Hello, want a group of friends when you join the game? Guardians of Eden is a fresh group looking for members to start pushing into content for the game when it arrives. If you are interested we have a guild website and I the Guild Master have a facebook devoted for my guild members at all times,
If you are interested please feel free to check out our website at http://guardiansofeden.clanwebsite.com/
or hit me up on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010139374244
Thanks and good luck to everyone!
Good luck for your guild!
I suggest you to put some rules and more descriptions to gain more attention from the players though.
Thank you for your information I saw your Guild recruitment and hope that our guild can possibly be considered an ally in the future this post was just an opening to see if I could get interest the next post will be with much more detail. But I greatly appreciate your input and I will put it to great use.