Tree of Savior Forum

[Guild] Coalescence [Competitive/Goal Oriented/PvX] [42/50 Members]

@Tsugumi This is a declaration of war if I’ve ever heard one!

But on the other topic, for my part I think that being out of contact with the guild for some years and ,when hearing about ToS, I immediately thought of coming back to play it in this guild says enough.

It isn’t a declaration of war! I’m just giving my honest opinion of what I think of the guild after taking a glance. :laughing:

I read the entire thread after I commented, though! You guys excel in PvP as what the guild leader of this guild said above, something which my guild doesn’t aim for. :grin:

@Tsugumi Running away hm!?
Well, ok, I guess we’ll be able to cooperate on PvE then, maybe ;o

@Tsugumi Ignore him >.> He’s just super excited :sunny:

But yes, hopefully we can make friends with a lot of guilds, and have a fun time in ToS!


Updated the roster, there’s a couple members that I haven’t added yet since I’m just going over the applicants and have yet to add longtime members.


I only accept being nº34 because it has a 4 in it. Just sayin’.

Old RO1 player, and I’m interested to join this guild.

I’ll post on your website as well – Hopefully I end up joining your group during my time in ToS!


C……can I…join this guild? I…I…I play a lot of online games…

@geloisawesome you disappear, and come back and disappear :cry: Make time! Get better pinoy internet, and play this game with us :blush:

@Charok Welcome to Coalesence!

I’ll be updating the roster above shortly.

Currently our actual member count is around 40-50. Around 50ish we’ll hold off till templar or guild member limits are known.

EDIT added our guild theme songs under the short info:

EDIT 2: Also changed the first vid for a better one, and added a new vid for your entertainment.

EDIT 3: Make that 2 vids added to OP.


I’m interested! Going to post an application on your site momentarily!

Rabi here!

Passion (coalescence) is a really great guild. I haven’t been active because of life as of late, but the guild really does feel like a family. I’ve had the most fun playing mmo’s with other guildies and I look forward to getting to know the newer members. :smiley:

@TendrilTender Apologies for the late reply! I’ve read through your app, and will be accepting it soon!

@RabiEnRose Glad to have you onboard for ToS too now :smiley:

We’ll be having our first guild meet soon, I’ll mail everyone, to get to know all the new members that joined and play a little something as well as some introductions!

PM’s were sent out, the post is here:

Looking forward to meeting all our new members, and playing some games!


@FatePGN Way to misspell my name on the list as Ree o.- =X

@rexzshadow Don’t worry! I spelt it right in the OP, but didn’t edit the update post


Sounds yummy. It’s been so long!
OMG, RaidCall convos! Oh, good old days!

Is that… the seal from Cardcaptor Sakura? Nifty thread here otherwise. Still deciding on where to stay but I’ll favorite this.

@Constanze Possibly!

And glad to hear it~ we’re doing a guild meet every week where we play games and meet newer members so take your time :sunny:


Sounds good. I shot you guys an application.

@Constanze accepted and editing the OP for the roster! Space is getting pretty limited now. :wink:

Also apologies to anyone I had to reject! Best of luck with all the other guilds out there :sunny:


I would love to join your guild. In the past I’ve been a fairly hardcore, but helping player. You guys seem like a great fit. I’m not sure of how hardcore I can go nowadays, with work and such, but I typically enjoy the hard grind. I’ve also seen your participation within the forums, Fate, which makes me respect you guys even more.

I’m not much for voice chat, due to me usually playing around roommates / gf, but I don’t mind having an earbud in so I can at least hear stuff, and type in game. I hope that’ll be ok :worried: