Tree of Savior Forum

Have They Announced Class Reset Yet?

Er, do i need to explain the definitions of the words im using?

You know bigot is being intolerant of others opinions right? And in my posts i acknowledge that there are other threads were people have made arguments for and against resets. In other words they attempt to provide ways to make it work, unlike this thread which is a quality ■■■■ post.

And ignorant is a lack of knowledge which you displayed.

You had no idea why people would oppose it even though there are many threads with that information. Hence lack of knowledge = Ignorant.

How about you get off that chair for once and give me a reset?

Tree of Forums pvp is so much more entertaining than Tree of Savior pvp

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Spoken like a defeated man.

Don’t worry its all for the sake of making him a better person.

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Tree of Forums mass GVG ten times more fun than Tree of Savior GVG

There are at least a couple posts crying for resets every week. It wouldn’t be as annoying if they actually provided discussion on how to make it work, but 99% of the time you get threads like this one that just say “gimme”.

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A reset is a reset. No real need to say much more than gimme. All this analysis of its pros and cons is the equivalent of those futile attempts by IMC to stop rmt with silly restrictions that only ended up making lots of legit players quit the game instead. Something which the lack of resets is doing to tho game since there isn’t really anything left to break by adding it in. "gimme"s purpose in this sense is to try to make IMC realize that regardless of the pro and cons, they are losing players over this, and all the analysis in the world won’t change that.

Alas, all the “gimme” in the world won’t enable IMC to program it in if the base code won’t allow it and/or if the programmers are too Incompetent to be able to program it, either


How come you are waiting for class reset to come back if it has never come in the first place?

If you mean those fiasco-inducing threads, no thanks.

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Yeah, I was thinking the same thing as well. But it’s kinda hard to believe that IMC decided to go with this class system without identifying the possible consequences. And it looks like it was built based on a vague concept. Class role and synergy are all over the place. Skills that does not scale very well with level somehow affected the meta builds and makes all the balancing more complicated even further.

Although given to its current stage, I still think it is possible to implement the class reset. And I think we have a thread discussion about the implementation and what not.

The real quality threads on this topic are a search away to anyone wondering. Just putting that out there.

“it doesn’t affect you so don’t worry about it” is the most inane, lazy argument befitting an equally inane and lazy response:

Yes it does. Have a nice day.


If they could implement it without it causing a lot of harm to the game it wouldn’t bother me. Its the potential abuse that scares me. Like you said in other threads its heavily discussed, and in the ones i participated the conclusion we kept coming to is to avoid abuse it would have to restrict it so much it would not be worth implementing. But if someone read those threads and though of a approach no one else has i would be opening to listening.


hmmm… do you even… have you even…

resets for skills were there since beta…


imc fb already say they working on class reset

maybe not 1-click reset, but they are working on something

so… juz wait year2020, k?

I thought they were working on possibility to abandon a class advancement quest. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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IMC working on a lot of things

last I heard, they working on world domination as well…

oh well

IMC will get it all done SoonTM

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