Tree of Savior Forum

[Guild] Crimson Knights (All rounder International Guild)

Nah, everyone from the guild will eventually share every valuable information they know to each other. That’s also a job for hunters (War council PvE members) to explore and find out the hidden secrets of this game. That is also a part of nobles (Social council members) jobs to gain as many informations from players outside the guild because they have good negotiation and communication skills. :slight_smile:

SO many people :scream: :scream: :scream:
Welcome all!

I’ve read some things about guilds in the forums. Dealing with Templars and guild system. If in fact we need a Templar to create a guild would honestly suck. :sob: @Erokhi Hopefully you can find the class with ease, but I doubt it if it’s hidden.

Hey gkiller, don’t forget that we’ll have an event this weekend. I shall announce the specific time today.
@GunLaw I shall count that as a challenge for myself whether I can access the Templar as fast as possible or not. But if one of you actually obtain the class before me, I suggest you to help me make the guild instead. We’ll work together and this is the best part! :smile:

@Erokhi Absolutely! I will put effort to learning about the hidden classes. I’m pretty interested since I want to really know the game and what it offers.

@Erokhi just posted on the steam group :muscle:


It may be that their friend lists are, in fact, already full. I have sent you the invites though.

Hey guys, don’t forget about today’s event. I have posted the schedule in our Steam group.
Btw I’m curious about the post above me, is that a spam?

Nah, just a dumb fella I guess. And what do you mean by today? It’s still fryday over here haha.

its 4:20 pm(no joke xD) fryday overhere

We’re so far away from Saturday…:’(

It’s already Saturday here (04.00 AM). As long as you guys follow the schedule I’ve posted, you won’t miss anything. :grin:

I set another clock on my pc to your time. It makes things easier. Also, that were 12hrs apart… haha

Btw I consider to try this free to play game called “Trove”. What do you guys think about that game? @Saber Okay! But you don’t really have to do that. I will make sure that everyone will be informed about guild’s schedule.

I’m interested in Trove. I actually wanted to try it out if I could. :sunglasses:

Oddly enough trove is a game that I planned on playing with guildies too! It’s definitely worth a try and is really fun!

I already played Trove for a bit, it’s cool when you play with friends. XD

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That may be an idea then. Add it to the list? xD @Erokhi

I got trove. Haven’t played it in a long time, but i remember it being fun.

it’s indeed fun, I’ve tried it just now. Even though I’m a bit unfamiliar with minecraft type games, it still is fun.

Btw sorry that I can’t participate later on the event. I gtg like from 3 pm and gonna get home around midnight. But i’ll try to catch up with you guys if I am able.

Btw @Erokhi, do you plan to use raidcall or something, because its easier to chat or as a matter of fact speak via raidcall and such.