Tree of Savior Forum

Has the average stopped going down?

I agree. I’m not entirely too fond of them. Ultimately if there were not a way to catchup progress though then new players that didn’t join 2 years earlier on an established MMO would not be able to do any new content until going through ALL old content, which will often mostly be empty unless it’s properly utilised in the new content which isn’t the case currently as tos just makes new maps.

That makes an interesting question really. What happens when they run out of new maps to make, reaching full exploration of the map the world currently has?

Do we want them to just expand the existing map. Or do we want the content after that to start making changes to the existing game world that will have become established?

Personally I prefer the latter. Changing the existing game world. ToS has a lot of potential for that to occur as they could easily either have Medzio Diena (the plant apocalypse) destroy the world even further, or have the Revelators reverse the effects of Medzio Diena and bringing humanity to a new, lush, happier world… With a new threat/problem perhaps.


Yea twitter is terrible for gaining an audiance
It’s only good if you already have a large following
Like if you’re a streamer with 100k followers you can make a tweet “I’m gonna start streaming now” to let your followers know then yea it’s useful.
But if you’re a streamer with 10 followers and make the same tweet it isn’t going to get you any more people.
And half of the people that follow you on twitter are either bot accounts or people who just want a follow back.

ToS best bet for advertising would be actually paid ads on sites like youtube or anime related websites.
Hell I see ads for crappy browser games on those all the time, why can’t ToS afford them?
Do we need to buy more gacha?


Twitter is great for advertising. It requires an approach that targets resharing of content though.

This is difficult for ToS besides artwork in my honest opinion. The game doesn’t output many “shareable” moments that are visually interesting to watch or interesting for people to share.

Just about the most “shareable” content I’ve seen for the game is content that isn’t part of the game itself. Such as when groups would organise fireball football.

Twitter marketing is all about sharing content that others will want to re-share because it is interesting, funny or displays something that other people will want to convey as a part of their personality/interests.


b-but they have 4k followers …
good enough? I guess

No doom king for me today, but as a Geek Squad lead we could find the problem, but I doubt it be your rigs fault. Just the game being ■■■■ and not optimized properly. :sunglasses:

Actually I’m sure the experts here would say otherwise. Just read their posts.

Lol yes, I believe the “experts” would.

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