Tree of Savior Forum

Halloween '17: Final Week Changes

Too many ingrates. ssstfuuuuu

why my archer cant kill multiple monsters only 1 monster per hit even they are in the hitbox…pls fix it i think its because of archer doesnt have aoe attack ratio

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@system @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Ines

No, new AoE is fuked up for everyone.


As for the new, it’s plain stupid to announce hackers will get punished. If you want to stop a hacker, you don’t tell him in advance “be careful or you will be banned”. Think about it, you act like you ignored hackers, players get triggered, but in reality hackers are punished cuz they can’t know you took actions to prevent it. It’s a win win, players see you made a really smart move and everyone is happy. But no, you have to say “hey hello be careful hackers” :tired:.


i saw others hitting multiple monsters

im doing the same thing… and hope for the best on the 2nd week, i stopped after week2 cuz IMC not even doing sht with those cheaters, and now instead of banning those who are clearly cheating. they even made them as priority winners. in varena, there are more than 12 ppl cheating at candy event ( theres even a whole guild doing it ), so to those ppl who are playing fairly, RIP! we have no chance of getting our well deserved reward…

Thank You IMC for trying your best.
I can see where they are going with the-

light-hearted and easily enjoyable PvP content

Personally I liked the idea of this event Its new its fresh… tho a lil bit frustrating (because of all the cheaters cough*) and this event can now be used as a blueprint for a proper 24/7 pvp arena (preferable located in Orsha yeah that would boost the tourism there…)

Though I think what IMC should have done is talked with their player base on the 1st few weeks of the event instead of just ignoring us. Please IMC don’t ignore your player base. reach out to us. :sad:

I still think that giving away solmiki weapon is a bad idea… and I don’t think the changes would affect the rankings of those who cheated from the 1st few weeks up to this point. they will still be on top for sure. Just imagine… 900 per day x7days x3weeks thats like 18900 candies. meanwhile honest players are getting 50 to 170… 300 if you’re lucky in 1run compare to the perfect scores of the people who cheated, those honest players (that some even quit and didn’t bother with the event anymore) will have less candies overall.

anyways this is getting long… FINAL POINT: IMC pls talk to your players. and thank you for trying to improve this event until the very end.


What are you going to do about people who hacked their way through 3 weeks of event to guarantee themselves 300 * 3 candies per day while screwed up other players?

You will make a news post with the winners list at least, right?


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IMC rewarding exploiters and cheaters for all the hard exploited candies from week 1-3 again.

Just got into a run with a speed hack user again. Yay. IMC being all kind to cheaters, hiding their names and such.


i feel this

Last, but not least, we would also like to announce that we have a new system in place to prevent future “speed-hacking” cases. If there is any sign of hacking in Creepy Klaipeda, a message will be sent out in-game and the account kicked off the server. After this, the player’s account will be investigated and proper action taken.

shouldnt be there, i mean its great to know IMC somehow will deal with this (?), but telling them, the game will detect now cheater and will be kicked from the game and will generate a log that IMC can check out would make them just to no use the hack anymore obviously but will have now the great advantage thanks of the candies they got with the help of the hack.

IMC shouldnt have said that so that way they could catch the hackers offguard and if a legit player drop due false alarm the log would generate anyway the data IMC can review if such player hacks or not.


These are alright changes imo. I appreciate that they’re atleast addressing the issue.

Hopefully next year, these changes will be in from the start of the event. Should probably also investigate the top 12 for hacking… I really don’t care about the dumb gear, but others do care so I guess it would be fair to check the accounts.


They aren’t addressing anything. They just throw in some free stuff in an attempt to calm people down.

Hopefully next year the game will still be alive.

It’s like poetry:


Since the first 3 weeks were full of abuse and you aren’t gonna punish those exploiters, the rewards shouldn’t be about the 4 last weeks of rewards… But the last week.
I like the changes made, but what you’re doing doesn’t change anything. If you don’t punish the exploiters or make them go back to “zero” again so they start a fair fight against all the other players (by only counting the 4th week), it does absolutely nothing. The cheaters already have a huge advance on most players, so you’re simply gonna reward people for cheating.

To be honest though, I think it might be too much trouble to change all that now.
The changes you’re announcing seem to make this event pretty fair.
I think the easiest way to solve all this would be to simply take out the Solmiki weapons and do another event like that (maybe for Christmas or whatever), now that the event seems fixed, with the Sol weapons as a reward then, if you want.
But keeping those weapons as a reward and allowing cheaters to participate… it’s just incredibly stupid. You know people have been abusing, yet you won’t punish them in any way ?

[NA] Klaipeda Winners

1st Week:


2nd Week:


3rd Week:


4th Week

  • All characters will now be displayed as wearing the Glow-in-the-Dark Skeleton costume and the Jack-o’-Lantern Helmet.
  • Added system to prevent speed hacking inside the dungeon.


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And now where are the FÃNBOYS? THE WHITE KNIGHTS OF THAT COMPANY ■■■■■■? gives credit to a bankrupt company, big mistake for clean players, and like I said: boycott in the purchase of TreeofPoints, and Quiter in large amount of the Community, we will leave the Hackers and crooks, let’s see if the whales and crooks manages to keep this garbage I still live.

For even in this forum the Moderators do not have the courage to speak to the faithful base of players of that garbage, now when the delicate girls are offended that true affirmation, these garbage mark their comment … as inappropriate.
F…u…c…k you
PS: This game does not last +1 year in the hand, that company trash.

Now if the idiots continue to put their money worth something, in a trash of company of this size, really you, will continue being idiots until the end of the mediocre life of you, Goodbye gentle players, they will suck a Penis that is not of the IMC, for these are accustomed to you.


As much as I understood IMC skipped on the 12 per server idea and wants to hand out the solmiki to the top12 of the whole itos

Sooo good luck against the Brazilian/sea cheating supremacy.

See how no one is complaining about the-

“the top 12 teams with the most Odd Candies exchanged during the 4 week period." as our Certified Trick-or-Treaters from all servers.

coz everyone on the top ranks have cheated.

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Oh they answered my request about ■■■■■■■ up people, which stopped doing the event on first or second week:


Replied: Nov 13th, 2017 at 12:41 pm
Hello Savior!

Thank you for contacting us and bringing this matter to our attention. We understand your sentiments regarding this matter. We will take this as a feedback from you and forward to the proper department for them to review and see what changes can be done.

Nice name of an admin “tosamanager2” - a deep fantasy detected. Yet i really wonder they managed to answer on first day i created the ticket, all of my previous requests were answered in like 10 days the best, IMC definitely improving.

Btw i exchanged about 12k+ candies on second week, wonder if it’s even remotely a good amount.

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What measures are in place to stop people from making dozens of alt accounts today to get 2000 candy on all of them, buy blessed shards, and trade the shards to their mains? Will it be limited to accounts made before the announcement or will the shards be untradable?

At least the stuff you announced will help people who couldn’t keep up with the event because of all the problems. But make sure the hackers don’t get away with it.


Although I do not really like pvp, I recognize that you guys have struggled to bring new content to the game. I really hope, from the bottom of my heart, that you had learnt from this mistake and will listen more to player base who actually play this game, or rather, try to play the game. I’m happy to hear that you have heard our complaints at the forum, but still need to improve the ticket support service A LOT.

I still believe that awarding Solmiki’s parts is wrong, even if better equipment is coming. Solmiki is still late game equipment and requires sacrifice to do it.

I hope you do your best from now on.