you go to the companion trader and select “adopt a hawk” to get one for free iirc
Thank you - got the same response in the archers forum branch.
Just in case it will remain unnoticed in the troubleshooting forums, leave my question here.
Installed the game on another PC.
The client launched all right but in the server select screen it can’t connect to the server:
I can connect without any problem from my other PC.
Could anyone give some advice?
There are lots of threads where it happened either due to maintenance or due to real server issues.
But in my case nothing is wrong with servers, I can enter from my home PC, but not from the work one.
It is weird… “Cannot connect to server” is a connection issue, so you should maybe check if your connection is fine, and especially if it’s fine with TOS ?
I’m not used to this kind of problem, so I’m not sure what could be triggering it
Connection is quite stable - no problem to upload the entire 12+GB of game files in less than an hour.
Have a couple of new questions:
from a daily login I got this item called Premium Awakening Stone and its period is coming to its end so, I’d like to ask what awakening is and how it can be done? Some googled videos and ‘guides’ messed me up even more, so I’d appreciate if someone could put it simple >_< Even if it’s not worth the trouble after all
Got into a tricky situation the other day - needed some materials and shouted to buy it - a player responded, we agreed upon the price but when it came to a trade screen I realized there’s no option to specify my price. Hopefully the counterpart didn’t think me a cheater ( I asked him/her how I could do it) and even gave the materials as a present in the end (since he didn’t know this either >_<). That was awfully nice of him/her but I’d rather know how people actually trade in game? Meaning a simple thing - how can I pay in silver for an item another player wishes to sell to me?
Having opened 219 cubes from the 120lvl dungeon (that I hamstered in my stash for a better day to come) in hope to get the desired petamion and, obviously, having got none
, I realized that the noble task of acquiring a maxed petamion would be as long as my preambles to questions >_<. Thus, as had been advised above, I studied the ToSGBase and found out that the said item (as a number of other desired ones) can be obtained not only from the cubes of regular dungeons (accessible from the Klaipeda guy) but from the cubes of some other dungeons (for example from Guard Dog Cerberus Cube or Archmage Fire Lord Cube that both are received from the Archmage Tower Dungeon). I tried to get into this dungeon (googled a video where there was an entrance through a small tower in Fedimian Suburbs) but was not able to find the said above entrance.
Does it appear at specific times or am I missing something else here? -
Is there a way to exit Mercenary Missions once they are done? Don’t like to sit there for 1 minute once finished. In dungeons there’s a Return button - perhaps there’s an option for missions as well?
Hey Viktar.
Find alchemist friend. They must use alchemist skill to open Awakening Dungeon. Awakening an item decreases its potential by 1. Use the premium stone (you yourself should insert it into the interface) to prevent potential decrease. Enter awakening dungeon by interacting with the portal, defeat a lot of mobs, and defeat boss. Item awakens and receives random stat.
Alchemist must provide the calcite (and will ask you to trade some talt/other item for their service).
You cannot trade silver in this game. You must use the auction house NPC to sell for silver.
Dungeon 200 archmage tower dungeon was removed long ago. Please use this guide << click, it is up-to-date dungeon guide.
Yes, exit mercenary mission by pressing escape on keyboard (esc button). Or move your cursor to bottom right corner of your screen to select menu. Pick ‘character Select’ to quickly leave the mission after defeating the boss and receiving your reward. Re-select your character to transfer back to town.
Best iToS beginner guide ever seen since the very beta(which is still going ). You did really good job
keep it up!
IMC should hire you. For real.
Alas, no friends in the game, let alone an alchemist…
Ah well, may be some time I’ll find someone to try this feature.
I see…
This is somehow strange and disappointing. So, the only way i can trade some resources/items (apart from trying to catch them on the auction) is to barter them?..
Well, perhaps they has their reasons for making it work like this but I’d say it’s inconvenient.
Wow! Shall study it for sure.
Ha! Haven’t thought about this. Nice one!
Thanks a lot for responding
Perhaps there is a guide to the in-game professions (I mean the services some nice players are performing, like repair or identification). It is not entirely clear from studying skill trees which class can provide which services, so if some description exists, please point it out to me.
[Wizard] Alchemist - Gem Roast, Awakening, Creating Potions
Gem Roast via shop, Awaken Via Request, Potions crafted by alchemists and sold on the market
[Archer] Appraiser - Shop.
Appraises your Hunting Ground gear that are unidentified
[Swordsman] Squire - Repair +1 to +16, Weapon Maintenance, Armor Maintenance, Food, Camp.
Adds more durability on top of your max durability for repairs, weapon maintenance gives bonus damage, armor gives bonus def, Food and Camp are mainly party benefits that gives additional buffs like bonus Max HP, Aoe Atk ratio, etc.
[Wizard] Sage - Portal Shop
Opens up portal shop on areas you’ve saved. Not allowed inside dungeons
[Wizard] Enchanter - Enchant Shop, scrolls
Opens up enchant shop, I can’t remember all the effects, sorry. but they’re not significant and most people take that 1% chance nullification or magic def.
Can make mage scrolls like enchant fire.
[Cleric] Pardoner - Buff Shop, scrolls
Blessing, Sacrament, +Magic Def, Aspersion. SPR Scaling and level scaled buffs depending on the shop owner.
Can craft cleric scrolls like Aukaras, Barrier
Thank you, that was quick!
A couple of follow-up questions, if you don’t mind:
- unless I am mistaken, some services require some resources (I judge by the fact that sometimes when I try to buy for something (say repair) it says that the player has no more resources) - what are those and how hard/costly to get them?
- I am right in assuming that the level of the Skill (say Repair in Squire or Gem Roasting in Alchemist) defines the level of the service (like it says Lvl 15, etc. in the the overhead bubbles I see over such players)? Or does the service level also depend on the character’s level?
- If the above is true (skill level defines the service level), it means that to go this line you need to invest up to 3 ranks into this - would it not make your character much weaker since such ranks have almost nothing in terms of battle power? Or are they supposed to be sub-characters never intended for anything but to stay in towns and provide services?
- Can I set just 1 of such character ‘shops’ per account or can I create a full range of them and let them perform services when each of them is offline?
Hmm Yes, they don’t cost much, but the reason with their pricing is that there’s a 30% tax on top of it. A good example for you is to check priest master. Say…Aspersion requires 10x holy water. that’s how much it costs, I can’t remember for others, there are different calculations for each skill. Such as appraisers where you’d need to check item grade as well, but the material required itself isn’t expensive. Very little profit because of tax, though.
Level of the skill. for pardoner buffs, a lower leveled buff can be better because it has SPR scaling depending on the shop owner.
Yes, this is why they’re usually left as slaves to craft or stay in town forever to generate legit afk money. Some classes like enchanter and sage have good uses aside from being a slave alt. Squires are a real pain though. Alchemists can take linker because linkers will always be useful anyway, but alchemist c3 magic missile is also a bad skill. Overall, most profession classes are “directly” weaker with the exception of sage and enchanter.
One per account.
Didn’t get this quite all right.
Did you mean that the provided buff intensity/time/etc. also depends on the shop-owner’s SPR value?
If yes - is it true for Pardoner’s services only or are there such dependencies for other professions?
Also, why then can’t I see cleric’s buffs of level 15 in shops - the highest is 12lvl, while the corresponding skills can be leveled up to 15lvl?
Buffs intensity, yes.
For example I have 1000 SPR with a level 15 blessing, vs another pardoner with 1 SPR level 17 blessing. Mine will be stronger.
I can only think of pardoner that has this scaling for anything shop related. Not sure about squire weapon maintenance, but squire repairs should work the same whether you have spr or not. Double Bonus depends on attributes.
It’s because some priest skills start at C2, for example, Sacrament. Divine Might > level 11 + Monster gem > level 12
All right - it is clear with Sacrament (I suppose Divine Might is some kind of buff to increase this skill level), but what about the rest 3 cleric skills? They can be leveled to 15.
Yes, they can be leveled up to 15.
Aspersion (priest)
Blessing (priest)
Increase Magic Def (pardoner)
Divine might makes them 16, Monster gems make them 17.
A lot of pardoners in telsiai have max leveled buffs, not sure which server you are on
–their buffs may not be at max level because they’re not in their “best” buffer form yet. For example, you chose a different skill over your buffs (like taking revive over maxed aspersion) or you simply do not have the skill level yet (you started making a pardoner shop at pardoner c2 instead of c3, this means you’ll never have maxed magic defense buff)
I’d like to add the Oracle’s Gender Change shop in the list @Lostac made~
Blessing, Increase Magic Defense and Aspersion come at circle 1, so the max is level 15 (+1 level with Divine Might, +1 level with skill gems).
Sacrament comes at circle 2, so the max level is 10 (here again, +2 levels with DM and gems).
The only reasons you’d see a buff under level 15 would be because the person doesn’t have the circle/level yet or because their character isn’t dedicated to being a shop alt so they chose to level other skills instead.
Also keep in mind that those buffs scale with the shop character’s SPR, so if you buy the buffs at a shop with low SPR and/or low level buffs, the buffs won’t be as strong.
Thank you both!
This make sense (and I just don’t like when it does not - that’s why I was pestering with this question).
I am playing on Fedimian (Europe) and so far have not seen some 15lvl buffs above 12.
Well, maybe this is the answer to my dilemma - I might just have a cleric totally devoted to these buffs on our server as a ‘shop’ character
This means that I should go for 1 cleric -> 3 priest -> 3 pardoner and invest all points into SPR, shouldn’t I?