playing even if you hate IMC. :stuck_out_tongue: But I don’t think there will be anything close to a Class reset. Then again this thread is pointless considering IMC Management isn’t even on it.

PS: Scratch that, @Darkon 's point is very good.

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@Darkon well put sir!

The thing is; of course we can rehash all those maps and quests and replay the few hundred hours that we’ve put in our mains. That doesn’t replace all the silvers that went in attributes and saalus shards that we’ve run for months…

Remaking your main simply because a circle or synergy got destroyed is way too hard for both casuals and hardcore players.

At this point in time with the constant festival of newly introduced bugs after each maintenance and the low playerbase I think it would bring a new feature into the game if we were to play around with the builds more with the help of circle resets. IMC can even turn this into a cash cow and we’d all be paying.

The ‘threats’ of it being abused and used for RMT purposes doesn’t bother me at all… It will just fill up the IMC bank which in return will hopefully give us a btter game in due time.

Don’t hate, I can hope can’t I! :stuck_out_tongue:


There’s no stat reset in TP market and you expect a class reset nope

PS: They did however mention it on fb not betting on it being legit

There shouldn’t be any type of resets at all, that way whales won’t just keep changing classes according to current meta. It is unfair for a lot of people.

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What’s the problem with whales being able to switch all the time? It doesn’t hurt you in any way right? The only good thing we get in return is more funding for IMC :slight_smile:


Plot twist, i’m a whale too.

Can’t deny that.


but but there was never a class reset

Second this. I’m kind of tired of participating in reset discussions again, feeling like a broken recorder repeating again and again.

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The only relevant point when it comes to implementing a class reset would be whether it would add to IMC’s bottom line or not. Not balance, not whales or potential abuse; it’s all about how much money IMC could make by implementing it.

A lot.

This forces me to conclude that the only reason they haven’t done it yet is because they can’t find a way to do it without breaking the game to such a degree that it becomes unplayable. Once they figure out how to only break it enough that’s it’s incredibly annoying but still playable, it’s rolling out.

Just wait for it, IMC ain’t missing that gravy train.

The infamous hook64 could job change without breaking anything. If this one guy can do it I bet IMC could too.

Actually I take that back, Excrulon alone did more for IMC than they could ever do so they probably have no idea how to make it.