Tree of Savior Forum

[Guild] Crimson Knights (All rounder International Guild)

Region/Nationality: North America/BRAZIL
Usual playing hours: 3-4 hrs weekdays, 5-7 hrs weekends
Possible primary class: Shinobi ( I need test the class first) / Fletcher
Possible council position: Something with PvP. I love PvP!
Reason for joining: Play a mmo solo is boring. I would like be part of a guild where we can help each other, sharing experience and making a bond in the game.
Favorite Quote: “LUKE I AM YOUR FATHER.”

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Pokes everyone randomly

Pokes back. :open_mouth::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Here comes the fun stick!~

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I see now.

While i really want to get involved with a community and everything in this case your guild. I still think those requirements are just a lil bit… over the top,. for me it seems like i’m not gonna be able to have “fun” in your guild seems like and that’s what i’m looking for tbh.

But yet, you seem the kind of guild that will always gonna trt to aim for the top rank and scores on each and every event that comes in the future and i will be glad to take part on such competitiveness ambient because it’s been a while since i have been part of a really matchy and edgy guild in a MMO and i would like that feel that mentally once again.

Anyway i’m just giving my 2 cents here and there :sweat_smile:

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you are free to join us in our discord channel and hang around :smile:. It’s a competitive guild, sure, but the most important point is to have fun. If in the future I get so busy that I can’t afford to be hardcore enough, I’ll gladly step down and give that spot for someone better, but it’s not like I won’t be able to hang around with others in guild :wink:

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Don’t worry, I understand your concern. That’s why I said this guild is not for everyone.
Not that I want to scare off applicants, but the current guild system only allows us to have 35 people at max (25 people as starter, 10 more people from upgrading guild tower). That means we have to recruit the best people possible to fill in. Maybe the amount will increase in the future, but that is still a long way ahead.

And about the “fun” part, lemme explain. We are all active, so the guild event will always be crowded and you will always have a friend to play with. We are all experienced, so we can discuss a lot of things about the game and be competitive in a lot of things. We are all “mature”, so we always have friendly-mature discussion about a lot of things without causing drama or unecessary fights. That’s the kind of environment that you will expect by joining Crimson Knights. :grin:

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Hmm, sounds really fun!

I had the same feeling before joining CK and I have the same thought regarding competitiveness.

Yes, CK aims to be at the top by competing and that’s our objective. However, we do this to have fun at first place. We focus in having an united, interactive family beforehand, since having ‘fun’ is the most important thing to us.

As Ero said, we are limited by how many members a guild can have, therefore we aim to recruit people we know they are going to be dedicated and active. As a result, we have active members, great environment and experienced, mature players. No drama included.

You can also join our Discord channel and talk with us! XD

@Lunalepsy - pokes you heyo! :3

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Hi there! I joined quite late since iCBT2, and it is understandable that there might be people hesitate joining CrimsonKnights including me myself since it’s a competitive guild which aims to be at the top.

In the first place, I’ve thought I wouldn’t fit in somehow, but if you’re to prolong your stay, you’ll find that we have much more to offer! :smile: of course, it’s a two-way interaction between you and the rest of the family, feel free to join our Discord channel to know more about us!

P/S: Oh yeah I’ve forgotten to mention we have our own “trap” squad too!! :laughing:

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Now that i got a better understanding i will like to thank for being on point about all the newcomers to your guild, you seem really dedicated to build an awesome community and i’m getting that vibe from you and everyone else that replied my comment haha.

That’s really really cool in my opinion, i’ll be glad to take part of your family when i get back home :smile:

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Its been weeks…
Still no news for the next int’l beta/release…



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YAY some news!~

Good news for international server~ :yum:


How is that news lol?It’s obvious they will release when it’s ready according to them,the information people want is when is the release date.

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In a month, I expect we will have an answer and at least they know we aren’t liking the way Korean ToS became a cluster of angry people, bots, etc because of the way it was handled.


Yeah, but I wouldn’t really say release date… an estimated date for the next cbt or obt would be awesome and enough

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Solid enough means :

  • When they’ve cleaned up the mess at Korean server
  • When they’ve cleaned up the mess at ICBT2
  • When they’ve added new contents (dungeons, classes, items, etc) to international client without a bug
  • When they’ve decided about the policy of cash shop & tokens for international server
  • When they’ve discussed about community’s feedbacks and decided to add them to the game

I don’t want this game development to be rushed if they aren’t 100% sure about the state of the game.

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I’m really happy about their progress now. I feel like IMC had a little set-back and was rushing for testing and such. I’ll wait for this beautiful game at its full potential :heart_eyes: