Tree of Savior Forum

[Guild] Moon Tree (Friendly Helping Guild)

Hello everyone ^-^
I’d like to present myself first of all.
My nickname is KoizumiX, please to meet you all.
As some might already tell, I’m a .hack//g.u. fan, and even a .hack// fan in general.
As the name implies, [Moon Tree], is a guild I’d like to create dedicated to helping people with mechanics when starting the game.
Like so, after helping a person he is free to leave and keep adventuring into the world or, stay, and help future newcomers.

But for that we’ll need to learn lots ourselves!!

Again, I’d appreciate all who help by joining when Tree of Savior launches!!
Of course, all this is if the name doesn’t get taken ^-^"

I’ll see you all soon hopefully :slight_smile:

P.S: Main Purpose of the Guild is to Help new players figure their way around, but, don’t be deceived by the Main Purpose, we are to be as active as any other guild, as bossing, farming, raiding, events, whatever might come, we’ll do it. So don’t go like “Just helping others isn’t gonna do much for us in-game”. There are many gems in the rough among new players, some of them might just develop to be better than the experienced ones, I’ve come across that happening many times within my area of vision, let’s get together and work for a good community guild, where we’ll be the best we can!!

As for a Guild Image, Yggdrasil looks like a good one, otherwise I’ll find something else.


Say hi to Zelkova on my behalf.

Since you’re a .hack fan I’ll give you a tip. There’s a class not fully revealed yet dedicated to making guilds that stems out from the Swordman base class, it’s rank 8 if I recall correctly. No other class can be guild leader. I hope you were aware of that and took it into consideration for your future plans, but if you didn’t you know now.


I like the concept and the .hack// references = )

And good callout @Alkaid (oh man, now I really wanna play the games again hah), I wasn’t aware of that one.

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Just saying, I will personally hunt anyone named Atoli…
If you whanna know why? Play .hack… then you’ll understand <>___<>


Oh, .hack
I miss those old PS2 days.
That game was so good

i like your ideia of helping people out, i remember myself doing this on RO xD i made a ton of friends in payon cave LOL.
good times…

well, good luck with you guild :smiley:
volunteering to help newcomers could be very fun. … but things could go annoying if the newcomers are too pushy and immature. wwww. . (experience)

@Alkaid Thanks for the tips, I was actually planning on going Swordsman, Tank build really, so that will help a lot ^-^
Alkaid is actually my all time favorite character believe it or not :3
Also, I’m sure there will be a Zelkova or too xD

@Aerva Thanks for the comment ^w^
I’m currently replaying G.U. all over, after that, I’ll go to IMOQ again, then, back to G.U. probably

@ZetaGhost I understand your point of view, but that was due to her own real life problems, and that shaped her into the mess she was and that causing the mess it did. Only Sakaki recognized her for who she was, so she was obnoxious due to that.

@Huenato Extremely so indeed ^-^

@Atrophos_MkII I’ll need to gather as much info as possible from all possible sources ^w^

@Pochipochi Yeah, there’s a limit for everything, I can help as far as possible but remembering I’ll have to take care of as many ppl as possible.

I’ve seen several guilds in other game with the same exact goals as yours.
But most of them didn’t last long because that’s all they do, helping people. Slowly, they were getting bored, eventually left the guild to do something more fun & challenging in other guilds.
I think you should add more goals with more strict rules. People often mistook this as a social guild. But IMO this is more like a hardcore PvE guild because players need to explore the game and gain a lot of knowledge themselves before guiding new players to the right place. Why hardcore? Basically, without asking for your guild’s guidance, they can ask for someone else to help them, especially asking experienced big guilds. If you are not one of those guilds, there are chances that new players won’t trust you easily.

What if you are the only one left in the guild?

That’s all I can say. I’m always a fan of a guild with this kind of goals, but it’s not good about how they tend to forget themselves because they’re busy helping other people without having fun themselves. Good luck with the guild! :smile:

@Erokhi Thanks for the reply ^-^
As you might have guessed, It’s impossible to run a guild via helping others only, of course, that will be the main objective but other than that, those who stay or stronger players that join, will be included in raiding, farming, bossing, etc.
Running a guild dedicated only to helping is sure to fall early on, which is why, any person that belongs to the guild and remains, will be included for all the above mentioned, regardless of their future wish (leaving).

Putting everything above short, The guild’s nr1 purpose is helping people, regardless of that, it will be the same as other guilds, even better if newcomers feel good in the guild, that way he’ll also participate after learning :3

All right, it’s good to know that you know what you’re doing.
Btw you should put some more interesting informations about your guild in order to gain player’s interest to join. Maybe a guild logo, members, your experiences, rules, future planned activities, things like that.
Once again, I wish you good luck and I shall expect you to do well when the ToS is released. :grin:

@Erokhi I’ll be doing just that ^-^
Thanks for the tips and I wish you good luck as well ^-^

I like you guild concept. It seems like something that id really enjoy. Sign me up.

Surely!! Thanks for in advance :3

I might want to join! Can I?

@Reznovic Surely!! I’d be delighted!! :3

I agree with @Erokhi with having to add more goals to your guild. Just to stop the Boredom. However it seems like you know this already. Just… Don’t add any stricter rules than: be online/active, be loyal and be friendly. Or anything else that decent humans should do. I’ve stated somewhere else that I’m a pvper and mvper, I like the hardcore side… However another guild on this forum has SO many rules and restrictions that it completely alienated me. Just make sure you keep the rules lax for the more social casual players who will want to just have fun and not worry about breaking a rule or not saying welcome 3 minutes a new recruit has joined on a specific date. Otherwise good luck :slight_smile: social guildS are the easiest to keep running, as it just takes imagination, enthusiasm and some decent moral standards.

oh and also , being a social guild is quite challenging as well. . by the time your guildies have increasing in number, maybe yes from you aiding and giving help to those newbies. . having lot of active members while the guild is being social, quite hard to maintain any drama within. . www. just keep yourself and guildies from having any annoying dramas. .