Tree of Savior Forum

[HACK] Players themselves are destroying this game

- Server : All
- Team Name : Countless
- Location : All locations
- Approximate date / time (EDT) : Everytime
- Evidence: Just play the damn game.

I was thinking:

  • Goldsellers are bad? Yes, but buyers are worse.
    But, look the game… Gold sellers does not bother that much, right?
    Some spammers in Klaipeda/Orsha, block/report, and go on…

Now, look at players… There is ANY lvl240+ player not hack/exploit the game?
A brief search on Google show how disgusting the players are, they are ruining the game, and for what?! For a stupid rank on server?
A brief and stupid rank in a game. A game where the ranked themselves are destroying it and will rank on an empty server that has only morons?
Be stronger with hacks? Leveling with faults and exploits? This will empty this game and you become the stronger in a desert full of others morons and bots, congratulations, you are very powerful now.

IMC is unfortunately hopeless… But fighting all time againts his own players? I would have given up, TOS Players don’t deserve a better game, they deserve a crap like this.

Look this forum, mirrow the players themselfs, it’s a good forum? No, it’s disgusting follow player topics as well as play the game with them.

IMC is not the problem, players are.

@moderators, @STAFF_Max, @STAFF_Ethan, @hkkim, @GM_Sebastian, @GM_Francis, @STAFF_Shawn, @Staff_Julie, @Manager_3, @TOSTeam


sorry (no)

This is the point, morron bait topic.
Super effective. :+1:

No, this topic has no point but to whine about things, half of which are either wild forum rumors or a intentionally created drama, and the other quarter is not that much of a problem really, and maybe only the last quarter is somehow a potential problem.

Then there is IMC and there are FPS problems, bugs, abuses (which happen because people will always abuse if they are allowed to - and IMC allows them to, with their bad coding and slow support) and stupid restrictions.

Claiming that IMC is not the problem here, but players - is a complete bllsht, sorry (no).


Who abuse? IMC?
And is not after drama topics, are observations until kCBT and iCBT.

This is the Tree of Bugs/Exploits, yes… But look at players, look at you and your behavior, this i’m talking about.

Staff and GMs are CTRL+C, CTRL+V “bots”, yes… But players and users deserve better support? Why?


exlpoiters = wants to be the Very Best, Richer, Stronger, Top Player in ToS :alien:

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I have only 1 advice to give you

“If you cannot beat it, join it”

Thats probably the mentality of the veteran here.

Hate powerleveling? It is legit? Do it

Hate bug exploiter? IMC does not do anything? Get it

Hate bot? IMC dont ban botter? Become one yourself.

No. Im not trying to say it is good. Nor do i say it is bad

This is just how things works.

Im rather new to this game so i can assure u that im still not affected and havnt done any of this. But will i stay as “pure and innocent (or naive)”? Only time will tell.


What…? People will always try to hack and exploit games.It’s IMC’s job to defend their product from that,or else legitimate players lose out and no longer want to play.

A game community has its share of good and bad players,but the company is ultimately in control in the end.If they were more aggressive against this stuff,it wouldn’t be nearly as big of an issue as it is now.

Both parties are at fault,but IMC is ultimately to blame.There’s no reason to doubt that.


In agreement with Melon.

If IMC fixed major issues during the beta like folks have talked about, there wouldn’t be a flood of exploiters running around. It’s true that corrupt players definitely have a hand abusing these exploits, but if IMC actually enforced their BAN HAMMERS on these players, they would stop doing it. IMC also doesn’t communicate with the community on a regular and open basis so we players flooding the forum with complaints and whining are trying to make some noise and get their attention to fix gamebreaking bugs.

My theory is that they don’t want to ban the players spending real money on their TP shop.

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The Game is turning into a CASH GRAB now, they are more focus on TP shop items to get the Milk out of players, the Game is Already Done, Too many Hacks, Bots and Gold Export the Economy already sux…



Agreed… Last patchs, last packs.

Trying to shift responsibility for this epic fail to the players?
You convert the victims to perpetrators?
Really, the op should see a psychiatrist, he is obviously nuts beyond help.

Your presence is needed!

wow tagged in here twice lol

its both

imc doesnt care and the community is toxic af

this thread was my favorite giveaway for both of those things ^

i mean i said this community was toxic ages ago

and of course the reaction was toxicity lol

but it was nothing like the IMC doesn’t give a ■■■■ thread

and now the forums are kind of crazy?

i mean now i have a BR clone version of my acc and people posting hacks with no consequences on the forum

i didn’t think it would stoop this low, but

as bernie said

‘‘i am disappointed, but not surprised’’

i have watched the forums go from crucifying my account whenever i said something to now agreeing with me and tagging me in threads like this one lmao

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